Christian Hymns III

Editor: L. O. Sanderson
Publisher: Gospel Advocate Co., Nashville, 1966
Denomination: Churches of Christ
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
398Walking by faith and not by sight
399For the morrow and its need
400Nothing between my soul and the [my] Savior
401A ruler once came to [unto] Jesus [the Savior] byPage Scan
402How blest and joyous will be the glad dayPage Scan
403O Master, let me walk with thee [you]Page Scan
404Prince of peace control my willPage Scan
405There is a place of quiet rest, near to the heart of GodPage Scan
406In the land of fadeless dayPage Scan
407Nearer, still nearer, close to thy heartPage Scan
408God is the fountain whence Ten thousand blessings flowPage Scan
409Somewhere the sun is shiningPage Scan
410Master of storms, whom winds and waves obey
411Somebody did a golden deed, proving himself
412This is my Father's world, And to my list'ning ears
413Send out thy light and thy truth, let them lead me
414Ancient of days, who [that] sittest enthroned [throned] in glory
415Awake, my soul, in [to] joyful [joyous] lays
416Encamped along the hills of lightPage Scan
417For Christ and the church, let our voices ringPage Scan
418Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my standPage Scan
419Take time to be holyPage Scan
420My gracious Redeemer I [I'll] lovePage Scan
421When my life work is ended, and I cross the swelling tidePage Scan
422We are going down the valleyPage Scan
423Nearer to Jesus, the crucified one
424Let us with a joyful mind
425A wonderful Savior is Jesus my LordPage Scan
426Who will follow Jesus, standing for the rightPage Scan
427O spread the tidings roundPage Scan
428Are you sowing the seed of the kingdom, brotherPage Scan
429There's a royal banner given for displayPage Scan
430The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want; He makes me down to liePage Scan
431Jesus, the very [only] thought of Thee [You]Page Scan
432Dear Lord and Father [Master] of mankind [us all], Forgive our foolish waysPage Scan
433A mighty fortress is our GodPage Scan
434For the beauty of the earthPage Scan
435While we [you] pray and while we pleadPage Scan
436Were you there when they crucified my Lord
437We thank thee, Lord for this bread
438Out of sadness into gladness
439Haughty eyes and lying tongue
440Must we be to the judgment brought to answerPage Scan
441Always with us, always with us, Words of cheerPage Scan
442Oft in sorrow, oft in woe, onward, ChristianPage Scan
443Take my life, O Father, mould itPage Scan
444My God, my Father, though I strayPage Scan
445My Lord, my Truth, my WayPage Scan
446My Jesus [Father] [Savior], as thou wiltPage Scan
447O Lord, our Lord, how excellentPage Scan
448O Lord, our Lord, how excellent Thy namePage Scan
449Not now but in the coming years it may be in the better dandPage Scan
450Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all naturePage Scan
451Bread of [for] the world, in mercy brokenPage Scan
452When the sun of my life has gone down
453O Lord our God, when we survey the heavens
454I would be completely thine, Lord and King
455Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen
456O hear the voice of Jesus say[O hear the voice of Jesus say]
457One day when heaven was filled with his praises
458Jesus is calling with tender voice
459When I consider how my earthly fight
460Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright
461O perfect love, all human thought [thoughts] transcending
462These are perilous times
463No shadows yonder, all light and song
464Look all around you, find someone in need
465O Jesus, I have promisedPage Scan
466We give thee but thine ownPage Scan
467O Sacred Head now [once] [sore] wounded [surrounded]
468God is love: His mercy brightens
469So precious is Jesus, my Savior, my [and] KingPage Scan
470When we walk with the Lord In the light of his WordPage Scan
471There'll be no dark valley when Jesus comesPage Scan
472O Lord, hear my plea, I've wandered
473God moves in a mysterious way
474Forgive me, Lord, I pray
475Till he come, O let the words
476Heaven's kingdom, bathed in glory
477Softly and tenderly Jesus is callingPage Scan
478Why did the Savior heaven leave
479Bread of heaven, this our need
480Lead me to some soul today; O teach me, Lord
481Sun of my soul [our souls], thou [my] [O] Savior [Father] dear
482Our hearts aflame with love
483I am so glad to praise the Lord
484Jesus loves me, this I know, For the BiblePage Scan
485Jesus, wilt thou guard the slumberPage Scan
486Love him, love him, all ye little childrenPage Scan
487Jesus bids us shine with a pure, clear [clear, pure] lightPage Scan
488Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is rightPage Scan
489Jesus, Friend of children, ever be a friend
490Be ye kind, ever kind, to another
491When he cometh, when he cometh to makePage Scan
492If you will come to Jesus, you will outshine the sunPage Scan
493I would be a ray of sunshine
494Away in a [the] manger, no crib
495A sunbeam, a sunbeam! Jesus wants me for a
496Here am I, just a child
497Father, we thank thee [you] for the night

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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