Evangelistic Hymns No. 2

Publisher: Evangelistic Hymns Co., Chicago, 1931
Editor: Thoro Harris
Language: English
Notes: Publication date estimated
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1The Son of God atonement made[The Son of God atonement made]
2There's a land beyond the river[There's a land beyond the river]
3Jesus waits to pardon sin[Jesus waits to pardon sin]
4There is soon to be a meeting[There is soon to be a meeting]
5You need not go to heaven[You need not go to heaven]
6Jesus has a table spread[Jesus has a table spread]
7When your sky is overcast[When your sky is overcast]
8O my soul keeps singing hallelujah[O my soul keeps singing hallelujah]
9Those were darksome years[Those were darksome years]
10What doth the Master require at thine hand[What doth the Master require at thine hand]
11What a wondrous message in God's Word[What a wondrous message in God's Word]
12Lo the youthful Jacob on his weary way[Lo the youthful Jacob on his weary way]
13Yielding all to Jesus[Yielding all to Jesus]
14In the darkest hour[In the darkest hour]
15My heart was distress'd 'neath Jehovah's dread frown[My heart was distress'd 'neath Jehovah's dread frown]
16If there's trouble anywhere[If there's trouble anywhere]
17Once I saw in my visions the Savior of men[Once I saw in my visions the Savior of men]
18The joy-bells of heaven are ringing their chime[The joy-bells of heaven are ringing their chime]
19Still saying No to Jesus[Still saying No to Jesus]
20Weary of sin and all its anxious strife[Weary of sin and all its anxious strife]
21There's sunshine in my soul today[There's sunshine in my soul today]
22Fear not, little flock, from the cross to the throne[Fear not, little flock, from the cross to the throne]
23All praise to God that man's Redeemer came[All praise to God that man's Redeemer came]
24We are watching for the coming[We are watching for the coming]
25Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow'r?[Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow'r?]
26I am so glad salvation's free to all who will receive it[I am so glad salvation's free to all who will receive it]
27We shall have a wond'rous home in glory[We shall have a wond'rous home in glory]
28There is sanctifying pow'r like a sweet refreshing show'r[There is sanctifying pow'r like a sweet refreshing show'r]
29Sing the wondrous love of Jesus[Sing the wondrous love of Jesus]
30No doubt, my dear friends, you have heard people say[No doubt, my dear friends, you have heard people say]
31Onward move, ye foll'wers of the Lord[Onward move, ye foll'wers of the Lord]
32That God should love a sinner such as I[That God should love a sinner such as I]
33There is a place where thou canst touch the eyes[There is a place where thou canst touch the eyes]
34Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness[Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness]
35Sweet are the promises[Sweet are the promises]
36In country, town or city some people can be found[In country, town or city some people can be found]
37Soul, do you hear a kind loving voice[Soul, do you hear a kind loving voice]
38Once a sinner far from Jesus[Once a sinner far from Jesus]
39Many are turning to Jesus today[Many are turning to Jesus today]
40Broader than the ocean wide[Broader than the ocean wide]
41I've seen the light'ning flashing[I've seen the light'ning flashing]
42Blest and so happy am I[Blest and so happy am I]
43"Whosoever heareth," shout, shout the sound["Whosoever heareth," shout, shout the sound]
44I have found His grace is all complete[I have found His grace is all complete]
45On Him who watches over all[On Him who watches over all]
46Standing on the promises of Christ my King[Standing on the promises of Christ my King]
47Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling[Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling]
48'Mid the lightning's lurid flash['Mid the lightning's lurid flash]
49Far, far away on the mountains wild and lonely[Far, far away on the mountains wild and lonely]
50I know not what waits me tomorrow[I know not what waits me tomorrow]
51Jesus Christ, the King of glory, died for me[Jesus Christ, the King of glory, died for me]
52I have enter'd, I have enter'd[I have enter'd, I have enter'd]
53I am now on the altar[I am now on the altar]
54We are marching upon the King's highway[We are marching upon the King's highway]
55On the cross my Savior died[On the cross my Savior died]
56Peal the message far and wide[Peal the message far and wide]
57If you from sin are longing to be free[If you from sin are longing to be free]
58Finding rest amid labor, sweet peace amid strife[Finding rest amid labor, sweet peace amid strife]
59Come, we that love the Lord[Come, we that love the Lord]
60Go thou, my chosen one, into thy chamber[Go thou, my chosen one, into thy chamber]
61Christian, have you prov'd a slacker today[Christian, have you prov'd a slacker today]
62O my brother, do you know the Savior[O my brother, do you know the Savior]
63O my brother, have you burdens which today have bow'd you low?[O my brother, have you burdens which today have bow'd you low?]
64Waiting on the Lord, for the promise given[Waiting on the Lord, for the promise given]
65O home of fadeless glory[O home of fadeless glory]
66Jesus! the Christ, God's glorious Son[Jesus! the Christ, God's glorious Son]
67O what pleasures in Jesus I find![O what pleasures in Jesus I find!]
68There's nothing so sure in the whole world today[There's nothing so sure in the whole world today]
69Jesus is gently pleading[Jesus is gently pleading]
70What a wonderful God! what a Friend in our sorrow[What a wonderful God! what a Friend in our sorrow]
71Like the lilies toiling not[Like the lilies toiling not]
72There was never a heart like Jesus[There was never a heart like Jesus]
73Ev'ry promise is a check upon the bank of heav'n[Ev'ry promise is a check upon the bank of heav'n]
74While the dread hour of darkness is settling o'er the earth[While the dread hour of darkness is settling o'er the earth]
75Safe in the arms of Jesus[Safe in the arms of Jesus]
76Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?[Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?]
77I am coming to Jesus for rest[I am coming to Jesus for rest]
78There's a land that is fairer than day[There's a land that is fairer than day]
79Wherever you may be[Wherever you may be]
80I am so glad that our Father in heav'n[I am so glad that our Father in heav'n]
81Tho' dark the night, and clouds look black[Tho' dark the night, and clouds look black]
82Be not dismayed whate'er betide[Be not dismayed whate'er betide]
83Standing alone in the judgment hall[Standing alone in the judgment hall]
84There is a fountain full and free[There is a fountain full and free]
85Because from all eternity[Because from all eternity]
86All the way my Savior leads me[All the way my Savior leads me]
87Alas! and did my Savior bleed?[Alas! and did my Savior bleed?]
88Go to the fields of the Master, and labor[Go to the fields of the Master, and labor]
89O where are the reapers that garner in[O where are the reapers that garner in]
90Safe in the fold[Safe in the fold]
91Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine[Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine]
92When the toils of life are over[When the toils of life are over]
93I've left the valley of death and sin[I've left the valley of death and sin]
94I will meet you in the morning[I will meet you in the morning]
95I never shall forget the day[I never shall forget the day]
96Seeking the lost, yes, kindly entreating[Seeking the lost, yes, kindly entreating]
97Wonderful story of love[Wonderful story of love]
98I have found a friend in Jesus, He's ev'rything to me[I have found a friend in Jesus, He's ev'rything to me]
99Oh what joy and wondrous peace[Oh what joy and wondrous peace]
100Are you weary, are you heavy-hearted?[Are you weary, are you heavy-hearted?]

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