75. When forth from Egypt's trembling strand

1 When forth from Egypt's trembling strand
The tribes of Israel sped,
And Jacob in the stranger's land
Departing banners spread;--

2 The sea beheld, and, struck with dread,
Rolled all its billows back;
And Jordan, through his deepest bed,
Revealed their destined track.

3 What ailed thee, O thou mighty sea,
And rolled thy waves in dread?
What bade thy tide, O Jordan, flee,
And bare its deepest bed?

4 O earth, before the Lord, the God
Of Jacob, trembling still;
Who makes the waste a watered sod,
The flint of gushing rill.

Text Information
First Line: When forth from Egypt's trembling strand
Author: G. Burgess
Meter: C. M.
Publication Date: 1873
Topic: Attributes of God: Preserver; Implicit Confidence
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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