Hall-Mack Company's Book of Sacred Selections for Men's Voices

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1"Quit you like men," in the battle hour["Quit you like men," in the battle hour]Page Scan
2Where my Saviour leads I'll follow[Where my Saviour leads I'll follow]Page Scan
3Lead, kindly light, amid th'encircling gloom[Lead, kindly light, amid th'encircling gloom]Page Scan
4Rock of Ages, cleft for me[Rock of Ages, cleft for me]Page Scan
5God's way is the best way[God's way is the best way]Page Scan
6Out in the wilds they're straying[Out in the wilds they're straying]Page Scan
7Some of these days all the skies will be brighter[Some of these days all the skies will be brighter]Page Scan
8Asleep on the pillow the Master lay[Asleep on the pillow the Master lay]Page Scan
9I hear a sweet voice ringing clear[I hear a sweet voice ringing clear]Page Scan
10There is a hill where stood a cross[There is a hill where stood a cross]Page Scan
11Just the whispered name of Jesus[Just the whispered name of Jesus]Page Scan
12Hark! On the highway of life a sound[Hark! On the highway of life a sound]Page Scan
13Good-morrow to all that is helpful and glad[Good-morrow to all that is helpful and glad]Page Scan
14Sailor upon life's ocean[Sailor upon life's ocean]Page Scan
15While with ceaseless course the sun[While with ceaseless course the sun]Page Scan
16Standing, like a lighthouse, on the shores of time[Standing, like a lighthouse, on the shores of time]Page Scan
17Within the ark of safety[Within the ark of safety]Page Scan
18Night cometh on and the twilight falls[Night cometh on and the twilight falls]Page Scan
19Never alone do we journey below[Never alone do we journey below]Page Scan
20I shall wear a golden crown[I shall wear a golden crown]Page Scan
21Gone from my heart the world and all its charms[Gone from my heart the world and all its charms]Page Scan
22Trav'ler, do not be discouraged[Trav'ler, do not be discouraged]Page Scan
23I was a sinner but now I'm free[I was a sinner but now I'm free]Page Scan
24Some day, when all my heartaches cease[Some day, when all my heartaches cease]Page Scan
25In days of youth so bright and fair[In days of youth so bright and fair]Page Scan
26Nearer, my God, to thee[Nearer, my God, to thee]Page Scan
27Nearer, my God, to thee[Nearer, my God, to thee]Page Scan
28If the voice of God should come to you today[If the voice of God should come to you today]Page Scan
29I come to the garden alone[I come to the garden alone]Page Scan
30He leadeth me, O blessed thought![He leadeth me, O blessed thought!]Page Scan
31Silently the shades of evening[Silently the shades of evening]Page Scan
32Come to the Father, O wanderer come[Come to the Father, O wanderer come]Page Scan
33Come and sing a song of praise[Come and sing a song of praise]Page Scan
34Look well to your cables, my brother[Look well to your cables, my brother]Page Scan
35There's One above all earthly friends[There's One above all earthly friends]Page Scan
36To Jesus ev'ry day I find my heart is closer drawn[To Jesus ev'ry day I find my heart is closer drawn]Page Scan
37I do not know why oft 'round me[I do not know why oft 'round me]Page Scan
38Lay them to rest in the arms of God[Lay them to rest in the arms of God]Page Scan
39I'm trusting him to keep my soul[I'm trusting him to keep my soul]Page Scan
40Sorrow not as those without hope[Sorrow not as those without hope]Page Scan
41Stand up, stand up for Jesus[Stand up, stand up for Jesus]Page Scan
42Dear Spirit, lead me to the Saviour's side[Dear Spirit, lead me to the Saviour's side]Page Scan
43When I survey the wondrous cross[When I survey the wondrous cross]Page Scan
44Each cooing dove and sighing bough[Each cooing dove and sighing bough]Page Scan
45We're watching and praying all along life's way[We're watching and praying all along life's way]Page Scan
46"Which way shall I take?" Shouts a voice on the night["Which way shall I take?" Shouts a voice on the night]Page Scan
47O what shall I do to be saved[O what shall I do to be saved]Page Scan
48I have been alone with Jesus with my head upon his breast[I have been alone with Jesus with my head upon his breast]Page Scan
49Jesus, Saviour, pilot me[Jesus, Saviour, pilot me]Page Scan
50Jesus, my Saviour, O how dear thou art to me[Jesus, my Saviour, O how dear thou art to me]Page Scan
51Does Jesus care when my heart is pained[Does Jesus care when my heart is pained]Page Scan
52God be with you till we meet again[God be with you till we meet again]Page Scan
53When storms around are sweeping[When storms around are sweeping]Page Scan
54Shall we meet beyond the river[Shall we meet beyond the river]Page Scan
55If we only knew that the things we do[If we only knew that the things we do]Page Scan
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