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#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
185Kyrie eleison[Kyrie] (Mass of Light)
186Lord God, heavenly King[Gloria] (Mass of Light)
187Speak, O Lord, your servant is list'ning[Alleluia] (Mass of Light)
188We do not live on bread alone[We do not live on bread alone] (Mass of Light)
189The Lord be with you[The Lord be with you] (Mass of Light)
190Holy, holy, holy Lord[Holy, holy, holy Lord] (Mass of Light)
191Hosanna in the highest[Hosanna in the highest] (Mass of Light)
192Dying you destroyed our death[Dying you destroyed our death] (Mass of Light)
193Hear us, hear us[Hear us, hear us] (Mass of Light)
194Amen, amen![Twofold Amen] (Mass of Light)
195Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world[Lamb of God] (Mass of Light)
196Lord Jesus, you came to gather the nations[Kyrie eleison]Page Scan
197Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth[Glory to God] (Mass of Remembrance)Page Scan
198Speak, O Lord, your servant is list'ning[Alleluia] (Mass of Remembrance)Page Scan
199The Lord be with you[The Lord be with you] (Mass of Remembrance)Page Scan
200Praise, thanks and glory be to you, O God[Praise, thanks and glory] (Mass of Remebrance)Page Scan
201Holy, holy, holy Lord[Holy, holy, holy Lord] (Mass of Remembrance)Page Scan
202Praise, thanks and glory be to you, O Christ[Praise, thanks and glory] (Mass of Remembrance)Page Scan
203When we eat this bread[When we eat this bread] (Mass of Remembrance)Page Scan
204We remember how you loved us to your death[We remember] (Mass of Remembrance)Page Scan
205Hear us, O Lord[Hear us, O Lord] (Mass of Remembrance)Page Scan
206Through him, with him, in him[Amen] (Mass of Remembrance)Page Scan
207Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world[Lamb of God] (Mass of Remembrance)Page Scan
208Lord, have mercy[Kyrie] (The Psallite Mass)Page Scan
209aGlory to God in the highest[Glory to God] (The Psallite Mass)Page Scan
209bYou take away the sin of the world[Gloria] (The Psallite Mass)Page Scan
210Holy, holy, holy[Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of power and might] (The Psallite Mass)Page Scan
211Dying you destroyed our death[Dying you destroyed our death] (The Psallite Mass)Page Scan
212Through him, with him, in him[Through him, with him, in him] (The Psallite Mass)Page Scan
213Jesus, Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world[Lamb of God] (The Psallite Mass)Page Scan
214O Lord, have mercy (Señor, ten piedad)[Kyrie] (Mass for the Life of the World)
215Lord God, heavenly King[Gloria] (Mass for the Life of the World)
216Speak, Lord, your servant is list'ning (Cristo, yo soy tu sirviente)[Alleluia] (Mass for the Life of the World)
217O Lord, hear our prayer (Señor, óyenos)[O Lord, Hear Our Prayer] (Mass for the Life of the World)Page Scan
218Let us give thanks to the Lord (Demos gracias al Señor)[Demos gracias al Señor] (Mass for the Life of the World)
219Holy, holy, holy Lord (Santo, Santo es el Señor)[Holy, holy, holy Lord] (Mass for the Life of the World)
220Holy, holy, holy Lord (Santo, santo es el Señor)[Holy, holy, holy Lord] (Mass for the Life of the World)
221(Hum)[Ostinato 3] (Mass for the Life of the World)
222Christ has died, Alleluia! (Cristo ha muerto. !Aleluya!)[Christ has died, Alleluia] (Mass for the Life of the World)
223O Lord, hear our prayer (Señor, óyenos)[O Lord, hear our prayer] (Mass for the Life of the World)
224Through him, with him, in him (Por Cristo con él, y en él)[Through him, with him, in him] (Mass for the Life of the World)Page Scan
225Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world (Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo)[Lamb of God] (Mass for the Life of the World)
226Lord, have mercy, Christ have mercy[Lord, have mercy] (A Community Mass)Page Scan
227Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth[Glory to God in the highest]Page Scan
228Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might[Holy, holy, holy Lord] (A Community Mass)Page Scan
