The Book of Praise: or, Hymns for Public and Social Worship

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d301How large the promise, how divine
d302How lovely are thy dwellings, Lord, from noise and trouble
d303How oft, alas, this [our] wretched [sinful] [wicked] heart
d304How pleasant, how [and] divinely fair
d305How pleased and blest was I
d306How precious is the book divine
d307How sad our state [fate] by nature is
d308How shall the young secure their hearts
d309How sweet and awful [holy] [sacred] is the place
d310How sweet, how [and] heavenly is the sight
d311How sweet, how calm this Sabbath morn
d312How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
d313How sweet to be allowed to pray
d314How sweet to bless the Lord
d315How sweet to leave the world awhile
d316How sweetly flowed the gospel's sound
d317How swiftly the torrent rolls
d318How vain is all beneath the skies [sky]
d319I ask not now for gold to gild
d320I bow my forehead to the dust, I veil mine eyes for shame
d321I cannot always trace the way
d322I cannot call affliction sweet
d323I come to thee, once more, my God
d324I hear thy word with love
d325I heard the voice of Jesus say, come unto me and rest
d326I know thy thoughts are peace toward me
d327I lay my sins on Jesus
d328I love the Lord, he heard my cries
d329I love the sacred book of God
d330I love the volume [volumes] of thy word
d331I love the windows of thy grace
d332I love thy kingdom, Lord
d333I love to steal awhile away
d334I send the joys of earth away
d335I sing the almighty power of God
d336I thirst, but not as once I did
d337I was a wandering sheep
d338I would not live alway [always], I ask not to stay
d339If God is mine, then present things
d340If human kindness meets return
d341If, through unruffled seas, Toward heaven we calmly sail
d342I'll praise my Maker with my [while I've] [whilst I've] breath
d343I'm but a stranger [traveler] here, heaven is my home
d344I'm not ashamed to own my [the] Lord
d345Immortal power, eternal one
d346In all my [our] vast concerns with thee
d347In deep distress our Savior prayed
d348In heavenly love abiding
d349In latter days the mount of God
d350In the cross of Christ I [we] glory, towering
d351In the dark and cloudy [dreary] [gloomy] day
d352In the midst of life we are in
d353In thee, great God, with songs of praise
d354In thy name, O Lord, assembling We, thy people, now draw near
d355In vain we seek for peace with God By methods of our own
d356Indulgent Sovereign of the skies And wilt thou bow thy gracious ear
d357Is not the way to heavenly gain
d358Is this the kind return
d359It came upon the [a] midnight clear
d360Jehovah reigns his throne is high
d361Jerusalem, my happy home, name ever dear to me
d362Jesus all atoning lamb
d363Jesus and did [didst] thou leave the sky
d364Jesus, and shall it ever be
d365Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult
d366Jesus, cast a look on me
d367Jesus Christ is risen today, Our triumphant
d368Jesus gently calls, weary sinner
d369Jesus, I love thy charming name
d370Jesus, I my cross have taken, all to leave
d371Jesus, immortal King, arise
d372Jesus, let thy pitying eye
d373Jesus, Lord, we look to thee
d374Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] fly
d375Jesus, most holy, pray I to thee
d376Jesus only, when the morning
d377Jesus, our Lord, how rich thy grace
d378Jesus, save my dying soul
d379Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
d380Jesus, Shepherd of the sheep, powerful is thine arm
d381Jesus spreads his banner o'er us
d382Jesus still lead on
d383Jesus, take me for thine own
d384Jesus, tender Savior, hast thou died for me
d385Jesus, the very [only] thought of Thee [You]
d386Jesus, these eyes have never seen
d387Jesus, thou art the sinner's friend
d388Jesus, thou everlasting king
d389Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts
d390Jesus, thy blood and righteousness
d391Jesus, thy boundless love to me
d392Jesus, thy love shall [can] we forget
d393Jesus, we look to thee
d394Jesus, where'er thy people meet
d395Jesus, who knows full well
d396Jesus, who on Calvary's mountain
d397Jesus, whom angel hosts adore
d398Join all the glorious names
d399Joy to the world, the Lord is [has] come
d400Joyful be the hours today

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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