Evening Light Songs

Editor: Ruthe Byers, Lawrence D. Pruitt
Publisher: Faith Publishing House, Guthrie, Okla., 1987
Denomination: Evening Light Reformation
Language: English
Notes: First published in 1949
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
201Humility, thou secret vale[Humility, thou secret vale]Page Scan
202I have learned the wondrous secret[I have learned the wondrous secret]Page Scan
203Out on sin's dark mountain[Out on sin's dark mountain]Page Scan
204I hear celestial music strains[I hear celestial music strains]Page Scan
205There's a river of life with its pure crystal light[There's a river of life with its pure crystal light]Page Scan
206There's a fountain of blood that atones for the soul[There's a fountain of blood that atones for the soul]Page Scan
207I've found my Lord and he is mine[I've found my Lord and he is mine]Page Scan
208Shall I tell you why I ceased from folly?[Shall I tell you why I ceased from folly?]Page Scan
209Sweet peace is flowing, peace that will abide[Sweet peace is flowing, peace that will abide]Page Scan
210From my soul and all within[From my soul and all within]Page Scan
211A glorious blessings bestowed upon me[A glorious blessings bestowed upon me]Page Scan
212Prince of glory condescended, he has favored me[Prince of glory condescended, he has favored me]Page Scan
213Pilgrim of Jesus, o'er life's troubled sea[Pilgrim of Jesus, o'er life's troubled sea]Page Scan
214At the cross of Jesus bowing[At the cross of Jesus bowing]Page Scan
215My soul in trouble roamed[My soul in trouble roamed]Page Scan
216Blessed Redeemer, I love thee so well[Blessed Redeemer, I love thee so well]Page Scan
217For perfect love I long have groaned[For perfect love I long have groaned]Page Scan
218In the shadow of the cross let me hide[In the shadow of the cross let me hide]Page Scan
219I am learning of my Savior[I am learning of my Savior]Page Scan
220I am thine, dear blessed Jesus, all thine[I am thine, dear blessed Jesus, all thine]Page Scan
221Following Jesus, following Jesus[Following Jesus, following Jesus]Page Scan
222Is the Spirit glowing in thy heart?[Is the Spirit glowing in thy heart?]Page Scan
223I mean to go right on[I mean to go right on]Page Scan
224When I read how my Savior was nailed to the cross[When I read how my Savior was nailed to the cross]Page Scan
225Have you found rest and peace within[Have you found rest and peace within]Page Scan
226There's a light shining down on my pathway today[There's a light shining down on my pathway today]Page Scan
227As I travel on my way[As I travel on my way]Page Scan
228I know this earthly house shall fall[I know this earthly house shall fall]Page Scan
229I am here a pilgrim stranger[I am here a pilgrim stranger]Page Scan
230As sweet strains of heav'nly music[As sweet strains of heav'nly music]Page Scan
231He is risen, said the angel to the women[He is risen, said the angel to the women]Page Scan
232Jesus is my Shepherd[Jesus is my Shepherd]Page Scan
233While sleeping careless on the brink[While sleeping careless on the brink]Page Scan
234I'm hid away with Christ in God[I'm hid away with Christ in God]Page Scan
235How sweet is the comfort and rest of my soul[How sweet is the comfort and rest of my soul]Page Scan
236Watch and pray that when the master cometh[Watch and pray that when the master cometh]Page Scan
237Lord Jesus, my blessed Redeemer[Lord Jesus, my blessed Redeemer]Page Scan
238I will follow thee, my Savior[I will follow thee, my Savior]Page Scan
239Take my life and let it be[Take my life and let it be]Page Scan
240Blest be the tie that binds[Blest be the tie that binds]Page Scan
241Who will suffer with the Savior[Who will suffer with the Savior]Page Scan
242My life, my love I give to thee[My life, my love I give to thee]Page Scan
243I can hear my Savior calling[I can hear my Savior calling]Page Scan
244In this world I found no rest[In this world I found no rest]Page Scan
245Since Jesus gave his life for me[Since Jesus gave his life for me]Page Scan
246It may not be on the mountains' height[It may not be on the mountains' height]Page Scan
247Blessed Savior, draw me nearer[Blessed Savior, draw me nearer]Page Scan
248Jesus, I my cross have taken[Jesus, I my cross have taken]Page Scan
249Are you adorning the doctrine[Are you adorning the doctrine]Page Scan
