The Book of Common Praise: being the Hymn Book of the Church of England in Canada. Annotated edition

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
396Father of mercies, in Thy WordPage Scan
397Alleluia! sing to Jesus!Page Scan
398Ancient of Days, Who sittest throned in gloryPage Scan
399And now the wants are told, that broughtPage Scan
400Angel-voices, ever singingPage Scan
401Approach, my soul, the mercy-seatPage Scan
402Be Thou my Guardian and my GuidePage Scan
403Art thou weary, art thou languidPage Scan
404As pants the hart for cooling springsPage Scan
405O for a closer walk with GodPage Scan
406At the name of JesusPage Scan
407Behold the Lamb of God!Page Scan
408Blest are the pure in heartPage Scan
409Blest be the tie that bindsPage Scan
410Breathe on me, Breath of GodPage Scan
411There is no night in heavenPage Scan
412Brief life is here our portionPage Scan
413The world is very evilPage Scan
414For Thee, O dear, dear countryPage Scan
415Jerusalem, the goldenPage Scan
416Bright the vision that delightedPage Scan
417Brightest and best of the sons of the morningPage Scan
418By cool Siloam's shady rillPage Scan
419Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly DovePage Scan
420Cast thy care on JesusPage Scan
421Christian! seek not yet reposePage Scan
422Children of the heavenly KingPage Scan
423Conquering kings their titles takePage Scan
424Christ is our Corner-stonePage Scan
425Round the Sacred City gatherPage Scan
426Praise the Rock of our salvationPage Scan
427Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly DovePage Scan
428Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blestPage Scan
429Come, let us join our cheerful songsPage Scan
430Command Thy blessing from abovePage Scan
431How sweet the hour of closing day!Page Scan
432Come, Thou long-expected JesusPage Scan
433Love Divine, all loves excellingPage Scan
434Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languishPage Scan
435Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspirePage Scan
436Come unto Me, ye wearyPage Scan
437O God, the Rock of AgesPage Scan
438Come, Holy Spirit, comePage Scan
439Commit thou all thy waysPage Scan
440Come, ye faithful, raise an anthemPage Scan
441Come, Thou holy Spirit, comePage Scan
442Creator Spirit, by Whose aidPage Scan
443Crown Him with many crownsPage Scan
444Days and moments quickly flyingPage Scan
445Dear Lord and Father of mankindPage Scan
446O Saviour, where shall guilty manPage Scan
447Disposer SupremePage Scan
448O worship the KingPage Scan
449Far down the ages nowPage Scan
450Far from my heavenly homePage Scan
451Not all the blood of beastsPage Scan
452Father, again in Jesus' Name we meetPage Scan
453Father, before Thy throne of lightPage Scan
454Father of all, from land and seaPage Scan
455For ever with the Lord!Page Scan
456Father of heaven, Whose love profoundPage Scan
457Fight the good fight with all thy mightPage Scan
458Fierce was the wild billowPage Scan
459Fierce raged the tempest o'er the deepPage Scan
460For the beauty of the earthPage Scan
461From Egypt's bondage comePage Scan
462From every stormy wind that blowsPage Scan
463God of mercy, God of gracePage Scan
464God the Father's only SonPage Scan
465Go forward, Christian soldierPage Scan
466Great Shepherd of Thy people, hearPage Scan
467God moves in a mysterious wayPage Scan
468Glorious things of thee are spokenPage Scan
469Praise the Lord! ye heavens adore HimPage Scan
470Gracious Spirit, Holy GhostPage Scan
471Lord of mercy and of mightPage Scan
472When the day of toil is donePage Scan
473Guide me, O Thou great JehovahPage Scan
474God reveals His presencePage Scan
475Hail, Thou once despisèd JesusPage Scan
476Hail to the Lord's AnointedPage Scan
477Hark! hark, my soul! angelic songs are swellingPage Scan
478Hail! Thou source of every blessingPage Scan
479Hark! my soul, it is the LordPage Scan
480Jesu, grant me this, I prayPage Scan
481Hark, 'tis the watchman's cryPage Scan
482Pleasant are Thy courts abovePage Scan
483Have mercy on us, God most highPage Scan
484How sweet the Name of Jesus soundsPage Scan
485Holy off'rings rich and rarePage Scan
486How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordPage Scan
487How beauteous are their feetPage Scan
488I love Thy kingdom, LordPage Scan
489I adore Thee, I adore TheePage Scan
490I'm but a stranger herePage Scan
491I could not do without TheePage Scan
492I need Thee, precious JesuPage Scan
493I heard a sound of voicesPage Scan
494Ten thousand times ten thousandPage Scan
495May the grace of Christ our SaviourPage Scan

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