Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-book

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101To our Redeemer's glorious nameTextPage Scan
102Come let us join our cheerful songsTextPage Scan
103O morning star, how fair and brightTextPage Scan
104Crown Him with many crownsTextPage Scan
105I was a wandering sheepTextPage Scan
106Jesus, Savior, come to me!TextPage Scan
107Jesus, Lover of my soulTextPage Scan
108O for a thousand tongues to singTextPage Scan
109O Friend of souls, how blest am ITextPage Scan
110Lord Jesus Christ, with us abideTextPage Scan
111How precious is the Book divineTextPage Scan
112How shall the young secure their heartsTextPage Scan
113O Word of God IncarnateTextPage Scan
114The heavens declare Thy glory, LordTextPage Scan
115The Law of God is good and wiseTextPage Scan
116The Gospel shows the Father's graceTextPage Scan
117Father of mercies, in Thy WordTextPage Scan
118When Israel through the desert passedTextPage Scan
119Lamp of our feet, whereby we traceTextPage Scan
120We have a sure prophetic WordTextPage Scan
121Christians, come, in sweetest measuresTextPage Scan
122In vain would boasting reason findTextPage Scan
123Father, who the light this dayTextPage Scan
124Welcome, delightful mornTextPage Scan
125Safely through another weekTextPage Scan
126On this day, the first of daysTextPage Scan
127This day at Thy creating wordTextPage Scan
128With joy we hail the sacred dayTextPage Scan
129This is the day the Lord hath madeTextPage Scan
130Comfort, comfort ye my peopleTextPage Scan
131Jesus came, the heav'ns adoringTextPage Scan
132Hail to the Lord's AnointedTextPage Scan
133Hark! a thrilling voice is soundingTextPage Scan
134The Bridegroom soon will call usTextPage Scan
135Come, Thou precious Ransom, come!TextPage Scan
136O Lord, how shall I meet TheeTextPage Scan
137The Advent of our GodTextPage Scan
138Lift up your heads, ye mighty gatesTextPage Scan
139Hark, the glad sound! the Savior comesTextPage Scan
140Again is come the new church-yearTextPage Scan
141Savior of the heathen, comeTextPage Scan
142Arise, sons of the kingdom!TextPage Scan
143Once He came in blessingTextPage Scan
144Jesus, Thy Church with longing eyesTextPage Scan
145All my heart this night rejoicesTextPage Scan
146Let the earth now praise the LordTextPage Scan
147All praise to Jesus' hallowed nameTextPage Scan
148Now praise we Christ, the Holy OneTextPage Scan
149A great and mighty wonderTextPage Scan
150From heaven above to earth I comeTextPage Scan
151Rejoice, ye sons of men alway!TextPage Scan
152O rejoice, ye Christians, loudlyTextPage Scan
153Let us all with gladsome voiceTextPage Scan
154Hark! the herald-angels singTextPage Scan
155To us a child of hope is bornTextPage Scan
156We Christians may TextPage Scan
157Praise God the Lord, ye sons of menTextPage Scan
158Joy to the world! the Lord is comeTextPage Scan
159Come hither, ye faithful, triumphantly singTextPage Scan
160Hark! what mean those holy voicesTextPage Scan
161Immanuel, we sing Thy praiseTextPage Scan
162To shepherds, as they watched by nightTextPage Scan
163While with ceaseless course the sunTextPage Scan
164Across the sky the shades of nightTextPage Scan
165Thou who roll'st the year aroundTextPage Scan
166Father, let me dedicateTextPage Scan
167Great God, we sing that mighty HandTextPage Scan
168For Thy mercy and Thy graceTextPage Scan
169The new-born Child this early mornTextPage Scan
170O Lord our Father, thanks to TheeTextPage Scan
171Help us, O Lord! behold, we enterTextPage Scan
172O God, our Help in ages pastTextPage Scan
173The old year now hath passed awayTextPage Scan
174Now let us come before HimTextPage Scan
175The year begins with TheeTextPage Scan
176The ancient Law departsTextPage Scan
177O sacred day, when first was pouredTextPage Scan
178Jesus! Name of wondrous love!TextPage Scan
179O Jesus, King of glory!TextPage Scan
180The Star proclaims the King is hereTextPage Scan
181Brightest and best of the sons of the morningTextPage Scan
182Hail, Thou Source of every blessingTextPage Scan
183As with gladness men of oldTextPage Scan
184Songs of thankfulness and praiseTextPage Scan
185In peace and joy I now departTextPage Scan
186In His temple now behold HimTextPage Scan
187Angels, from the realms of gloryTextPage Scan
188O dearest Jesus, Thee I prayTextPage Scan
189Thank God my Jesus cleanseth meTextPage Scan
190Light of the Gentile nationsTextPage Scan
191A Lamb goes uncomplaining forthTextPage Scan
192Jesus, I will ponder nowTextPage Scan
193To Thee, Lord Jesus, thanks we giveTextPage Scan
194Jesus, grant that balm and healingTextPage Scan
195Lord Jesus Christ, my Life, my LightTextPage Scan
196Christ, the Life of all the livingTextPage Scan
197When o'er my sins I sorrowTextPage Scan
198Beloved Jesus, what law hast Thou brokenTextPage Scan
199Go to dark GethsemaneTextPage Scan
200There is a fountain filled with bloodTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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