Church Psalmist: or, psalms and hymns, for the public, social and private use of Evangelical Christians. With Supplement. (53rd ed.)

Publisher: Presbyterian Publication Committee, Philadelphia, 1857
Denomination: Presbyterian hymnals (general)
Language: English
Notes: Copyright date is 1847, but the preface describes new ownership in 1857.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
732Creator, Spirit, by whose aidPage Scan
733Saviour, I thy word believePage Scan
734Oh that the Comforter would comePage Scan
735Oh! that in me the sacred firePage Scan
736The Spirit, in our heartsPage Scan
737Return and come to GodPage Scan
738From the cross uplifted highPage Scan
739To-day the Saviour calls!Page Scan
740No room for mirth or trifling herePage Scan
741Peace, troubled soul, whose plaintive moanPage Scan
742Weary sinner! keep thine eyesPage Scan
743Saviour, when, in dust, to theePage Scan
744Ah! whither should I goPage Scan
745Jesus, let thy pitying eyePage Scan
746Thou who didst on Calvary bleedPage Scan
747Just as I am, without one pleaPage Scan
748And can I yet delayPage Scan
749O thou who hear'st the prayer of faithPage Scan
750"Mercy, O thou son of David!"Page Scan
751Vain, delusive world, adieuPage Scan
752Arise, my soul, arisePage Scan
753Strait is the way--the door is straitPage Scan
754God of my salvation, hearPage Scan
755With broken heart and contrite sighPage Scan
756Depth of mercy! can there bePage Scan
757From every stormy wind that blowsPage Scan
758God of my life, to thee I callPage Scan
759Once, O Lord, thy garden flourishedPage Scan
760When languor and disease invadePage Scan
761Unite, my roving thoughts, unitePage Scan
762How gentle God's commands!Page Scan
763Prince of Peace, control my willPage Scan
764Jesus! thy boundless love to mePage Scan
765Be still, my heart! these anxious caresPage Scan
766My God! my Father! while I strayPage Scan
767My Jesus, as thou wilt!Page Scan
768Tho' troubles assail and dangers affrightPage Scan
769And must I part with all I havePage Scan
770My God, the covenant of thy lovePage Scan
771Blessed fountain, full of gracePage Scan
772Complete in thee, no work of minePage Scan
773Jesus, I know, hath died for mePage Scan
774A debtor to mercy alonePage Scan
775Oh! cease, my wandering soulPage Scan
776I was a wandering sheepPage Scan
777Laboring and heavy ladenPage Scan
778O God! how often hath thine earPage Scan
779Oh! could I find, from day to dayPage Scan
780Oh! for a heart to praise my God!Page Scan
781Lord, as to thy dear cross we fleePage Scan
782And dost thou say, "Ask what thy wilt"?Page Scan
783Jesus, my strength, my hopePage Scan
784Come, O thou Traveler unknownPage Scan
785Father, Son, and Holy GhostPage Scan
786Jesus, thyself to us revealPage Scan
787My gracious Lord, I own thy rightPage Scan
788This world, O God, like that abovePage Scan
789O Lord, I would delight in theePage Scan
790My spirit on thy carePage Scan
791If thou impart thyself to mePage Scan
792Eternal Sun of RighteousnessPage Scan
793When, gracious Lord, when shall it bePage Scan
794Near me, O my Saviour, standPage Scan
795O thou, to whose all-searching sightPage Scan
796Lord, I believe; thy power I ownPage Scan
797When this passing world is donePage Scan
798Stand up! stand up for Jesus!Page Scan
799Though faint, yet pursuing, we go on our wayPage Scan
800Oh! when shall I see JesusPage Scan
801Give to the winds thy fearsPage Scan
802Jesus, our best-beloved friendPage Scan
803Jesus, united by thy gracePage Scan
804Go, labor on, spend, and be spentPage Scan
805Make haste, O man, to livePage Scan
806Sow in the morn the seedPage Scan
807Jesus, at whose supreme commandPage Scan
808While in sweet communion feedingPage Scan
809Jesus spreads his banner o'er usPage Scan
810From the table now retiringPage Scan
811By cool Siloam's shady rillPage Scan
812Now remember thy CreatorPage Scan
813Come, youthful wanderers, haste to the SaviourPage Scan
814God bless our native land!Page Scan
815Saw ye not the cloud arisePage Scan
816Lord of the harvest, bend thine earPage Scan
817The morning light is breakingPage Scan
818Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleepPage Scan
819Leader of faithful souls, and guidePage Scan
820"We've no abiding city here"Page Scan
821As when the weary traveler gainsPage Scan
822And let this feeble body failPage Scan
823My days are gliding swiftly byPage Scan
824I'm but a stranger herePage Scan
825"Forever with the Lord!"Page Scan
826Time, thou speedest on but slowlyPage Scan
827The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not wantPage Scan
828Oh! send thy light forth, and thy truthPage Scan
829All people that on earth do dwellPage Scan
830I love the Lord, because my voicePage Scan
831Dismiss us with thy blessing, Lord!Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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