Cheerful Chimes

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25A song of praise will ring one day
141After the hours of sorrow
70All along life's journey out to the city of gold
162Almost persuaded now to believe, Almost
71Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, That saved
112As I tread life's journey
127Are we ready now to meet the Savior
96As I travel life's journey I am happy and free
46At midnight in Gethsamane
110At the ending of the journey is a crown
22Beyond description is God's wondrous love
63Beyond this world of grief and tears
171Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
142Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love
80Blindly I wandered
85Brother, help the fallen ones today
104By faith we're saved from sin and strife
0Cheerful chimes are ever ringing
53Christ, our Lord, is coming back to earth again
39Closely I'm clinging, praise to Jesus
155Come, every soul by sin oppressed, There's mercy
2Come, lay your heavy burden at the Savior's feet Victory, victory, through the blood of Jesus
90Dear friend, are you trusting
109Dear Lord, I know not where thou leadest
172Down at the cross where my [the] Savior died
108Far out beyond all earthly pain and tears
11Farewell, farewell, to all below
26From our home God has called a dear loved one
150Go and tell the story to the lost ones here
75God be with you till we meet again
42God's own Son for sin was slain
40Happy am I this road to tread
1Hark, I hear the echo of the glad tones pealing
91He knows the bitter, weary way
78I am ever trusting in the promise
105I am happy every day
38I am looking beyond all the shades of night
130I am on my way to the glory land
106I am so happy when I'm singing praises
170I am thine, O Lord, I have heard thy voice
148I cannot live my life alone
3I do not know what God has planned
52I have a loving Savior, he's very dear to me
34I have a mother, a sweet tender mother
175 (44)I have heard of a land on the far away strand
21I have Jesus to share my sorrow
54I have naught to fear on my journey here
27I have turned from sin and I want to win
154I hear the Savior say, thy strength indeed is small
152I hear thy welcome voice
73I heard the voice of Jesus say, come unto me and rest
69I love the sacred hour of prayer
23I love the songs my mother sang
149I love to sing of Christ my King
103I need thee, dear Savior
83I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord
79I once was lost in darkest night
134I pray thee, Savior, to give me faith
35I walk and talk and sing and pray
60I want to be found worthy to be called
97I want to be ready when Jesus shall call
137I want to sing of the sovereign grace
64I was once a sinner, but I've been made whole
57I will trust the Lord, for he knows the road
4If I believe that Jesus is the Son of God
94If I could only wander back
173If we travel day by day
16If you have a song which would cheer the throng
146I'm singing God's praises
8I'm thinking of the future state
86I'm walking in the gospel way
136In a world of cold and darkness
165In the Bible we read of a city where the faithful
125In the Bible we read of a Savior once slain
117In thee, O Lord, I put my trust
9I've heard of a beautiful city above
131Jesus, I would ever be true and loyal unto thee
93Jesus is calling you, there's much
36Jesus is saving and lifting the lost
144Jesus is the Way, leading night and day
159Jesus, Savior, pilot me
29Just a little while till life is over
153Just as I am, without one plea, But [Save] that thy blood
19Leaving my load of sin and sorrow behind
50Lift me up, Lord From all my sin and shame
128Listen to the story of a Savior's care
48Lonely souls are weary wandering
132Long I rejected the love of the Savior
62Looking for the coming of Christ the King
135Losses here we meet appalling
163Makes me love everybody
123Mercy to you the Father has shown
43Must Jesus bear the [his] cross alone
99My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
161My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary
81Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
17O blessed thought sweet rest will come
140O come and go with me to that eternal shore
156O happy day that fixed [seals] [stays] my choice
12O let not your heart be troubled

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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