Heavenly Highway Hymns: a choice collection of Gospel songs, both old and new, suitable for religious work and worship

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98Throw out the Lifeline across the dark wave[Throw out the Lifeline across the dark wave]
99When we walk with the Lord[When we walk with the Lord]
100Are you weary, are you heavy hearted?[Are you weary, are you heavy hearted?]
101Would you be free from your burden of sin?[Would you be free from your burden of sin?]
102There's a great day coming, a great day coming[There's a great day coming, a great day coming]
103Someone will knock at the saints' bright home[Someone will knock at the saints' bright home]
104'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus['Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus]
105Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling[Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling]
106Rescue the perishing[Rescue the perishing]
107Careless soul, why will you linger[Careless soul, why will you linger]
108Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole[Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole]
109All to Jesus I surrender[All to Jesus I surrender]
110O do not let the Word depart[O do not let the Word depart]
111Jesus, keep me near the cross[Jesus, keep me near the cross]
112If you are tired of the load of your sin[If you are tired of the load of your sin]
113I've wandered far away from God[I've wandered far away from God]
114Kneel at the cross[Kneel at the cross]
115Is there a heart that is waiting[Is there a heart that is waiting]
116We have heard the joyful sound[We have heard the joyful sound]
117I must tell Jesus all of my trials[I must tell Jesus all of my trials]
118Have thy affections been nailed to the cross?[Have thy affections been nailed to the cross?]
119Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow'r?[Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow'r?]
120Pass me not, O gentle Savior[Pass me not, O gentle Savior]
121I need Thee ev'ry hour[I need Thee ev'ry hour]
122What can wash away my sin?[What can wash away my sin?]
123Come, ev'ry soul by sin oppressed[Come, ev'ry soul by sin oppressed]
124Just as I am, without one plea[Just as I am, without one plea]
125I hear the Savior say[I hear the Savior say]
126Alas, and did my Savior bleed[Alas, and did my Savior bleed]
127Hark! 'tis the Shepherd's voice I hear[Hark! 'tis the Shepherd's voice I hear]
128You have tried the path of worldly pleasure[You have tried the path of worldly pleasure]
129Don't you want to go to that happy home on high?[Don't you want to go to that happy home on high?]
130God is calling the prodigal, come without delay[God is calling the prodigal, come without delay]
131There is a name I love to hear[There is a name I love to hear]
132There is a fountain filled with blood[There is a fountain filled with blood]
133Out on the perilous deep[Out on the perilous deep]
134'Tis the grandest theme thru the ages rung['Tis the grandest theme thru the ages rung]
135Where is my wandering boy tonight[Where is my wandering boy tonight]
136Take the name of Jesus with you[Take the name of Jesus with you]
137Alas! and did my Savior bleed?[Alas! and did my Savior bleed?]
138Savior, more than life to me[Savior, more than life to me]
139"Almost persuaded" now to believe["Almost persuaded" now to believe]
140There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus[There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus]
141I can hear my Savior calling[I can hear my Savior calling]
142Hear the blessed Savior calling the oppressed[Hear the blessed Savior calling the oppressed]
143I am coming to the cross[I am coming to the cross]
144Down at the cross where my Savior died[Down at the cross where my Savior died]
145If the price of salvation were silver and gold[If the price of salvation were silver and gold]
146Jesus has a table spread[Jesus has a table spread]
147Break Thou the bread of life[Break Thou the bread of life]
148I must needs go home by the way of the cross[I must needs go home by the way of the cross]
149On the cross of Calvary our blessed Savior died[On the cross of Calvary our blessed Savior died]
150Once I wandered alone in blackness of night[Once I wandered alone in blackness of night]
151Not my father, nor my mother, but it's me, O Lord[Not my father, nor my mother, but it's me, O Lord]
152Invisible hands are waiting to guide you[Invisible hands are waiting to guide you]
153It's my desire to do some good thing ev'ry day[It's my desire to do some good thing ev'ry day]
154When God dips His pen of love in my heart[When God dips His pen of love in my heart]
155Living below in this old sinful world[Living below in this old sinful world]
156Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine![Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!]
157Come, hear me tell the story Paul and Silas loved so well[Come, hear me tell the story Paul and Silas loved so well]
158I dreamed I had gone to that city[I dreamed I had gone to that city]
159There is a name I love to hear[There is a name I love to hear]
160On Jordan's stormy banks I stand[On Jordan's stormy banks I stand]
161My faith look up to Thee[My faith look up to Thee]
162Take time to be holy[Take time to be holy]
163Nearer, my God, to Thee[Nearer, my God, to Thee]
164What a fellowship, what a joy divine[What a fellowship, what a joy divine]
165God can do anything, anything, anything[God can do anything, anything, anything]
166This little light of mine[This little light of mine]
167The B-I-B-L-E[The B-I-B-L-E]
168Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me[Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me]
169Only believe, only believe[Only believe, only believe]
170Give me oil in my lamp, oil in my lamp[Give me oil in my lamp, oil in my lamp]
171I have sweet joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart[I have sweet joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart]
172I'm up, right in, right out, right down, right happy all the time[I'm up, right in, right out, right down, right happy all the time]
173For we'll be dwelling together[For we'll be dwelling together]
174The birds upon the tree-tops sing their song[The birds upon the tree-tops sing their song]
175In my heart, in my heart[In my heart, in my heart]
176Good morning to you[Good morning to you]
177Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children[Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children]
178Ever since I met the Savior, I'm feeling grand[Ever since I met the Savior, I'm feeling grand]
179I've got a home in gloryland that outshines the sun[I've got a home in gloryland that outshines the sun]
180I believe, you believe, God is good[I believe, you believe, God is good]
181Aint it a shame to work on Sunday[Aint it a shame to work on Sunday]
182Ev'rybody ought to love Jesus[Ev'rybody ought to love Jesus]
183If Jesus leads this army[If Jesus leads this army]
184He knows how, yes, He knows how[He knows how, yes, He knows how]
185Jesus, when He left the sky[Jesus, when He left the sky]
186Ev'rybody on the Lord's side[Ev'rybody on the Lord's side]
187Well, I love somebody[Well, I love somebody]
188If you want to talk about somebody[If you want to talk about somebody]
189Doing little things for Jesus[Doing little things for Jesus]
190Chilly waters runnin' cold[Chilly waters runnin' cold]
191Happy am I and cloudless the sky[Happy am I and cloudless the sky]
192Sweet is the tho't when a storm is sweeping[Sweet is the tho't when a storm is sweeping]
193Lean on the mighty arm of Jesus[Lean on the mighty arm of Jesus]
194As you travel along on the Jericho road[As you travel along on the Jericho road]
195Makes me love ev'rybody[Makes me love ev'rybody]
196You may ask me where I'm headed, you may ask me where I'm bound[You may ask me where I'm headed, you may ask me where I'm bound]
197Search me, O God, and know my heart today[Search me, O God, and know my heart today]

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