The Alleluia: a collection of hymns and tunes for the church scool, and the mid-week meeting

Editor: Rev. M. W. Stryker, Hubert P. Main
Publisher: Biglow & Main, New York, 1880
Language: English
Notes: Numbering is by page number. Letters are added to hymns that start on the same page.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
163dLet saints below in concert singPage Scan
163eWhen God's right arm is bared for warPage Scan
164aGod of the nations! bow Thine earPage Scan
164bAll that I was,—my sin,—my guiltPage Scan
164cHark!—ten thousand harps and voicesPage Scan
164dLord! I hear of showers of blessingPage Scan
164eMy soul, be on thy guard!Page Scan
165aCalm on the listening ear of nightPage Scan
165bCome sinner! to the gospel feastPage Scan
165cThe whole wide world for Jesus!Page Scan
165dCome unto Me, when shadows darkly gatherPage Scan
166aRise, glorious Conqueror! risePage Scan
166bBehold! a Stranger's at the door!Page Scan
166cWe'll crowd thy gates with thankful songsPage Scan
166dMy sins, my sins, my Saviour!Page Scan
166eNor eye has seen, nor ear has heardPage Scan
167aWith joy we hail the sacred dayPage Scan
167bStand up, stand up for JesusPage Scan
167cLate, late, so late; and dark the night and chillPage Scan
167dSowing the seed by the daylight fairPage Scan
168aCome, Lord! and tarry notPage Scan
168bNow to the Lord, that makes us knowPage Scan
168cOn the mountain's top appearingPage Scan
168dJesus, Thy name I lovePage Scan
169aEarth has a joy unknown to heavenPage Scan
169bCome, my soul! thy suit preparePage Scan
169cSoftly now the light of dayPage Scan
169dJesus, and shall it ever bePage Scan
169eAmazing grace! how sweet the soundPage Scan
169fGo labor on; spend, and be spentPage Scan
170aI love thy kingdom, Lord!Page Scan
170bFrom every stormy wind that blowsPage Scan
170cI want to be like JesusPage Scan
170dJust as I am, and waiting notPage Scan
170eMeet and right it is to singPage Scan
171aSoon may the last glad song arisePage Scan
171bI love to tell the storyPage Scan
171cChild of sin and sorrow, Filled with dismayPage Scan
171dAwake, awake, O ZionPage Scan
172aOh, for a closer walk with GodPage Scan
172bI think when I read that sweet story of oldPage Scan
172cA charge to keep I havePage Scan
172dEnthroned on high, almighty Lord!Page Scan
172eHasten, Lord! the glorious timePage Scan
173aGuide me, O Thou Great JehovahPage Scan
173bO God! beneath Thy guiding handPage Scan
173cAwake, my soul, in joyful laysPage Scan
173dTo-day the Saviour calls!Page Scan
173eSpirit of power and might! beholdPage Scan

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