97. The happy Christmas comes once more

1 The happy Christmas comes once more,
The heav'nly Guest is at the door,
The blesséd words the shepherds thrill,
The joyous tidings: Peace, good-will.

2 To David's city let us fly,
Where angels sing beneath the sky;
Through plain and village pressing near,
And news from God with shepherds hear.

3 O let us go with quiet mind,
The gentle Babe with shepherds find;
To gaze on Him Who gladdens them,
The loveliest Flower on Jesse's stem.

4 The lowly Savior meekly lies,
Laid off the splendor of the skies;
No crown bedecks His forehead fair,
No pearl, nor gem, nor silk is there.

5 No human glory, might, and gold,
The lovely Infant's form enfold;
The manger and the swaddlings poor
Are His, Whom angels' songs adore.

6 O wake our hearts, in gladness sing,
And keep our Christmas with our King,
Till living song, from loving souls,
Like sound of mighty water rolls!

7 Come, Jesus, glorious heavenly Guest,
Keep Thine own Christmas in our breast;
Then David's harpstring, hushed so long,
Shall swell our jubilee of song.

Text Information
First Line: The happy Christmas comes once more
Translator: C. P. Krauth
Author: N. F. S. Grundtvig
Refrain First Line: O, wake our hearts in gladness
Publication Date: 1918
Topic: Christmas
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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