The Christian's Harp: containing a choice selection of psalm and hymn tunes, suited to the various metres now in use among the different religious denominations..(Corrected, enlarged and much improved

Editor: Samuel Wakefield, Esq, Lazarus B. M'Lain
Publisher: Johnston & Stockton, Pittsburgh, 1837
Language: English
Notes: Numbering is by page number. Letters are added to hymns that start on the same page.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
119Though trouble assail, and dangers affrightPage Scan
120Appointed by thee, we meet in thy namePage Scan
121O all that pass by, To Jesus draw nearPage Scan
122Hosanna to Jesus on high!Page Scan
124O tell me no more of this world's vain storePage Scan
125Come let us ascend, my companion and friendPage Scan
126Along the banks where Babel's current flowsPage Scan
128All hail! happy day, When enrob'd in our clayPage Scan
129My God I am thine, what a comfort divinePage Scan
130Come let us anew, Our journey pursuePage Scan
131Again we lift our voicePage Scan
132Come, let us anew, our journey pursuePage Scan
134Glory to God on high, Let earth and skies replyPage Scan
136The God of Abrah'm praisePage Scan
137Ah! I shall soon be dyingPage Scan
138Ye simple souls that strayPage Scan
140Head of the church triumphantPage Scan
141Hither, ye faithful, haste with songs of triumphPage Scan
143How pleasant 'tis to seePage Scan
144See the Lord of glory dying!Page Scan
145The voice of my beloved soundsPage Scan
146Hail! the blest morn, when the great MediatorPage Scan
148'Mid scenes of confusion and creature complaintsPage Scan
150Thou sweet flowing Kedron, by thy silver streamPage Scan
152Hail to the Lord's anointedPage Scan
154I'll praise my maker while I've breathPage Scan
155Lift up your heads in joyful hopePage Scan
156When marshall'd on the mighty plainPage Scan
158Hail! thou once despised JesusPage Scan
A1Happy soul, thy days are endedPage Scan
A2Let sinners take their coursePage Scan
A3Awake, ye saints, and raise your eyesPage Scan
A4Before Jehovah's awful thronePage Scan
A5aLo! what an entertaining sightPage Scan
A5bAnd let this feeble body failPage Scan
A6How sweet and awful is the placePage Scan
A7Come sound his praise abroadPage Scan
A8O thou in whose presence my soul takes delightPage Scan
A9aFrom all that dwell below the skiesPage Scan
A9bThink, O my soul, the dreadful dayPage Scan
A10Now in the heat of youthful bloodPage Scan
A11Hark! from the tombs a doleful soundPage Scan
A12Ah! whither should I goPage Scan
A13Stoop down, my tho'ts, that used to risePage Scan
A14aWhen God reveal'd his gracious namePage Scan
A14bWhen, gracious Lord, when shall it bePage Scan
A15O turn ye, O turn ye, for why will you diePage Scan
A16There is a land of pure delightPage Scan
A17Come, weary souls, with sins distrestPage Scan
A18Deep in our hearts let us recordPage Scan
A19O thou in whose presence my soul takes delightPage Scan
A20Awake my soul to joyful laysPage Scan
A21My soul, come meditate the dayPage Scan
A22All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!Page Scan
A23From Greenland's icy mountainsPage Scan
A24That awful day will surely comePage Scan
A25Hark, how the gospel trumpet sounds!Page Scan
A26There is a land of pure delightPage Scan
A27When shall we three meet again!Page Scan
A28Happy is he that fears the LordPage Scan
A29Whither goest thou, pilgrim strangerPage Scan
A30O for a shout of sacred joyPage Scan
A31Come, let us join our cheerful songsPage Scan
A32Come humble sinner, in whose breastPage Scan
A33Plung'd in a gulf of dark despairPage Scan
A34The spacious firmament on highPage Scan
A35Come, thou almighty KingPage Scan
A36Broad is the road that leads to deathPage Scan
A37aSalvation! O the joyful soundPage Scan
A37bShow pity, Lord, O Lord, forgivePage Scan
A38How beauteous are their feetPage Scan
A40Soldiers of the cross, arise!Page Scan
A41Show pity Lord; O Lord forgivePage Scan
A42Come, ye that love the LordPage Scan
A43Once more, my soul, the rising dayPage Scan
A46Ye shepherds of Bethlehem, go to the mangerPage Scan
A47My God, my life, my lovePage Scan
A48While shepherds watch'd their flocks by nightPage Scan
A49When I can read my title clearPage Scan
A50This life's a dream, an empty showPage Scan
A51aWho is this that comes from farPage Scan
A51bIn chariots of light from the regions of dayPage Scan
A52Come thou fount of ev'ry blessingPage Scan
A53Come sound his praise abroadPage Scan
A54The chariot, The chariot, its wheels roll in firePage Scan
A55Though in the outward church belowPage Scan
A56O, land of rest, for thee I sigh!Page Scan
A57Arise, my soul, arisePage Scan
A58Ye people that wonder at me and my waysPage Scan
A59Safely thro' another weekPage Scan
A60Once more, my soul, the rising dayPage Scan
A61Come, ye disconsolate, where’er ye languishPage Scan
A62Watchman! tell us of the nightPage Scan
A63Did Jesus, Lord above!Page Scan
A64How happy, gracious Lord, are we!Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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