Congregationalist Churches

Parent Structure:

DenominationsCongregationalists (United Church of Christ)Congregationalist Churches

Congregationalist Churches Hymnals:

HymnalAsPublication Date
A New Version of the Psalms of David: Fitted to the Tunes Used in the Churches, With Several Hymns Out of the Old, and New, TestamentChurch of Christ1752
A Service Hymn BookCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1931
Additional Hymns, Designed as a Supplement to Dwight's Psalms & HymnsCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1833
Cáng ciō séng sĭCongregational Christian Churches1907
Chapel and Family Hymn BookCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1875
Chapel HymnsCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1846
Christian Praise: a manual of worship for public, social and private devotionCongregationalist Churches1880
Church Psalmody: or, hymns for public worship, selected from Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns, and the Congregational Hymn BookCongregational Union of Eastern Canada1845
Congregational Church Music; with 150 Psalms and Hymns from the Collection of the General Association of ConnecticutCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1854
Congregational Hymn and Tune Book; containing the Psalms and Hymns of the General Association of Connecticut, adapted to Suitable TunesCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1856
Congregational Singing Book: a Collection of Sacred MusicCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1854
Divine and Moral Songs: attempted in easy language for the use of children with some additional composuresCongregationalist1866
Doctor Watts's Imitation of the Psalms of David: to which is added a collection of hymns; the whole applied to the state of the Christian church in general (4th ed.)Congregationalist Churches1790
Doctor Watts's Imitation of the Psalms of David: to which is added a collection of hymns; the whole applied to the state of the Christian church in general (Corr. and enl.)Congregationalist Churches1785
Gesangbuch mit Noten für die evangelischen Kongregational-Gemeinden von N. Amerika. 3. verb. und verm. Aufl. Erste Aufl. mit NotenGeneral Conference of German Congregational Churches1913
Hymns for the Meeting of the American Board: Brooklyn, N.Y., October 1870Congregationalist Churches1870
Hymns of the Faith with Psalms: for the use of congregationsCongregationalist Churches1890
Hymns SelectedCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1808
Hymns Selected from Dr. Watts, Dr. Doddridge and Various Other WritersCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1803
Leo Hoonani HouCongregational Christian Churches1967
Mission Songs: for the use of missionary assemblies, monthly concerts, mission stations, woman's boards, and juvenile mission bandsCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1881
New Worship and Song: with Worship Services and Source MaterialsCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1942
Orders of Worship for the Sunday SchoolCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1890
Pilgrim Songs: for the Sunday SchoolCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1886
Psalms and Hymns, for Christian Use and WorshipCongregationalist Churches1845
Psalms of David, a New EditionCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1808
Select Hymns from Other Authors, Selected Harmony Together with Directions for Musical Expression. 2nd ed.Congregational Christian Churches, 1931-1817
Select Hymns, The Third Part of Christian Psalmody. 3rd ed.Congregational Christian Churches, 1931-1819
Select Hymns: the third part of Christian Psalmody; with directions for musical expression (Stereotype ed.)Congregational Church1823
Selection of Hymns, for Public Worship designed to be used with Watts'Congregational Christian Churches, 1931-1827
Songs for the New LifeCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1869
The Book of Praise: or, Hymns for Public and Social WorshipCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1869
The Christian HarmonyCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1805
The Christian Lyre. Vol. IICongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1833
The Congregational Hymn Book: for the service of the sanctuaryCongregational Churches1857
The Congregational Mission Hymnal: and Week-night service bookCongregationalist Churches1890
The Council Hymnal, a Selection of Hymns and Tunes Chosen from the Pilgrim Hymnal for use of the National Council of Congregational ChurchesCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1919
The Council Hymnal: a selection of hymns and tunes chosen from the Pilgrim Hymnal for the use of the National Council of Congregational ChurchesCongregationalist Churches1912
The Hartford Selection of Hymns from the most approved authors to which are added, a number never before published.Congregational Churches1810
The Hartford Selection of Hymns from the Most Approved Authors: to which are added a number never before publishedCongregational Churches1799
The Hartford Selection of Hymns: from the most approved authors: to which are added a number never before published (2nd ed.)Congregationalist Churches1802
The New Congregational Hymn and Tune Book, for Public, Social and Private WorshipCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1859
The Pilgrim HymnalCongregational Christian Churches, 1931-1904
The Pilgrim HymnalCongregationalist Churches 1935
The Pilgrim Hymnal: with responsive readings and other aids to worshipCongregationalist Churches1912
The Pioneer HymnalGeneral Conference of German Congregational Churches1952
The Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre: being the New-England Psalm-Book, revised and improved... (2nd ed.)Congregational Church1773
The Psalms of David ... New ed.Congregational Christian Churches, 1931-1808
The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre: being the New England Psalm Book (Rev. and Improved)Congregational Church1758
The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts, D. D.: to which are added select hymns, from other authors; and directions for musical expression (New ed.)Congregational Church1842
The Tribute of Praise: a collection of hymns and tunes for public and social worship, and for the use in the family circle and Sabbath schoolCongregational Churches1874
The Tribute of Praise: a collection of hymns and tunes for public and social worship, and for use in the family circleCongregational Churches1871
Village Hymns for Social Worship, Selected and Original: designed as a supplement to the Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Watts (6th ed.)Congregational Church1826
White Harvest Fields (A missionary Carol Service)Congregational Christian Churches, 1931-1890
Worship and SongCongregationalist Churches1913
Worship and Song. (Rev. ed.)Congregationalist Churches1921