Hymns for Christian Melody

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
801While o'er our guilty land, O LordPage Scan
802Eternal source of every joyPage Scan
803How rich thy gifts, almighty KingPage Scan
804Lord of heaven, and earth, and oceanPage Scan
805Say, should we search the globe aroundPage Scan
806Shine, mighty God, on this our landPage Scan
807Mercy and judgment are my songPage Scan
808Come, let our voices join in one glad [joyful] song [songs] of praisePage Scan
809Great God, our voice to thee we raisePage Scan
810Within these walls be peacePage Scan
811Consider all my sorrows, Lord, And thy deliverance sendPage Scan
812Firm was my health, my day was brightPage Scan
813I love the Lord, he heard my criesPage Scan
814Just o'er the grave I hungPage Scan
815Oft have I sat in secret sighsPage Scan
816O thou, before whose gracious thronePage Scan
817When languor and disease invadePage Scan
818When pining sickness wastes the framePage Scan
819When sickness shakes the [languid] framePage Scan
820And let this feeble body failPage Scan
821Away with our sorrow and fearPage Scan
822Death cannot make our souls afraid, If God be with us therePage Scan
823Great God, I own the sentence justPage Scan
824How happy is the pilgrim's lotPage Scan
825I long to behold him arrayed with gloryPage Scan
826In this world of sin and sorrowPage Scan
827O could our thoughts and wishes flyPage Scan
828On Jordan's stormy [rugged] banks I stand, And cast a wishful eyePage Scan
829On wings of faith, mount up, my soul, and risePage Scan
830Still out of the deepest abyssPage Scan
831Surrounded by a host of foesPage Scan
832There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reignPage Scan
833To Jesus, the crown of my [our] hopePage Scan
834What are these in bright arrayPage Scan
835While on the verge of life I standPage Scan
836Who are these [those] arrayed in whitePage Scan
837Ye fleeting charms of earth, farewellPage Scan
838And is this life prolonged to mePage Scan
839Awake, my zeal, awake my lovePage Scan
840Eternity is just at handPage Scan
841God of eternity, from theePage Scan
842How short and hasty is our lifePage Scan
843I wait a few sorrowful yearsPage Scan
844I would not live alway [always], I ask not to stayPage Scan
845Life is the time to serve the LordPage Scan
846The time is short the season nearPage Scan
847Thee we adore, eternal name, And humblyPage Scan
848Thus I resolved before the LordPage Scan
849Time, what an empty [fleeting] vapor 'tisPage Scan
850Absent from flesh, O blissful thoughtPage Scan
851Death may dissolve my body now, And bear my spirit homePage Scan
852Deluded souls, who think to find [grasp]Page Scan
853Do flesh and nature dread to diePage Scan
854Hear what the voice from heaven proclaimsPage Scan
855Heaven has confirmed the great [dread] decreePage Scan
856How blest the righteous when he diesPage Scan
857How long shall death, the tyrant, reignPage Scan
858I see the pleasant bed where lies the dying saintPage Scan
859I soon shall accomplish my racePage Scan
860Lord, at thy temple we appear, As happy Simon camePage Scan
861Lord, 'tis an infinite delightPage Scan
862Lord, when we see a saint of thinePage Scan
863My thoughts, that oft ascend [often mount] the skiesPage Scan
864My thoughts on awful subjects rollPage Scan
865No, I'll repine at death no morePage Scan
866Peace, 'tis the Lord Jehovah's handPage Scan
867Stoop down, my thoughts, that [which] used [use] to risePage Scan
868The God of love will sure indulgePage Scan
869There is a house not made with [by] hands, EternalPage Scan
870Vain man [men], thy [your] fond pursuits forbearPage Scan
871What scenes of horror and of dread [death]Page Scan
872Why do the proud insult the poorPage Scan
873Why should we start and fear to diePage Scan
874When the last trumpet's awful voicePage Scan
875Ah lovely appearance of deathPage Scan
876Far from affliction, toil and carePage Scan
877Give glory to Jesus our HeadPage Scan
878Hark, from the tomb [tombs] a doleful [warning] [mournful] soundPage Scan
879Hosanna to Jesus on high, Another has entered his restPage Scan
880How blest the righteous arePage Scan
881In vain my [the] fancy strives to paint The moment after deathPage Scan
882My soul, come, meditate the day, And thinkPage Scan
883Naked as from the earth we camePage Scan
884Now let our mourning [drooping] hearts revivePage Scan
885Oft as the bell, with solemn toll, Speaks the departure of a soulPage Scan
886O [Our] God, our help in ages [seasons] pastPage Scan
887O ye mourners, cease to languishPage Scan
888Rejoice for a brother deceasedPage Scan
889Take comfort, Christians, when your friendsPage Scan
890The grave is now a favored spotPage Scan
891The once loved form, now cold and deadPage Scan
892Thy life I read, my dearest [blessed] [gracious)],LordPage Scan
893'Tis finished, 'tis donePage Scan
894Unvail [Unveil] thy bosom, faithful tombPage Scan
895Ye mourning saints [friends] [ ones], whose streaming tearsPage Scan
896When blooming youth is [are] snatched [called] awayPage Scan
897And must I be to judgment broughtPage Scan
898And am I born to diePage Scan
899Behold with awful pompPage Scan
900Great God, what do I [we] see and hearPage Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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