Fellowship Hymnal: with Worship Material and Services

Editor: J. Obert Kempson
Publisher: National Council of the Churches of Christ, Leicestershire, 1955
Music Editor: James R. Snydor
Language: English
Notes: Published in 1969 in a large print edition
The first 138 items are worhip material. Hymns start at number 139
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
239Tell me the old, old storyPage Scan
240I would be true, for there are those who trust mePage Scan
241Nearer, my God, to theePage Scan
242I am thine, O Lord, I have heard thy voicePage Scan
243My hope is built on nothing lessPage Scan
244Dear Lord and Father of mankindPage Scan
245O Hope of every contrite heartPage Scan
246Rock of Ages, cleft for mePage Scan
247What a Friend we have in JesusPage Scan
248I look to thee in every needPage Scan
249Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer!Page Scan
250Jesus, Lover of my soulPage Scan
251Take time to be holyPage Scan
252My faith looks up to theePage Scan
253Not my brother, nor my sister, but it's me, O LordPage Scan
254Sometimes I'm up, sometimes I'm downPage Scan
255A mighty fortress is our GodPage Scan
256Onward, Christian soldiersPage Scan
257Lead on, O King EternalPage Scan
258Soldiers of Christ, arisePage Scan
259God of grace and God of gloryPage Scan
260Stand up, stand up for JesusPage Scan
261Fight the good fight with all thy mightPage Scan
262I love thy kingdom, LordPage Scan
263The Church's one foundationPage Scan
264Christ is made the sure FoundationPage Scan
265Faith of our fathers! living stillPage Scan
266Glorious things of thee are spokenPage Scan
267O Word of God incarnatePage Scan
268O God of Light, thy word, a lamp unfailingPage Scan
269Break thou the bread of lifePage Scan
270Go forth, strong word of GodPage Scan
271According to thy gracious wordPage Scan
272Be known to us in breaking breadPage Scan
273Bread of the world, in mercy brokenPage Scan
274Jesus, thou joy of loving heartsPage Scan
275Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
276Heralds of Christ, who bear the King's commandsPage Scan
277Thou whose almighty wordPage Scan
278In Christ there is no East or WestPage Scan
279Blest be the tie that bindsPage Scan
280O Master, let me walk with theePage Scan
281Rise up, O men of God!Page Scan
282Another year is dawningPage Scan
283My country, 'tis of theePage Scan
284God bless our native landPage Scan
285Not alone for mighty empirePage Scan
286God of our fathers, whose almighty handPage Scan
287O beautiful for spacious skiesPage Scan
288Come, ye thankful people, comePage Scan
289Now thank we all our GodPage Scan
290Our Father who art in heavenPage Scan
291Holy, holy, holy, Lord of HostsPage Scan
292Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of HostsPage Scan
293We praise thee, O GodPage Scan
294Praise God from whom all blessings flowPage Scan
295Father Almighty, bless us with thy blessingPage Scan
296May the grace of Christ our SaviorPage Scan
297All things come of thee, O LordPage Scan
298Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heartPage Scan
299O thou who hearest every heartfelt prayerPage Scan
300The Lord be with youPage Scan
301Glory be to the Father, and to the SonPage Scan
302Hear our prayer, O LordPage Scan
303Almighty Father, hear our prayerPage Scan
304Lead me, Lord, Lead me in thy righteousnessPage Scan

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