229Christ has died; Christ is risen[Christ has died] (A Community Mass)Page Scan
230When we eat this bread and drink this cup[When we eat this bread] (A Community Mass)Page Scan
231Amen, amen, amen[Threefold Amen] (A Community Mass)Page Scan
232Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world[Lamb of God] (A Community Mass)Page Scan
233Lord, have mercy[Lord, have mercy] (Deutsche Messe)Page Scan
234Glory, glory to God in the highest[Glory, glory to God] (Deutsche Messe)Page Scan
235Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of pow'r and might[Holy, holy, holy Lord] (Deutsche Messe)Page Scan
236Dying you destroyed our death[Dying you destroyed our death] (Deutsche Messe)Page Scan
237Lord, by your cross and resurrection[Lord, by your cross] (Deutsche Messe)Page Scan
238Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen.[Amen] (Deutsche Messe)Page Scan
239Our Father, who art in heaven[Our Father, who art in heaven] (Deutsche Messe)Page Scan
240Jesus, Lamb of God, have mercy on us[Jesus, Lamb of God] (Deutsche Messe)Page Scan
241Springs of water, bless the Lord[Springs of water, bless the Lord]Page Scan
242Springs of creation, river and ocean[Springs of creation, river and ocean]Page Scan
243Oceans of earth, sing glory to God[Oceans of earth, sing glory to God]Page Scan
244Lord Jesus, from your wounded side[Lord Jesus, from your wounded side]Page Scan
245You have put on Christ[You Have Put on Christ]Page Scan
246Lord have mercy (Show us your mercy)[Lord have mercy]Page Scan
247Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy[Lord have mercy]Page Scan
248Kyrie eleison[Kyrie eleison]Page Scan
249Lord God, heavenly King[Lord God, heavenly king] Page Scan
250Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth[Glory to God in the highest] Page Scan
251Lord God, heavenly King[Lord God, heavenly King]Page Scan
252Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth[Glory to God in the highest] Page Scan
253Glory to God in the highest[Glory to god in the highest] Page Scan
254Glory to God in the highest[Glory to God]Page Scan
255Gloria in excelsis Deo[Gloria in excelsis Deo] Page Scan
256We will hear your word, one in love[We will hear your word] Page Scan
257Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia]Page Scan
258The Word of the Lord lasts forever[The Word of the Lord lasts forever]
259Oh God to whom shall we go?[Oh God to whom shall we go?]Page Scan
260Your words, O Lord, give joy to my heart[Your words, O Lord, give joy to my heart]Page Scan
261Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia]Page Scan
262Alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia] Page Scan
263Alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia] Page Scan
264Alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia] (Proulx)Page Scan
265Alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia]Page Scan
266Turn to the Lord with all your heart[Turn to the Lord with all your heart]
267Glory to you, O Word of God[Glory to you, O Word of God]Page Scan
268O Lord, hear our prayer[O Lord, hear our prayer]Page Scan
269O God, hear us[O God, hear us]
270O loving Father, hear us we pray[O loving Father, hear us we pray]Page Scan
271Kyrie, kyrie, eleison[Kyrie, kyrie, eleison]Page Scan
272Kyrie eleison[Kyrie eleison]Page Scan
273Kyrie, eleison[Kyrie eleison] (Reindorf)Page Scan
274Gracious Lord, hear us we pray[Gracious Lord, hear us we pray]Page Scan
275The Lord be with you[The Lord be with you] Page Scan
276Holy, holy, holy Lord[Holy, holy, holy Lord] Page Scan
277Holy, holy, holy, holy (Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, Dominus)[Holy, holy, holy, holy]Page Scan
278We remember, O God[We remember, O God]Page Scan
279Christ has died, Christ is risen[Christ has died, Christ is risen] Page Scan
280Remember, O God[Remember, O God]Page Scan
281Amen! Alleluia![Amen! Alleluia]Page Scan
282The Lord be with you[The Lord be with you]Page Scan
283Hosanna in the highest[Hosanna in the highest]Page Scan

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