Dyer's Psalmist: A Collection of Hymns and Sacred Songs for the use of Baptist Churches (Rev. & Corrd. ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
297By cool Siloam's shady rilPage Scan
298Awake, our souls; away, our fearsPage Scan
299When thou, my righteous Judge, shalt comePage Scan
300Oh, if my soul were formed for woePage Scan
301Begone, unbelief!Page Scan
302I think not of the starry crownPage Scan
303With joy we meditate the gracePage Scan
304O Lord, my best desires fulfillPage Scan
305Love divine, all love excellingPage Scan
306Oh, how the hearts of those revivePage Scan
307Whither goest thou, pilgrim strangerPage Scan
308Let thy kingdom, blessed SaviourPage Scan
309Almighty Lord! before thy thronePage Scan
310Farewell to my homePage Scan
311Come, thou Fount of every blessingPage Scan
312Take up thy cross! the Saviour saidPage Scan
313Lord, when we bow before thy thronePage Scan
314Brethren, while we sojourn herePage Scan
315When, his salvation bringing Page Scan
316Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsPage Scan
317I would not have life's pathway smoothPage Scan
318Daughter of Zion, awake from thy sadnessPage Scan
319Should storms arise and darkness reignPage Scan
320If worldlings ask the reason whyPage Scan
321My God, my life, my lovePage Scan
322How charming is the placePage Scan
323In thy great name, O Lord, we comePage Scan
324I love to rise at early dayPage Scan
325Approach, my soul, the mercy-seatPage Scan
326Why is my heart so far from theePage Scan
327Where two or three, with sweet accordPage Scan
328Lord, let my prayer like incense risePage Scan
329O thou whose mercy guides my wayPage Scan
330Indulgent Father, by whose carePage Scan
331Dear Father, to thy mercy-seatPage Scan
332While thee I seek, protecting PowerPage Scan
333God, how endless is thy love!Page Scan
334In this calm impressive hourPage Scan
335Now, gracious Lord, thine arm revealPage Scan
336Oh! where shall rest be found?Page Scan
337When the worn spirit wants reposePage Scan
338Once more, my soul, the rising dayPage Scan
339Assembled round thine altar, LordPage Scan
340O Lord, our languid souls inspirePage Scan
341God of mercy, hear our prayerPage Scan
342Far from the world, O Lord, I fleePage Scan
343God of the morning, at whose voicePage Scan
344O Lord, behold us at thy feetPage Scan
345O Lord! I would delight in theePage Scan
346Lord of the worlds abovePage Scan
347When any turn from Zion's wayPage Scan
348Lord, I will bless thee all my daysPage Scan
349Praise, my soul, the God that sought theePage Scan
350Father of all, thy care we blessPage Scan
351Great God, indulge my humble claimPage Scan
352Saviour, breathe an evening blessingPage Scan
353Oh, turn, great Ruler of the skiesPage Scan
354Oh, that the Lord would guide my waysPage Scan
355Lord, thou wilt hear me when I prayPage Scan
356Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwellPage Scan
357How sweet to leave the world awhilePage Scan
358O Lord, another week is flownPage Scan
359The day is past and gonePage Scan
360Father, adored in worlds abovePage Scan
361Lord, we come before thee nowPage Scan
362Come, let us lift our joyful eyesPage Scan
363How can I sink with such a propPage Scan
364Is this the kind returnPage Scan
365What shall I render to my GodPage Scan
366How sweet the melting layPage Scan
367Father divine, thy piercing eyePage Scan
368Now, from the altar of our heartsPage Scan
369How are thy servants blessed, O Lord!Page Scan
370Glory to thee, my God, this nightPage Scan
371Great God! to thee my evening songPage Scan
372Return, my roving heart, returnPage Scan
373How can we see the children, LordPage Scan
374O thou who driest the mourner's tearPage Scan
375From every stormy wind that blowsPage Scan
376O Lord, we come before thee nowPage Scan
377God, dismiss us with thy blessingPage Scan
378Hail, ye days of solemn meeting!Page Scan
379Lord, when we bow before thy thronePage Scan
380Once more before we partPage Scan
381Hither, ye faithful, haste with songs of triumphPage Scan
382To go from my home, and with kindred to partPage Scan
383Though troubles assail and thick dangers affrightPage Scan
384Now from labor and from carePage Scan
385How condescending and how kindPage Scan
386Bread of heaven, on thee we feedPage Scan
387Remember thee, redeeming Lord!Page Scan
388When I survey the wondrous crossPage Scan
389Lord, at thy table I beholdPage Scan
390While now we taste these emblems, LordPage Scan
391This is the feast of heavenly winePage Scan
392Here, at thy table, Lord, we meetPage Scan
393If human kindness meets returnPage Scan
394'Twas on that dark, that doleful nightPage Scan
395How sweet and awful is the placePage Scan
396The King of Heaven his table spreadsPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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