Golden Songs: for the Sabbath School, Sanctuary and Social Worship

Editor: Rev. I. Baltzell
Publisher: United Brethren Printing Establishment, Dayton, Oh., 1874
Denomination: United Brethren in Christ
Language: English
Notes: Published also in 1884 and 1887
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
135bJesus calls, "dear children, Come to me and live"Page Scan
136Faint not, Christian, tho' the roadPage Scan
137Come, blessed Saviour, take my heartPage Scan
138Sowing their seed in the beautiful dawnPage Scan
139"Feed my lambs," how condescendingPage Scan
140We are homeward bound to the land of light and lovePage Scan
141O come, happy children, unite in our songPage Scan
142Merry, merry Christmas ev'rywhere!Page Scan
143When many to the Saviour's feet Their little children broughtPage Scan
144Oh, how pleasing the prospect of homePage Scan
145Up and doing, little children, Up, and doing while 'tis dayPage Scan
146aWhen Sabbath's hallowed morn I greetPage Scan
146b"Remember thy Creator," Now in the youthful daysPage Scan
147bNearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to theePage Scan
148'Tis but little we can do, Jesus to repayPage Scan
149Ever blessed Jesus, Listen unto mePage Scan
150Brethren, while we sojourn here, Fight we must, but should not fearPage Scan
151Have you spent a pleasant day?Page Scan
152aI know that my Redeemer livesPage Scan
152bFirmly, brethren, firmly standPage Scan
154I am weary of earth; for the friends I love most dearPage Scan
155Light is dawning, pilgrim O'er thy lonelyPage Scan
156Shall we meet beyond the riverPage Scan
157We'll all gather home in the morningPage Scan
158Press on, press on, tho' doubts arisePage Scan
159There's not a bright and beaming smilePage Scan
160I'm going to yonder bright gloryPage Scan
161O sing of that beautiful landPage Scan
162We're on the ocean sailing, Our home's beyond the tidePage Scan
163The harvest field's already whitePage Scan
164Our home beyond, forever fairPage Scan
165Nearer, my God, to theePage Scan
166There's a land far away, 'mid the stars, we are toldPage Scan
167There is a place of waveless rest, Far, far beyond, the skiesPage Scan
168One hundred years ago, one hundred years, Our bark o'er billowy seasPage Scan
169bOn thy truth and grace relyingPage Scan
171We hail our bright centennial yearPage Scan
172That thou, O God, didst first inspirePage Scan
173Blessed Christ, thou risen SaviourPage Scan
174aWhen shall we meet again? Meet ne'er to sever?Page Scan
174bPriase God, from whom all blessings flowPage Scan

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