44. Will You be With the Sleepers?

1 When you hear the bridegroom coming
Will your lamp be burning bright?
Will you ready stand to meet Him
In the darkness of the night?
Will He find you faithful, watching,
For the coming of the light?
Or will you be with the sleepers when He comes?

Oh! Awake! Awake! My brother,
Be among the joyous throng,
When He comes, yes, when He comes,
Who will all go out to meet Him
With a glad triumphant song,
When He comes, yes, when He comes.

2 Will you stand among the righteous
Who confess His mighty pow’r?
Will your anxious heart be burning
For the coming of the hour?
Will you feel the dews of heaven
As they fall a blessed show’r?
Or will you be with the sleepers when He comes? [Refrain]

3 Will you join the hallelujah,
That the ransomed ones shall sing?
Will your soul receive the blessing
Of redemption He will bring?
Will you bend the knee before Him
As your Savior and your King?
Or will you be with the sleepers when He comes? [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: When you hear the bridegroom coming
Title: Will You be With the Sleepers?
Author: T. P. W.
Refrain First Line: Oh! Awake! Awake! My brother
Publication Date: 1894


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