Collection of Hymns Designed for the Use of the Church of Christ by the Reformed Mennonite Church

Editor: John Reist
Publisher: New Era Printing House, Lancaster, Penn., 1895
Denomination: Reformed Mennonite Church
Language: English
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d101O grieving friends, now cease to mourn
d102O happy infant, gone to rest
d103O help us Lord to worship thee
d104O Holy Spirit life and light
d105O how fain would I go
d106O how solemn 'tis to sever
d107O Jesus, for thy mercy
d108O let not Christ, for sinners slain
d109O let not Jesus die in vain
d110O let not your hearts be troubled
d111O let us lay our treasures up
d112O Lord, accept my humble praise
d113O Lord, according to commands
d114O Lord, do us protect
d115O Lord, for all thy goodness shown
d116O Lord, I will not be silent
d117O Lord, make known to me mine end
d118O Lord of mercies, Thee we owe
d119O Lord, our hearts and souls prepare
d120O Lord, thy child I long to be
d121O Lord, Thy grace let now appear
d122O Lord, Thy Word, the heavenly seed
d123O Lord to thee I fly
d124O Lord, upon Mount Calvary
d125O Lord, we do thy mercies own
d126O Lord, we thanks and praise thy name
d127O Lord, withdraw my wretched [troubled] soul
d128O man, can you not now decide
d129O man, remember thou must die
d130O may this day thy blessing, Lord
d131O may thy grace, O God, attend
d132O mortal man behold How soon the Lord may come
d133O my dear friends, do warning take
d134O Providence, to thee we owe
d135O resting place, for thee I long
d136O soul stirring tidings to saints in distress
d137O sovereign Lord and heavenly King
d138O sovereign Lord, thy grace bestow
d139O think upon Christ's suffering
d140O thou great source of pure delight
d141O troubled soul, to God alone
d142On bended knee O Lord on high
d143One loved by us is taken
d144Our brother has been called away
d145Our fleeting life will soon be past
d146Our imperfections, Lord, reveal
d147Our inmost thanks arise
d148Our Lord, when he was here below
d149Our Savior kind prepared the way
d150Our voices let us gladly raise
d151Praise ye the Lord, his goodness praise
d152Ransomed souls in silence pondering
d153Remembering we are feeble
d154Salvation's born through faith secured
d155Savior of my precious soul
d156Short is the time I did sojourn
d157Sing praises to the Lord on high
d158Sister, dear, thou hast departed
d159Soon shall this mighty fabric fall
d160Sweet friendship's tie's [tie is] broke again
d161The ark a figure is indeed
d162The call did come, I hence should go
d163The children of the risen Lord
d164The contract this pair now have entered
d165The day is gone and past
d166The gift of grace, who will refuse
d167The gospel of God's only Son
d168The grace of God with shining beams
d169The harvest, Lord, is great indeed
d170The heavenly host in words of praise
d171The highest gift in heaven and earth
d172The justice of God's holy law
d173The lightnings flashed on Sinai's height
d174The Lord hath called our brother hence
d175The Lord is worthy of all praise
d176The Lord, my Shepherd is, and I not any want shall know
d177The mighty Lord, lo, now descends
d178The signs foretell the day is near
d179The sons of charity possess
d180The sun has set the day is past
d181The time has come to leave this place
d182The time has come we here must part
d183The time is flying rapid on
d184The way of life in Christ doth [does] lead
d185The way of truth in faith I'll tread
d186There is a balm for every wound
d187There is a home awaiting all
d188There is a land of peace and rest
d189This happy lot indeed is mine
d190This pair this day have joined their hands
d191This precious time, this day of grace
d192Thou Fountain of all holiness
d193Thou Refuge of my [the] weary soul
d194Thy grace, O Lord, hath shown to me
d195Thy mind to warmer thoughts give place
d196Thy presence, Lord, we humbly seek
d197Thy word has been declared
d198Time passes with incessant speed
d199To the great supper ye are bid
d200Trust in Jesus, sinner pardoned

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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