A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship. (45th ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Ere mountains reared their forms sublimePage Scan
102Great Former of this various [wondrous] framePage Scan
103Great God, how infinite art thouPage Scan
104Jehovah reigns he dwells in lightPage Scan
105With glory clad, with strength arrayedPage Scan
106Father of spirits, nature's [mighty] GodPage Scan
107Searcher of hearts, to thee are knownPage Scan
108Thou Lord, by strictest search hast knownPage Scan
109Lord, thou hast searched, and seen me [us] throughPage Scan
110In all my [our] vast concerns with theePage Scan
111Songs of immortal praise belongPage Scan
112Bless, O my [each] soul, the living GodPage Scan
113Lord, we adore thy wondrous namePage Scan
114My soul, repeat His praise Whose mercies are soPage Scan
115O bless the Lord, my soulPage Scan
116O bless the Lord, my soul!Page Scan
117My soul, inspired with sacred love, God's holyPage Scan
118My God, in whom are all the springs of boundless lovePage Scan
119My Maker and my KingPage Scan
120Thy mercies and thy lovePage Scan
121Father, to thy kind love we owePage Scan
122God, in the high and holy placePage Scan
123I'll praise my Maker with my [while I've] [whilst I've] breathPage Scan
124Let every tongue thy goodness speakPage Scan
125Sweet is the memory of thy gracePage Scan
126Triumphant Lord, thy goodness reignsPage Scan
127Lord, thou art good, all nature showsPage Scan
128Exalt the Lord of GodPage Scan
129Holy as thou O lord [God] is [are] [there's] nonePage Scan
130The Lord is in his holy placePage Scan
131My never ceasing song [songs] shall showPage Scan
132The promises I [we] sing which love supreme [sovereign love] once [hath] spokePage Scan
133Great God, thine attributes divinePage Scan
134Great is the Lord, his works [acts] of mightPage Scan
135High in the heavens, eternal GodPage Scan
136The Lord Jehovah reigns, His throne is built on highPage Scan
137Almighty God, thy wondrous worksPage Scan
138Father divine, before thy viewPage Scan
139Father of lights! we sing thy namePage Scan
140Give thanks to God most highPage Scan
141Give to our God [the Lord] immortal praisePage Scan
142Soon as I heard my Father sayPage Scan
143God moves in a mysterious wayPage Scan
144God of my life, whose gracious powerPage Scan
145Greatest of beings, source of lifePage Scan
146Great Lord of earth, and seas and skiesPage Scan
147Great Ruler of all nature's framePage Scan
148If Providence, to try my [our] heart [hearts]Page Scan
149Great Source of life, our souls confessPage Scan
150Great Source of unexhausted goodPage Scan
151How gentle God's commandsPage Scan
152How gracious and how wisePage Scan
153If God succeed not, all the costPage Scan
154If God to build the house denyPage Scan
155How large the promise, how divinePage Scan
156My Shepherd is the living Lord, nothing thereforePage Scan
157The Lord himself, the mighty LordPage Scan
158The Lord my pasture shall prepare, and feed me with a shepherd's carePage Scan
159My Shepherd is the living Lord, Now shallPage Scan
160My Shepherd will supply my needPage Scan
161The Lord my Shepherd is, I shall be well suppliedPage Scan
162Lo my shepherd's hand divinePage Scan
163The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I knowPage Scan
164And art thou with us, gracious LordPage Scan
165Lord, we adore thy vast designsPage Scan
166No change of times shall ever shock my trust, O Lord, in theePage Scan
167Praise to God, immortal praisePage Scan
168Sovereign Ruler of the skiesPage Scan
169Thou, Lord, through every changing scenePage Scan
170'Tis God the spirit leadsPage Scan
171Thy kingdom, Lord, for ever standsPage Scan
172Thy wisdom, power and goodness, LordPage Scan
173Up to the hills I lift mine eyes, the eternal hills beyond the skiesPage Scan
174Upward I lift mine [my] eyesPage Scan
175Lord! I will bless thee all my daysPage Scan
176When all thy [your] mercies, O my [our] God [gracious Lord]Page Scan
177Lord, we are blind, we [poor] mortals, blindPage Scan
178Who make the Lord of hosts their towerPage Scan
179Praise to the Lord of the boundless mightPage Scan
180O Lord, Thy mercy, my sure hopePage Scan
181Through all the various [varying] shifting [passing] scenePage Scan
182Behold the lofty skyPage Scan
183The heavens declare thy glory, Lord, in every starPage Scan
184God's perfect law converts the soulPage Scan
185Thy law is perfect, Lord of lightPage Scan
186Join all ye [the] [you] servants of the LordPage Scan
187Happy the children of the LordPage Scan
188How shall the young secure their heartsPage Scan
189Let all the heathen writers joinPage Scan
190Lord, I have made thy word my choicePage Scan
191Instruct me in thy statutes, LordPage Scan
192Teach me, O teach me, Lord, thy wayPage Scan
193Father of mercies, in thy [your] wordPage Scan
194God, in the gospel of his [the] SonPage Scan
195Imposture shrinks from lightPage Scan
196The Spirit breathes upon the WordPage Scan
197'Twas by an order from the LordPage Scan
198When Isr'l through the desert passedPage Scan
199What is the chaff, the word of manPage Scan
200Bright Source of intellectual raysPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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