250Stand by the cross when the morning sun[Stand by the cross when the morning sun]Page Scan
251If the sinful ways of life[If the sinful ways of life]Page Scan
252Hold fast to the Savior, he loves you still[Hold fast to the Savior, he loves you still]Page Scan
253Let us ever love each other[Let us ever love each other]Page Scan
254"She hath done what she could," said the kind, loving Savior["She hath done what she could," said the kind, loving Savior]Page Scan
255There's a way that is free from sin[There's a way that is free from sin]Page Scan
256When I get weary with toils of the day[When I get weary with toils of the day]Page Scan
257Onward, upward, Christian soldier[Onward, upward, Christian soldier]Page Scan
258Let not your weary heart be troubled[Let not your weary heart be troubled]Page Scan
259O brother, will you bear the cross[O brother, will you bear the cross]Page Scan
260Shall my soul ascend with rapture[Shall my soul ascend with rapture]Page Scan
261Press on, my brother, sister[Press on, my brother, sister]Page Scan
262Let your light so shine that the world may see[Let your light so shine that the world may see]Page Scan
263Beyond where Kedron's waters flow[Beyond where Kedron's waters flow]Page Scan
264I ought to love my Savior[I ought to love my Savior]Page Scan
265As pilgrims and strangers we journey thro' life[As pilgrims and strangers we journey thro' life]Page Scan
266Are you building on the Rock eternal?[Are you building on the Rock eternal?]Page Scan
267Cast thy cares upon the Savior[Cast thy cares upon the Savior]Page Scan
268Be strong and valiant for the truth[Be strong and valiant for the truth]Page Scan
269It is written in the Bible[It is written in the Bible]Page Scan
270Hear the voice of our Commander standing firm[Hear the voice of our Commander standing firm]Page Scan
271Stand up! stand up for Jesus![Stand up! stand up for Jesus!]Page Scan
272O love divine, unfathomed![O love divine, unfathomed!]Page Scan
273Jesus has taken my load of sin[Jesus has taken my load of sin]Page Scan
274There's stealing o'er my peaceful, trusting soul[There's stealing o'er my peaceful, trusting soul]Page Scan
275In this wicked world am I[In this wicked world am I]Page Scan
276Keep me as the apple of thine eye[Keep me as the apple of thine eye]Page Scan
277Now the shadows slowly lengthen[Now the shadows slowly lengthen]Page Scan
278Oh, write thy wondrous law divine[Oh, write thy wondrous law divine]Page Scan
279In the clefted Rock I hide[In the clefted Rock I hide]Page Scan
280I must tell Jesus all of my trials[I must tell Jesus all of my trials]Page Scan
281Savior, thou art life to me[Savior, thou art life to me]Page Scan
282Keep me in touch with thee[Keep me in touch with thee]Page Scan
283If thou wilt know the fountain deep[If thou wilt know the fountain deep]Page Scan
284As far above the howling storm[As far above the howling storm]Page Scan
285Faith is believing, the promise is true[Faith is believing, the promise is true]Page Scan
286I love to tell the story[I love to tell the story]Page Scan
287Can I defeat my Savior's plan[Can I defeat my Savior's plan]Page Scan
288Out on this dark world[Out on this dark world]Page Scan
289Following Jesus from day to day[Following Jesus from day to day]Page Scan
290O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delight[O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delight]Page Scan
291Down into the flowing river[Down into the flowing river]Page Scan
292Spirit holy in me dwelling[Spirit holy in me dwelling]Page Scan
293Dost thy soul, ransomed from Egypt[Dost thy soul, ransomed from Egypt]Page Scan
294I'm never lonely any more[I'm never lonely any more]Page Scan
295There is a blest pavilion[There is a blest pavilion]Page Scan
296Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole[Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole]Page Scan
297I came to Jordan's sullen stream[I came to Jordan's sullen stream]Page Scan
298If thou wouldst have the dear Savior from heaven[If thou wouldst have the dear Savior from heaven]Page Scan
299How often I've pondered my struggles within[How often I've pondered my struggles within]Page Scan
300I am dwelling on the mountain[I am dwelling on the mountain]Page Scan

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