A Collection of Hymns: Supplementary to the Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Watts

Editor: W. C. Dana
Publisher: Daniel Dana, Jr. / McCarter & Dawson, New York, 1859
Denomination: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.
Language: English
Notes: Doxologies are numbered separately
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
401The glories of our birth and statePage Scan
402My days, my weeks, my months, my yearsPage Scan
403Few are thy days, and full of woePage Scan
404The mighty flood that rolls alongPage Scan
405Death rides on ev'ry passing breezePage Scan
406O why should the spirit of mortal be proud!Page Scan
407See how beneath the moonbeam's smilePage Scan
408As fail the waters from the deepPage Scan
409Behold the path that mortals treadPage Scan
410Lord! let me know mine endPage Scan
411"Father, thy will, not mine, be done!"Page Scan
412Who that hath ever beenPage Scan
413O what is life?-- 'Tis like a flower Page Scan
414When life, as opening buds, is sweetPage Scan
415This mortal life will soon be pastPage Scan
416There is a calm for those who weepPage Scan
417I would not live alway: I ask not to stayPage Scan
418There is an hour of peaceful restPage Scan
419O God, unseen, but not unknownPage Scan
420Through life's wapors dimly seeingPage Scan
421When, bending o'er the brink of lifePage Scan
422O thou unknown, Almighty causePage Scan
423O thou great Power in whom I movePage Scan
424Though I walk the downward shadePage Scan
425I know that my Redeemer livesPage Scan
426It is not death to diePage Scan
427And let this feeble body failPage Scan
428When the spark of life is waningPage Scan
429Ye golden lamps of heaven, farewell Page Scan
430The hour of my departure's comePage Scan
431Parting soul! the flood awaits theePage Scan
432Deathless principle, arisePage Scan
433Let me go, the day is breakingPage Scan
434Vital spark of heavenly flame!Page Scan
435Spirit, leave thy house of clay!Page Scan
436How bless'd the righteous when they die!Page Scan
437Behold the western evening light!Page Scan
438This place is holy groundPage Scan
439Dear as thou wert, and justly dearPage Scan
440So fades the lovely, blooming flowerPage Scan
441The once lov'd form, now cold and deadPage Scan
442No bitter tears for thee be shedPage Scan
443Thou'rt mine, yes, still thou art mine own!Page Scan
444Child, by God's sweet mercy givenPage Scan
445Weep not for those whom the veil of the tombPage Scan
446Calm on the bosom of thy GodPage Scan
447Another hand is beckoning usPage Scan
448How blest are they whose transient yearsPage Scan
449Far, far o'er hill and dell, on the winds stealingPage Scan
450From his low bed of mortal dustPage Scan
451Go to the grave in all thy glorious primePage Scan
452Servant of God, well done!Page Scan
453Champion of Jesus! man of GodPage Scan
454"Earth to earth and dust to dust!"Page Scan
455Why do we mourn departing friendsPage Scan
456Brother, thou art gone before usPage Scan
457Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb!Page Scan
458Now rest her soul in Jesus' armsPage Scan
459Thou art gone to the grave! but we will not deplore theePage Scan
460Why lament the Christian dying?Page Scan
461The mourners came at break of dayPage Scan
462Why should our tears in sorrow flowPage Scan
463Take comfort, Christians, when your friendsPage Scan
464Friend after friend departsPage Scan
465Why should we weep for those who diePage Scan
466The dead are like the stars by dayPage Scan
467As, 'midst the ever rolling seaPage Scan
468They all are gone to th' world of lightPage Scan
469Not for the pious dead we weepPage Scan
470I shine in the light of GodPage Scan
471"Forever with the Lord!"Page Scan
472Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!Page Scan
473I think upon the gentle mouldPage Scan
474When he, who from the scourge of wrongPage Scan
475Through sorrow's night, and danger's pathPage Scan
476When the last trumpet's awful voicePage Scan
477Great God! what do I see and hear?Page Scan
478Day of Judgment--day of wonders!Page Scan
479Lo! He comes! with clouds descendingPage Scan
480O that Day, that Day of irePage Scan
481Nigher still, and still more nighPage Scan
482That day of wrath! that dreadful dayPage Scan
483Eternity! Eternity!Page Scan
484Lo, the Day--the Day of LifePage Scan
485O Christ, how good and fairPage Scan
486Earth has engross'd my love too long!Page Scan
487There is a world we have not seenPage Scan
488There is a place of sacred restPage Scan
489Jerusalem! my happy home!Page Scan
490High in yonder realms of lightPage Scan
491Who are these in bright array?Page Scan
D1Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!Page Scan
D2To Father, Son, and Holy GhostPage Scan
D3The God of mercy be ador'dPage Scan
D4Glory to God on high!Page Scan
D5To God the Father's thronePage Scan
D6Now to the great and sacred ThreePage Scan
D7To Father, Son, and Holy GhostPage Scan
D8Praise the name of God Most HighPage Scan
D9Praise the name of God Most HighPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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