A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren. Rev. ed.

Publisher: Conrad Zentler, Philadelphia, Penn., 1813
Denomination: Moravian Church
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d601Own thy congregation
d602Parents, weigh before the Lord
d603Peace on earth, heaven is proclaiming
d604Praise be to Christ, for us he victory gained
d605Praise be to God the Holy Ghost
d606Praise God for ever
d607Praise to Christ, the Son of God
d608Preachers of the gospel word
d609Prepare a thankful song
d610Quiet Lord my froward heart
d611Quite alone and yet not lonely
d612Raise your devotion mortal tongues
d613Redeemed souls, adore and praise
d614Redeemer of mankind, God of all grace
d615Refresh me, Lord, with grace divine
d616Rejoice in Jesus' birth
d617Rejoice, my soul, God cares for thee
d618Rejoice, O church, the Savior's bride
d619Rejoice, our nature Christ assumes
d620Rejoice, the Lord in triumph reigns
d621Rejoice, thou happy little flock
d622Rise, exalt our Head and King
d623Rise, my soul, shake off all sadness
d624Rise, ye followers of the Lamb
d625Sacred name of Jesus so great and holy
d626Savior of Thy chosen race, view me from Thy heavenly throne
d627Savior, through grace divine
d628Searcher of hearts, thou knowest thy love
d629See Jesus seated midst his own
d630See, my soul, God ever blest
d631See, world, upon the shameful tree
d632Shall I for fear of feeble man
d633Shepherd, help thy chosen few
d634Since Jesus died, my guilty soul to save
d635Since our Savior called us to inherit
d636Since rulers are ordained
d637Since we can't doubt God's equal love
d638Sing Hallelujah, Christ doth live
d639Sing Hallelujah, praise [ye] the Lord
d640Sing praises unto God on high
d641Sing with awe in strains melodious [harmonious]
d642Sing with humble hearts your praises
d643Sinner [sinners], hear the [thy] Savior's call
d644Sinners, come, the Savior see
d645Sinners, hear the joyful news
d646Sinners, obey the gospel word
d647Sinners' Redeemer, gracious Lamb of God
d648Sinners, with adoration receive
d649Sinners, would ye be healed
d650Slaughtered Lamb, Immanuel
d651Slaughtered Lamb, my Redeemer, while I view
d652Sleep well, dear child, sleep safe and sound
d653Soul, at this most awful season
d654Spirit of Truth, come down, Reveal the things of God
d655Spirit of truth, essential God, Who didst thy ancient saints inspire
d656Still may we keep the aim in mind
d657Storms of trouble may assail us
d658Suffering Savior, Lamb of God
d659Sure God is present here
d660Surely God is present here
d661Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
d662Take, Lord, all self from me, that I
d663Take me into thy hands anew
d664Teach me, my God and King
d665Teach me yet more of thy blest ways
d666Teach us, O Lord, the cross's mystery
d667Ten thousand talents once I owed
d668Thank God, towards eternity
d669Thanks and praise, Jesus, unto thee are due
d670Thanks to our Lord for all the faithfulness
d671Thanks to the Man of sorrows be
d672Thanksgiving, honor, praise and might
d673That doleful [dreadful] night before his death
d674That favor grant to us, O Lord
d675That I am thine, my Lord and God
d676The blessed names of Jesus Christ impart
d677The breath which can the dead bones raise
d678The child sweetly rests
d679The congregation while below, being imperfect, tears must sow
d680The consecrated house we love
d681The cross, the cross, O that's my gain
d682The day will come, when Jesus Christ
d683The doctrine of our dying Lord
d684The enjoyment of Christ's flesh and blood
d685The grace enjoyed by faith
d686The great salvation of the Lord
d687The happy church of Christ
d688The holy angels when they to Christ draw near
d689The holy bread which now we break
d690The holy Child, Jesus
d691The hour of sleep is now at hand
d692The hours' decline and setting sun
d693The impression of what Christ, my Friend
d694The Lamb of God was slain
d695The Lamb of God, who saves us by his death
d696The Lamb was slain, let us adore
d697The Lord ascendeth up on high
d698The Lord be with me everywhere
d699The Lord descended from above
d700The Lord, ere he appeared

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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