The Christian hymnal: a collection of hymns and tunes for congregational and social worship; in two parts (Rev.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Let every heart and tonguePage Scan
102Grace! 'tis a charming soundPage Scan
103This is the glorious dayPage Scan
104Behold what wondrous gracePage Scan
105Come to the house of pray'rPage Scan
106"Forever with the Lord!"Page Scan
107Ye servants of the LordPage Scan
108How pleas'd and blest was IPage Scan
109'Tis heav'n begun belowPage Scan
110Crown Him with many crownsPage Scan
111Beyond the starry skiesPage Scan
112Songs of praise awoke the mornPage Scan
113Blessed fountain, full of grace!Page Scan
114To Thy temple we repairPage Scan
115Praise the Lord, His glories showPage Scan
116God with us! O glorious name!Page Scan
117God eternal, Lord of all!Page Scan
118Lord! whom winds and seas obeyPage Scan
119For a season called to partPage Scan
120Shepherd of Thy little flockPage Scan
121Now begin the heav'nly themePage Scan
122Lord of hosts, to thee we raisePage Scan
123Bright and joyful was the mornPage Scan
124Christ the Lord is ris'n today!Page Scan
125Praise to God, immortal praisePage Scan
126Angels! roll the rock awayPage Scan
127Morning breaks upon the tombPage Scan
128Father! glory be to TheePage Scan
129Angels! roll the rock awayPage Scan
130Hark! the herald angels singPage Scan
131Hail the day that saw Him risePage Scan
132Safely through another weekPage Scan
133Glory, glory to our King!Page Scan
134Holy, holy, holy! Lord, God Almighty!Page Scan
135Holy Bible! book divine!Page Scan
136O day of rest and gladnessPage Scan
137God is my strong salvationPage Scan
138The morning light is breakingPage Scan
139Hail to the Lord's anointedPage Scan
140Ho! reapers of life's harvestPage Scan
141Hark! ten thousand harps and voicesPage Scan
142Humble souls, who seek salvationPage Scan
143On the mountain's top appearingPage Scan
144Zion stands with hills surroundedPage Scan
145See, from Zion's sacred mountainPage Scan
146Welcome, delightful mornPage Scan
147Awake, ye saints, awakePage Scan
148Lord of the worlds abovePage Scan
149In sweet, exalted strainsPage Scan
150O for a shout of joyPage Scan
151Blow ye the trumpet, blowPage Scan
152Now to th' Eternal KingPage Scan
153One sole baptismal signPage Scan
154The promises I singPage Scan
155O Thou that hearest pray'rPage Scan
156The Prince of salvation in triumph is ridingPage Scan
157Father, O hear me now!Page Scan
158Yes, the Redeemer rosePage Scan
159Come, every pious heartPage Scan
160Hail the blest morn! when the great MediatorPage Scan
161Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning!Page Scan
162Crown His head with endless blessingPage Scan
163O worship the King, all glorious abovePage Scan
164Hark! how the gospel trumpet sounds!Page Scan
165Though troubles assail, and dangers affrightPage Scan
166Praise the Lord, ye saints, adore HimPage Scan
167Triumphant Zion! lift thy headPage Scan
168Arm of the Lord, awake! awake!Page Scan
169How sweet the praise, how high the themePage Scan
170Exalted Prince of life, we ownPage Scan
171Now for a song of lofty praisePage Scan
172The Lord is King! lift up thy voicePage Scan
173O Lord! and shall Thy Spirit restPage Scan
174Father of mercies, bow Thine earPage Scan
175Thee we adore, O gracious Lord!Page Scan
176King Jesus, reign for evermorePage Scan
177O love of God, how strong and true!Page Scan
178O bow Thine ear, eternal One!Page Scan
179Rock'd in the cradle of the deepPage Scan
180Dismiss us with Thy blessingPage Scan
181Jesus, and shall it ever bePage Scan
182My God, how endless is Thy love!Page Scan
183How sweetly flow'd the gospel soundPage Scan
184God is the refuge of His saintsPage Scan
185Almighty Maker of my framePage Scan
186Glory to thee, whose pow'rful wordPage Scan
187Redeem'd from guilt, redeem'd from fearsPage Scan
188Let thoughtless thousands choose the roadPage Scan
189Toss'd with rough winds, and faint with fearPage Scan
190O Love Divine, that stoop'd to sharePage Scan
191The glories of our birth and statePage Scan
192Our Lord is risen from the deadPage Scan
193God, in the gospel of His SonPage Scan
194Jesus, my all, to heav'n is gonePage Scan
195Forgiveness! tis a joyful soundPage Scan
196Great was the day,the joy was greatPage Scan
197Whither, O whither should I flyPage Scan
198Earth has a joy unknown in heav'nPage Scan
199In pray'r together let us fallPage Scan
200My God, my heart with love inflameTAPPANPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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