Hymns, Original and Selected, for the use of Christians

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d101How tedious and tasteless [restless and tiresome] the hours
d102How vain are the pleasures of time
d103How vain the wretch that dares employ
d104Humble souls, who [that] seek salvation
d105I am, saith Christ, the Way
d106I asked the Lord that I might grow
d107I, Jesus, am ascended high
d108I set myself against the Lord
d109I sing a song which doth belong
d110I sojourn in a vale of tears
d111I'm glad I ever saw the day
d112In Jordan's tide [waves] the Baptist [prophet] stands
d113In the house of king David a fountain
d114In this extreme distress of soul
d115Innumerable foes attack the child of God
d116Is there anybody here like leprous Naaman
d117Is this unpleasing cup now given
d118Isr'l in ancient days
d119Jerusalem, my happy home, O how I long for thee
d120Jesus, and shall it ever be
d121Jesus, at thy command
d122Jesus Christ has [hath] power alone
d123Jesus, let not thy grace delay
d124Jesus, thou omniscient Savior
d125Jesus, thy blessings are not few
d126Jesus, thy gospel armor gird
d127Jesus, we love thy name
d128Jesus, while he dwelt below
d129Join all who love the Savior's name
d130Kindred, and friends, and native land
d131Know then [this] that every soul [one] is free
d132Laugh, ye profane, and swell and burst
d133Let every mortal ear attend
d134Let me lie prostrate on the ground
d135Let party names no more
d136Let strife forever cease
d137Let us ask the important question
d138Life and immortal joys are given
d139Listed into the cause of sin
d140Long have I trod the way to hell
d141Lord, at thy table I [we] behold The wonders of thy grace
d142Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing
d143Lord God of grace, I feel, I see
d144Lord, I cannot let thee go Till a blessing thou bestow
d145Lord, let me never go
d146Lord, search and try this heart of mine
d147Lord, 'tis an infinite delight
d148May the grace of Christ [God] our [the] Savior
d149Mercy, O thou Son of David
d150Methinks the last great day is come
d151'Mong all the priests of Jewish race
d152More than ten years have rolled away
d153My Captain sounds the alarm of war
d154My Christ is my [a] friend, To Him I attend
d155My days, my [and] weeks, my [and] months, my [and] years
d156My soul doth magnify the Lord, My spirit doth
d157My thoughts, that oft ascend [often mount] the skies
d158Nations attend, let every mortal hear
d159Never does truth more shine
d160No, I shall envy them no more
d161No man, nor angel, can compare With our all glorious God
d162Not all the blood of beast [beasts], On Jewish altars
d163Not the malicious or [nor] [and] profane
d164Not with our mortal eyes have we beheld the Lord
d165Now far above these [the] starry skies
d166Now from the garden to [of] the cross
d167Now in a song of grateful praise [love]
d168Now the Savior stands [standeth] [standing] a-pleading [and pleading]
d169Now to the pilgrims born of God
d170Now we are met in holy fear to hear the happy
d171Now whilst I try my heart
d172O am I born to die
d173O blessed souls are they
d174O for a glance of heavenly day
d175O God, my heart with love inflame
d176O God, whose favorable eye
d177O how I love thy holy law
d178O how sweet it is to me
d179O is the king of terrors come
d180O Jesus, my Savior, to Thee I submit
d181O Lord, how dangerous is the place
d182O Lord, I pray that thou wilt show
d183O sinners, fly to Jesus' arms
d184O tell me no more of this [the] world's vain [vain world's] store
d185O that the Lord would guide my [our] ways
d186O thou who stoopedst from realms of light
d187O what a burdened soul I be
d188O what a cruel wretch am I to leave my Jesus so
d189O what a hardened wretch am I
d190O what a state my soul is in
d191O what a wretched sinner, Lord
d192O when shall I [we] see Jesus and dwell [reign] with Him above
d193O with what pleasure we behold
d194O wretched soul, I now begin
d195O ye blood washed, ransomed sinners
d196O ye immortal throng Of angels round the throne
d197O'er the [those] gloomy hills of darkness
d198On a sweet summer's evening, as I walked the street
d199On Zion, his own holy mount, God will a feast prepare
d200Once more, dear brethren, join to sing

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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