Hymnal Companion to the Prayer Book: with accompanying tunes

Editor: William J. Boehm
Publisher: Armstrong-Keyser, Philadelphia, 1907
Denomination: Reformed Episcopal Church
Language: English
Notes: At head of title: Book of Common Praise
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
250By Christ redeemed, in Christ restoredPage Scan
251My God, accept my heart this dayPage Scan
252Arm these Thy soldiers, mighty LordPage Scan
253aThine for ever:--God of lovePage Scan
253bThine for ever:--God of lovePage Scan
254My faith looks up to TheePage Scan
255Lord, I am Thine, entirely ThinePage Scan
256Jesus, I my cross have takenPage Scan
257Oh, happy day, that fixed my choicePage Scan
258Jesus, and shall it ever bePage Scan
259Jesus! engrave it on my heartPage Scan
260O Spirit of the living GodPage Scan
261Father of mercies, bow Thine earPage Scan
262Go forth, ye heralds! in My NamePage Scan
263Ye servants of God, your Master proclaimPage Scan
264How beauteous are their feetPage Scan
265Lord, who at Cana's wedding feastPage Scan
266The voice that breathed o'er EdenPage Scan
267Heavenly Shepherd, Thee we prayPage Scan
268An early temple here we raisePage Scan
269This stone to Thee in faith we layPage Scan
270God of our Fathers! from Thy thronePage Scan
271O Thou, Who didst the temple fillPage Scan
272Christ is made the sure foundationPage Scan
273Lord of Hosts, to Thee we raisePage Scan
274Now the laborer's task is o'erPage Scan
275Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleepPage Scan
276On the resurrection morningPage Scan
277Not for the dead in Christ we weepPage Scan
278Jesus, while our hearts are bleedingPage Scan
279Tender Shepherd, Thou hast stilledPage Scan
280Servant of God! well donePage Scan
281Rest for the toiling handPage Scan
282Safely, safely gathered inPage Scan
283To Thee, O Lord, our hearts we raisePage Scan
284Praise to God, immortal praisePage Scan
285Eternal Source of every joyPage Scan
286Earth below is teemingPage Scan
287Sing to the Lord of harvestPage Scan
288Now thank we all our GodPage Scan
289Swell the anthem! raise the songPage Scan
290My country, 'tis of theePage Scan
291God bless our native land!Page Scan
292God of our fathers, whose almighty handPage Scan
293O God of love, O King of peacePage Scan
294O God of heav'n and earth arisePage Scan
295Lord God, we worship Thee!Page Scan
296Dread Jehovah, God of nationsPage Scan
297Christ, by heavenly hosts adoredPage Scan
298Eternal Father! strong to savePage Scan
299Star of peace to wanderers wearyPage Scan
300Jesus, Saviour, Pilot mePage Scan
301When our heads are bowed with woePage Scan
302When in the hour of utmost needPage Scan
303O love Divine, that stooped to sharePage Scan
304aMy God, my Father, while I strayPage Scan
304bMy God, my Father, while I strayPage Scan
305Oh, let him whose sorrowPage Scan
306Be still, my heart! these anxious caresPage Scan
307Thousands, O Lord of hosts, todayPage Scan
308aWith tearful eyes I look aroundPage Scan
308bWith tearful eyes I look aroundPage Scan
309When gathering clouds around I viewPage Scan
310I do not ask, O Lord, that life may bePage Scan
311Hark! the song of jubileePage Scan
312Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
313Thou, Whose Almighty Word Chaos and darkness heardPage Scan
314Saviour, sprinkle many nationsPage Scan
315From Greenland's icy mountainsPage Scan
316Fling out the banner! let it floatPage Scan
317Hasten, Lord, the glorious timePage Scan
318Arm of the Lord, awake, awakePage Scan
319Ye Christian heralds, go, proclaimPage Scan
320Look from the sphere of endless dayPage Scan
321O Sion haste, thy mission high fulfillingPage Scan
322Disowned by heaven, by man oppressedPage Scan
323The morning light is breakingPage Scan
324aArise, O Lord, and shinePage Scan
324bArise, O Lord, and shinePage Scan
325Souls in heathen darkness lyingPage Scan
326Lord lead the way the Saviour wentPage Scan
327Lord of our life, and God of our salvationPage Scan
328We give Thee but Thine ownPage Scan
329Thou Lord of life, our saving HealthPage Scan
330Lord, though full my heart may bePage Scan
331Lord of glory, Thou hast bought usPage Scan
332O Lord of heaven and earth and seaPage Scan
333Jesus, our Lord, how rich Thy grace!Page Scan
334O Thou before whose presencePage Scan
335Rescue the perishing, care for the dyingPage Scan
336Yield not to temptation, For yielding is sinPage Scan
337O Word of God incarnatePage Scan
338Lamp of our feet, whereby we tracePage Scan
339A glory gilds the sacred pagePage Scan
340Father of mercies, in Thy wordPage Scan
341How precious is the book divinePage Scan
342Holy Bible, book divinePage Scan
343The volume of my Father's gracePage Scan
344The spacious firmament on highPage Scan
345Ye tribes of Adam, joinPage Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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