Hymns and Songs of Praise for Public and Social Worship

Editor: Roswell D. Hitchcock, Zachary Eddy, Philip Schaff
Publisher: A. S. Barnes & Co., New York / Chicago, 1874
Language: English
Notes: Hymns, Doxologies (D) and Chants (C) are numbered separately.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
399O how I love Thy holy lawPage Scan
400Let all the heathen writers joinPage Scan
401Lamp of our feet, whereby we tracePage Scan
402Hail, sacred truth, whose piercing raysPage Scan
403The heavens declare Thy glory, LordPage Scan
404'Twas by an order from the LordPage Scan
405God, in the gospel of His SonPage Scan
406The starry firmament on highPage Scan
407O Word of God incarnatePage Scan
408From the cross uplifted highPage Scan
409Ye who in His courts are foundPage Scan
410Hearts of stone, relent, relentPage Scan
411The voice of free grace cries, Escape to the mountainPage Scan
412O come to the merciful Saviour that calls youPage Scan
413O turn ye, O turn ye, for why will ye diePage Scan
414To-day the Saviour calls, Ye wanderers, comePage Scan
415Come, said Jesus’ sacred voicePage Scan
416Sinners, turn, why will you die?Page Scan
417Blow ye the trumpet, blowPage Scan
418Fair shines the morning starPage Scan
419Come, ye sinners, poor and wretchedPage Scan
420Sinners, will you scorn the messagePage Scan
421Life is the time to serve the LordPage Scan
422Why will ye waste on trifling caresPage Scan
423While life prolongs its precious lightPage Scan
424Haste, traveller, haste! the night comes onPage Scan
425Say, sinner, hath a voice withinPage Scan
426Come, sinners, to the gospel feastPage Scan
427Sinners, obey the gospel wordPage Scan
428Behold, a stranger's at the doorPage Scan
429Come hither, all ye weary soulsPage Scan
430Of Him who did salvation bringPage Scan
431Return, O wanderer, returnPage Scan
432Come, weary souls, with sin distrestPage Scan
433O come, ye sinners, to your LordPage Scan
434Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languishPage Scan
435Peace, troubled soul, whose plaintive moanPage Scan
436Art thou weary, art thou languidPage Scan
437Come unto me, when shadows darkly gatherPage Scan
438Ye trembling captives, hearPage Scan
439Now is the accepted timePage Scan
440Come, take His offers nowPage Scan
441"All things are ready," ComePage Scan
442The Spirit, in our heartsPage Scan
443Come to the land of peacePage Scan
444Like Noah's weary dovePage Scan
445Salvation! O the joyful sound!Page Scan
446Let every mortal ear attendPage Scan
447The Saviour calls, let every earPage Scan
448Ye wretched, hungry, starving poorPage Scan
449Come, happy souls, approach your GodPage Scan
450Child of sin and sorrow, Filled with dismayPage Scan
451Prostrate, dear Jesus, at Thy feetPage Scan
452Lord, at Thy feet a sinner liesPage Scan
453When wounded sore the stricken soulPage Scan
454O Lord, turn not Thy face from mePage Scan
455Approach, my soul, the mercy-seatPage Scan
456O Thou, whose tender mercy hearsPage Scan
457Jesus, Thou art the sinner's Friend!Page Scan
458Have mercy, Lord, on mePage Scan
459Did Christ o'er sinners weepPage Scan
460Is this the kind returnPage Scan
461Thou Lord of all abovePage Scan
462O where shall rest be foundPage Scan
463Out of the deep I callPage Scan
464My former hopes are fledPage Scan
465Show pity, Lord, O Lord, forgivePage Scan
466O thou who hear'st when sinners cryPage Scan
467Lord, I am vile, conceived in sinPage Scan
468O that my load of sin were gone!Page Scan
469Jesus, the sinner's Friend, to TheePage Scan
470Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, stayPage Scan
471Depth of mercy, can there bePage Scan
472Come, ye weary sinners, comePage Scan
473Sovereign Ruler, Lord of allPage Scan
474Thou who didst on Calvary bleedPage Scan
475Holy Spirit, from on highPage Scan
476Does the Gospel word proclaimPage Scan
477God calling yet! shall I not hear?Page Scan
478Return, my roving heart, returnPage Scan
479Heart-broken, friendless, poor, cast downPage Scan
480A broken heart, my God, my KingPage Scan
481With broken heart and contrite sighPage Scan
482Hear, gracious God, a sinner's cryPage Scan
483O for a glance of heavenly dayPage Scan
484Come, humble sinner, in whose breastPage Scan
485Jesus, Thou art my RighteousnessPage Scan
486And must I part with all I havePage Scan
487Lord, I hear of showers of blessingPage Scan
488Pass me not, O gentle SaviourPage Scan
489Wretched, helpless, and distrestPage Scan
490Open, Lord, my inward earPage Scan
491Jesus, Name all names abovePage Scan
492Jesus, full of all compassionPage Scan
493Take me, O my Father, take mePage Scan
494Come, my Redeemer, comePage Scan
495Jesus, transporting sound!Page Scan
496Just as I am, without one pleaPage Scan
497Just as thou art, without one tracePage Scan
498The wanderer no more will roamPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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