The Baptist Hymnal, for Use in the Church and Home

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
557Father of mercies, bow thine earPage Scan
558We bid thee welcome in the namePage Scan
559"Go preach my gospel," saith the LordPage Scan
560Now, in this consecrated placePage Scan
561Spirit of holiness, descendPage Scan
562Lord, I hear of showers of blessingPage Scan
563Revive thy work, O LordPage Scan
564O Lord, thy work revivePage Scan
565Saviour, visit thy plantationPage Scan
566The Lord into his garden comesPage Scan
567aLight of those whose dreary dwellingPage Scan
567bLight of those whose dreary dwellingPage Scan
568What are those soul-reviving strainsPage Scan
569aGreat God, and wilt thou condescendPage Scan
569bGreat God, and wilt thou condescendPage Scan
570aFor the beauty of the earthPage Scan
570bFor the beauty of the earthPage Scan
571See Israel's gentle Shepherd standPage Scan
572By cool Siloam's shady rillPage Scan
573Around the throne of God in heavenPage Scan
574Great God, now condescendPage Scan
575The Saviour kindly callsPage Scan
576Saviour, like a shepherd lead usPage Scan
577Once was heard the song of childrenPage Scan
578Angel voices ever singingPage Scan
579At the feet of Jesus, Listening to his wordPage Scan
580When, his salvation bringingPage Scan
581We bring no glittering treasuresPage Scan
582Saviour, who thy flock art feedingPage Scan
583Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear mePage Scan
584Glory and praise and honorPage Scan
585Come, let us sing of JesusPage Scan
586Now the day is overPage Scan
587Above the clear blue skyPage Scan
588Hushed was the evening hymnPage Scan
589Jesus Christ, our SaviourCALKINPage Scan
590I think, when I read that sweet story of oldPage Scan
591Dear Jesus, ever at my sidePage Scan
592Lead them, my God, to theePage Scan
593Go preach the blest salvationPage Scan
594Our country's voice is pleadingPage Scan
595Ye Christian heralds, go, proclaimPage Scan
596Arise in all thy splendor, LordPage Scan
597Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
598Look from thy sphere of endless dayPage Scan
599Arm of the Lord, awake, awakePage Scan
600Uplift the banner! let it floatPage Scan
601Lord, lead the way the Saviour wentPage Scan
602Daughter of Zion, from the dustPage Scan
603Hark! the song of jubileePage Scan
604Hasten, Lord, the glorious timePage Scan
605aFrom Greenland's icy mountainsPage Scan
605bFrom Greenland's icy mountainsPage Scan
606aThe morning light is breakingPage Scan
606bThe morning light is breakingPage Scan
607O'er the gloomy hills of darknessPage Scan
608Yes, my native land, I love theePage Scan
609On the mountain's top appearingPage Scan
610O thou, whose own vast temple standsPage Scan
611Dear Shepherd of thy people! herePage Scan
612Spirit divine, attend our prayerPage Scan
613In loud, exalted strainsPage Scan
614Lord of hosts, to thee we raisePage Scan
615O God the Father, Christ the SonPage Scan
616And wilt thou, O eternal GodPage Scan
617Mourn for the thousands slainPage Scan
618'Tis thine alone, Almighty NamePage Scan
619How blest the righteous when he diesPage Scan
620Why should we start and fear to die?Page Scan
621How vain is all beneath the skies!Page Scan
622Friend after friend departsPage Scan
623Through sorrow's night and danger's pathPage Scan
624As flows the rapid riverPage Scan
625I would not live alway; I ask not to stayPage Scan
626How sweet the hour of closing dayPage Scan
627Thee we adore, eternal NamePage Scan
628Beneath our feet and o'er our headPage Scan
629My days are gliding swiftly byPage Scan
630A few more marchings wearyPage Scan
631A few more years shall rollPage Scan
632It is not death to diePage Scan
633O for the death of thosePage Scan
634O where shall rest be foundPage Scan
635Time is winging us awayPage Scan
636One sweetly solemn thought Page Scan
637Shall we gather at the riverPage Scan
638When shall we meet again?Page Scan
639Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleepPage Scan
640Unveil thy bosom, faithful tombPage Scan
641Sister, thou wast mild and lovelyPage Scan
642Why do we mourn departing friendsPage Scan
643Hear what the voice from heaven proclaimsPage Scan
644Go to the grave in all thy glorious prime!Page Scan
645Thou art gone to the grave; but we will not deplore theePage Scan
646Sleep thy last sleepPage Scan
647Tender Shepherd, thou hast stilledPage Scan
648aServant of God, well donePage Scan
648bServant of God, well donePage Scan
649The day of resurrection!
649bThe day of resurrection!Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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