Fresh Leaves for the use of Sabbath Schools

Editor: T. C. O'Kane
Publisher: Philip Phillips / Hitchcock & Walden, New York / Cincinnati / Chicago / St. Louis, 1868
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
3Come, little soldiers, join in our bandPage Scan
4aGod has said, Forever blessed Page Scan
4bGently, Lord, oh, gently lead usPage Scan
5Come away, come away, Hark the bells are ringingPage Scan
6Morn amid the mountainsPage Scan
7Tell me the old, old storyPage Scan
8Thou Guardian of our youthful daysPage Scan
9There is a place where the angels dwellPage Scan
10Jesus, lover of my soulPage Scan
11Come with us today, oh comePage Scan
12Our happy home is far awayPage Scan
13Oh, the Sabbath morning, beautiful and brightPage Scan
14aHow sweet is the Sabbath, the morning of rest Page Scan
14bOur Father, who art in heavenPage Scan
15On the banks beyond the streamPage Scan
16Jesus, the water of life will givePage Scan
17My faith looks up to theePage Scan
18aWelcome to our festivalPage Scan
18bBlest be the tie that binds Page Scan
19aHoly Spirit, faithful GuidePage Scan
19bHere we throng to praise the LordPage Scan
20Who are they whose little feetPage Scan
21In that world of glory brightPage Scan
22Hosanna, be the children's songPage Scan
23Lord, we come before thee nowPage Scan
24aWe're trav'ling home to heaven abovePage Scan
24bTo-day the Savior calls!Page Scan
25Hark, a voice! a heavenly voicePage Scan
26The Bible, the Bible! more precious than goldPage Scan
27What to me are earth's pleasures, and what its flowing tears?Page Scan
28Blessed are the pure in heartPage Scan
29aWork, for the night is comingPage Scan
29bThe morning bright, With rosy lightPage Scan
30O'er the portals of mercy these words are inscribedPage Scan
31I will trust in my SaviorPage Scan
32Why do we linger?Page Scan
33A song for the school, the Sunday-schoolPage Scan
34Have you any room for Jesus?Page Scan
35Our Savior bids the children comePage Scan
36Silently the shades are fallingPage Scan
37aHark! I hear the Savior callingPage Scan
37bThink of it, little childrenPage Scan
38Oh, come, happy children, unite in our songPage Scan
39When I can read my title clearPage Scan
40Remember the poor, the desolate poorPage Scan
41The world looks very beautifulPage Scan
42Guide me, O thou great JehovahPage Scan
43aWe speak of the realms of the blestPage Scan
43bJesus bids us shine, With a pure, clear lightPage Scan
44Hear you ever angels singingPage Scan
45Let us work for the school with our hearts and our handsPage Scan
46aMarch along together, Ever firm and truePage Scan
46bJesus, high in gloryPage Scan
47I think, when I read that sweet story of oldPage Scan
48Shall we meet no more to partPage Scan
49When o'er earth is breakingPage Scan
50aJust as thou art, without one tracePage Scan
50bI'm a little pilgrim, And a stranger herePage Scan
51Mother, tell me of the angelsPage Scan
52aThe Sunday-school is my delightPage Scan
52bLittle drops of waterPage Scan
53aWill you go, sinner, goPage Scan
53bJesus says that we must love himPage Scan
54If we knew when walking thoughtlessPage Scan
55aJesus, Savior, pity mePage Scan
55bMy country, 'tis of theePage Scan
56We love the sunny days of springPage Scan
57Stand up for the truth all your lifetimePage Scan
58The children dear who love to prayPage Scan
59There is a beautiful worldPage Scan
60Life is but a fleeting dreamPage Scan
61The way is dark, my Father!Page Scan
62When we hear the music ringingPage Scan
63In yonder world of gloryPage Scan
64aHappy angels still you dwellPage Scan
64bSilently the shepherdsPage Scan
65Where do you journey, my brotherPage Scan
66I am waiting for the MasterPage Scan
67We are living, we are dwelling in a grand and awful timePage Scan
68"Remember thy Creator"Page Scan
69Courage, brother, do not stumblePage Scan
70There's a song the angels singPage Scan
71God, who gave us each a talentPage Scan
72We joyfully wake our choral layPage Scan
73We're marching to the promised landPage Scan
74Hark the Sabbath bellPage Scan
75We are on the deep, we are sailing to our homePage Scan
76I know there's a crown for the saints of renownPage Scan
77aJesus Christ our Lord and SaviorPage Scan
77bSavior, at Thy footstool bendingPage Scan
78Dare to be right! Dare to be true!Page Scan
79We shall meet beyond the riverPage Scan
80How sweet the name of Jesus soundsPage Scan
81Rejoice, rejoice, the promised time is comingPage Scan
82We shall sleep, but not foreverPage Scan
83Nothing but leaves, the spirit grievesPage Scan
84a'Tis not for man to trifle! Life is brief and sin is herePage Scan
84bO give thanks unto the LordPage Scan
85They are coming! they are coming!Page Scan
86"Lift me higher, lift me higher!"Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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