298. Hear Thy children's hymn of praise

1 Hear Thy children's hymn of praise,
Lord of earth and sea,
Which our joyful voices raise,
Father unto Thee.

2 Gentle Jesus, Thou didst love
Little children here;
Bid Thine angels guard us well
From all harm and fear.

3 Blessed Spirit, be Thou near
When temptations rise;
Keep Thy faithful ones from sin,
Fix their wandering eyes.

4 When the battle's fought and won,
Weary warfare o'er,
Angels bright will bear us home
Safe to heaven's shore.

5 Alleluia! let us sing
To the Father, Son,
With the Holy Spirit blest,
Ever Three in One.


Text Information
First Line: Hear Thy children's hymn of praise
Meter: 7s. 5s.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1883
Tune Information
Meter: 7s. 5s.
Key: D Major

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