Favorite Radio Songs

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101Dear comrade, you're facing the right and the wrong
102For me he prayed
103I have heard of a land on the far away strand
104I am trusting in my blessed Savior who is all the world to me
105There is music in my soul While from my lips hallelujahs
106Brightly beams our Father's mercy
107I want my life to show the world
108Love of the Father so wondrous and true
109O happy day that fixed [seals] [stays] my choice
110Must Jesus bear the [his] cross alone
111Sing the praise of Jesus as you go along
112Some day the cares of life will rise
113In thy field I would wield
114There's a wondrous light in heaven
115When the Lord of all both the great and small
116Some day, glad day, on heaven's golden shore
117Sitting at the feet of Jesus, watching
118There is joy and peace and gladness in my heart today
119I hear the Savior say, thy strength indeed is small
120Mid the toil and strife of this busy life
121Sometimes I get weary all along my pilgrim way
122Wonderful things of folks are said When they have passed away
123I've just a little longer on the road to travel
124Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
125I dreamed I had gone to that city
126There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing [speak] its worth
127We see our friends are weeping
128A happy home is waiting me
129When all your friends forsake you
130If I should be living when Jesus comes
131I'd like to wander back again
132Precious memories, unseen angels sent from
133If I could only wander back
134Once I wandered from the Lord
135As you travel on the rugged road
136When your heart is bleeding
137I live in a land of sorrow while toiling in this
138I have a home in glory, 'tis everything to me
139I once was lost in sin but Jesus took me in
140There's a mansion up in heaven in that bright eternal land
141Are you giving to the world a smile
142Soul you are drifting along on the tide
143Come to the Savior, win grace and favor He'll cleanse your sin-stained soul
144O let us be careful whle sowing our seed
145Years ago, when but [I] [just] a boy
146I think of the circle of the friends I have known
147There's a golden city in the sky
148You ask me why some days are sad
149A time is approaching, we know not the day
150I will meet you in the morning by the bright
151I hold to the hand of my Savior and friend
152Brethren, we have met to worship, and adore the Lord our God
153A few more years may pass away A few more
154When this busy life is ended
155My soul was drifting far from the road
156O see the golden harvest
157All around me every moment
158Jesus keeps a carol ringing in my soul
159In the harvest we should be reaping
160Rescue the perishing, care for the dying
161As I travel through this pilgrim land
162Wonderful is Jesus, our matchless King
163There's a little white church in the valley
164While I sail life's rolling sea
165From Jerusalem to Jericho upon the lonely road
166This world's magic gallery of pictures
167There's an old home place that I would like to see
168I'm a pilgrim and a stranger in this wilderness below, But I have a mansion
169Oft when twilight gathers
170There's a crown for your cross
171Come, view the cross where Jesus died
172Look away from the cross
173O there is a time when the message will come
174There's a wonderful lifegiving story
175Time is filled with swift transition
176Often I've heard of heaven, wonderful country
177There's a happy land of promise
178Take my life, and let it be, consecrated
179As I journey on this pilgrim way
180Once I was wandering sad and weary
181As we journey on t'ward heaven's shining goal
182Just across the silent river On a fair, eternal shore
183God's dear Son has kept me singing
184Some of these days I'm going home where no sorrows ever come
185Tempted and tried we're oft made to [we often do] wonder [wander]
186The sands have been washed in the footprints
187I'm thinking now of heaven
188When our work here is complete
189I do not ask for happy days
190Happy songs I sing today
191How I love the great Redeemer
192Since I reached life's goal I'd like to stroll
193Lord, I sometimes feel Just like a stranger here As I travel down life's road
194O thou in whose presence my soul takes delight
195We see the rainbow shining
196While kneeling by her bedside
197I am thinking today of a little old home
198I dearly love my mother's book
199There's a little pine log cabin
200Who went to Calvary's cross

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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