Dawning Light

Editor: J. R. Baxter
Publisher: Stamps Baxter Music and Printing Co., Dallas, Tex., 1960
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
76A stranger to God
89All alone in sin I wandered
11All alone, out in the blackness
85Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, That saved
86Are you trusting in Jesus the Savior
136As down life's toilsome road I travel
117As I travel along and sing
110Back to the Bible let us go
77Beauty is found in the valleys
d10Brother, let us sing
d11Christ is making sinners free, praise his name
134Dreamers all, from your sleep now awake
93Dreaming, silently dreaming
121Each moment of time is precious
24Friend, if you are living right
50From the realms of glory came the Lord
82Glory to God in the highest, they sang
44God saw our plight, we were lost
137Have you walked with Christ to Calvary
83He knows the bitter, weary way
40Heaven has its stars, shining clear
6Here we move from place to place
33Here we're blest with beauty grand
87How I love my Savior and King
27I am happy in Jesus, because
111I am happy in living for my Jesus
49I am leaving this old world
80I am so glad that God so loved
68I am working for my Savior
60I had wandered in the night
12I have a refuge, safe
56I have a Savior who loves me I know
22I have a Savior who reigns in my heart
52I have been told a grand old singing
133I have found relief from grief
97I have peace and gladness in my heart
99I know that foes will oft assail me
23I once was lost in sin
132I overlooked the Savior
26I shall go up to heaven some happy day
46I sing along this pilgrim
61I turn from sin away
130I want to be like the one great friend
66I was just a sinner
d45I was wandering unguided
106I will labor in God's vineyard
41I'd like to have a chariot
109If I can right the human wrong
37If it's help you're needing
29If your soul's made clean
31I'm on my way safely sailing
14I'm only on a visit, this life
53I'm pressing on this toilsome
1-AI'm safely on my way to heaven
51I'm weak, O Lord, and prone to roam
128In a little country schoolhouse
112In my heart a wondrous joy
4In the Bible we're told of a wonderful
21In the land just over the river
116In this world I cannot
9In this world people look
115I've a smile of gladness
32I've been sowing for my Savior
3I've started for the glory land
131Jesus came from his home above
72Jesus knows all my cares
81Jesus taught me how to smile
104Lift up your heads, O lift
48Like the children of Isr'l
95Living below in this old sinful world
2Long I followed old Satan
55Look unto Jesus heaven's great King
43Lord, I need thee near me
120Loved ones at home are waiting
17My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
35My Savior knows the road I travel
96No matter how dark the night
d78O Father God, who watches all
124O Lord, I'm gettin' ready, O Lord
75O sinner friend, will you just
122O what joy it is to take
107On Jordan's stormy [rugged] banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye
36On the resurrection morning, what a time 'twill be
45Once I was a sinner
5Once I was in bondage with a load
10One day when this life's race is run
129One with God the Father
00Our God is our refuge and all
105Out beyond the shores of time
71Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
74Some wonderful, glad day
16Teach me Lord, teach me Lord, how to do thy will
103Tell of the life of a sinner
138Tender Shepherd, lead thou us
127The Bible says, so plain
108The Lord has been so good to me
123The Savior came from heaven to live with men on earth
113The Savior left his home in glory, 'Twas
13There are angels hovering round
65There is a city up in glory

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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