A Collection of Hymns, for the use of the Wesleyan Methodist Connection of America.

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
601Go, ye messengers of GodPage Scan
602Isles of the south, awakePage Scan
603Watchman, tell us of the nightPage Scan
604Shepherd of souls, with pitying eyePage Scan
605Lord over all, if thou hast madePage Scan
606Heard ye the mighty rushingPage Scan
607Daughters of the pilgrim siresPage Scan
608Hark, I hear the voice of anguishPage Scan
609Think of our country's gloryPage Scan
610When injured Arfic's captives' claimPage Scan
611Lord, while for all mankind we prayPage Scan
612When the great Judge supreme and justPage Scan
613I saw him kneel in calm despairPage Scan
614With thy pure dews and rainsPage Scan
615Eternal Father, thou hast madePage Scan
616The hour of freedom, come it mustPage Scan
617Lift up our country's banner highPage Scan
618Hark, hark the voice of anguishPage Scan
619Who loves the little slave, or caresPage Scan
620Unsheltered from the burning raysPage Scan
621Blessed Redeemer, how divinePage Scan
622When Pharaoh dared to vex the saintsPage Scan
623O God, when o'er the oceanPage Scan
624Children of the glorious deadPage Scan
625Judges, who rule the world by lawsPage Scan
626God sits sovereign on the thronePage Scan
627Ye spirits of the freePage Scan
628Strike off my galling fettersPage Scan
629God gave to Afric's sonsPage Scan
630All men are equal in their birthPage Scan
631Sons of the noble siresPage Scan
632Fair shines the morning starPage Scan
633Thy neighbor, it is he whom thouPage Scan
634Again the Lord of life and lightPage Scan
635Intemperance, like a raging floodPage Scan
636Help us to feel for drunken manPage Scan
637Mournful and sad upon my earPage Scan
638Oh! turn from the wine-glass awayPage Scan
639Hail, temperance, fair celestial rayPage Scan
640Let temperance and her sons rejoicePage Scan
641On this glad day, O God, we wouldPage Scan
642Hosannas, Lord, to thee we singPage Scan
643We praise thee, Lord, if but one soulPage Scan
644When Jesus, our Redeemer, camePage Scan
645Another year has run its roundPage Scan
646Source of being, Holy FatherPage Scan
647When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streamingPage Scan
648They roam where danger dwellsPage Scan
649'Tis not in yonder starry hostPage Scan
650The tempest beat against my barkPage Scan
651Our little bark, on boisterous seasPage Scan
652How are thy servants blest, O LordPage Scan
653Lord of the wide extensive mainPage Scan
654Lord, whom winds and seas obeyPage Scan
655The billows swell, the winds are highPage Scan
656We come, O Lord, before thy thronePage Scan
657When marshalled on the nightly plainPage Scan
658The star was bright o'er Bethlehem's plainPage Scan
659Our earth we now lament to seePage Scan
660Peace was the song the angels sangPage Scan
661Lord, send thy word, and let it flyPage Scan
662Night spread her starless robe aroundPage Scan
663O Christian, see that dread arrayPage Scan
664Firm was my health, my day was brightPage Scan
665And shall I sit alonePage Scan
666It is the Lord, enthroned in lightPage Scan
667I will extol thee, Lord, on highPage Scan
668When languor and disease invadePage Scan
669O thou, before whose gracious thronePage Scan
670Now let our mourning hearts revivePage Scan
671His master taken from his headPage Scan
672O God! our help in ages pastPage Scan
673Thee we adore, eternal namePage Scan
674And am I only born to diePage Scan
675And let this feeble body failPage Scan
676Hark, from the tombs a doleful soundPage Scan
677And must this body diePage Scan
678Happy soul, thy days are endedPage Scan
679O what is life?—'tis like a flowerPage Scan
680Rejoice for a brother deceasedPage Scan
681Why do we mourn for dying friendsPage Scan
682Shrinking from the cold hand of deathPage Scan
683Pass a few swiftly fleeting yearsPage Scan
684The morning flowers display their sweetsPage Scan
685Vain man, thy fond pursuits forbearPage Scan
686Thy life I read, my dearest LordPage Scan
687Why should we start and fear to diePage Scan
688Give glory to Jesus our HeadPage Scan
689Hear what the voice from heaven proclaimsPage Scan
690Hark, a voice divides the skyPage Scan
691There is a house not made with handsPage Scan
692My soul, come, meditate the dayPage Scan
693Teach me the measure of my daysPage Scan
694Time is winging us awayPage Scan
695As flows the rapid riverPage Scan
696Come, let us join our friends abovePage Scan
697Our old companions in distressPage Scan
698So fades the lovely, blooming flowerPage Scan
699When blooming youth is snatched awayPage Scan
700Sister, thou wast mild and lovelyPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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