Hymns and Songs of Praise for Public and Social Worship

Editor: Roswell D. Hitchcock, Zachary Eddy, Philip Schaff
Publisher: A. S. Barnes & Co., New York / Chicago, 1874
Language: English
Notes: Hymns, Doxologies (D) and Chants (C) are numbered separately.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
199A pilgrim through this lonely worldPage Scan
200My dear Redeemer, and my LordPage Scan
201Awhile in spirit, Lord, to TheePage Scan
202Behold, the blind their sight receivePage Scan
203On Jordan's banks the Baptist's cryPage Scan
204When, like a stranger on our spherePage Scan
205How sweetly flowed the gospel's soundPage Scan
206How beauteous were the marks divinePage Scan
207O Lord, when we the path retracePage Scan
208What grace, O Lord, and beauty shonePage Scan
209The winds were howling o'er the deepPage Scan
210O, where is He that trod the seaPage Scan
211Thine arm, O Lord, in days of oldPage Scan
212O Master, it is good to bePage Scan
213O wondrous type, O vision fairPage Scan
214Let every heart exulting beatPage Scan
215"See how He loved!" exclaimed the JewsPage Scan
216In love, the Father's sinless childPage Scan
217Ride on, ride on in majesty!Page Scan
218To Thee be glory, honor, praisePage Scan
219What are those soul-reviving strainsPage Scan
220'Tis midnight; and on Olive's browPage Scan
221Behold the Man! how glorious HePage Scan
222The morning dawns upon the placePage Scan
223Many woes had Christ enduredPage Scan
224Lord, in this Thy mercy's dayPage Scan
225Zion's Daughter, weep no morePage Scan
226Go to dark GethsemanePage Scan
227I see the crowd in Pilate's hallPage Scan
228For me vouchsafed the unspotted LambPage Scan
229To Calvary, Lord, in spirit nowPage Scan
230Alas, and did my Saviour bleed?Page Scan
231Behold the Saviour of mankindPage Scan
232O Jesus, sweet the tears I shedPage Scan
233O'erwhelmed in depths of woePage Scan
234Not all the blood of beastsPage Scan
235Like sheep we went astrayPage Scan
236Jesus, the Christ of GodPage Scan
237Raise your triumphant songsPage Scan
238O sacred Head, now woundedPage Scan
239O Jesus, we adore TheePage Scan
240O blessed feet of Jesus, Weary with seeking mePage Scan
241O Jesus, Thou art standingPage Scan
242Ye that pass by, behold the ManPage Scan
243Lord Jesus, when we stand afarPage Scan
244O come, and mourn with me awhilePage Scan
245When I survey the wondrous crossPage Scan
246"'Tis finished!" so the Saviour criedPage Scan
247From Calvary a cry was heardPage Scan
248Surely Christ thy griefs hath bornePage Scan
249When on Sinai's top I seePage Scan
250Near the cross was Mary weepingPage Scan
251From the cross the blood in fallingPage Scan
252Hark, the voice of love and mercyPage Scan
253Come to Calvary's holy mountainPage Scan
254Now, my soul, thy voice upraisingPage Scan
255He, Who once in righteous vengeancePage Scan
256In evil long I took delightPage Scan
257Come, see the place where Jesus liesPage Scan
258Resting from His work todayPage Scan
259All is o'er, the pain, the sorrowPage Scan
260"Christ, the Lord, is risen today"Page Scan
261Jesus Christ is risen to-dayPage Scan
262Hail to Thee, our risen KingPage Scan
263Angels, roll the rock awayPage Scan
264Jesus Christ is risen to-day, HallelujahPage Scan
265Christ, the Lord, is risen againPage Scan
266Yes, the Redeemer rosePage Scan
267The happy morn is comePage Scan
268The atoning work is donePage Scan
269Done is the work that savesPage Scan
270Mary to her Saviour's tombPage Scan
271Sons of Zion, raise your songsPage Scan
272How calm and beautiful the mornPage Scan
273The morning purples all the skyPage Scan
274I say to all men, far and nearPage Scan
275Ye choirs of new JerusalemPage Scan
276O Jesus, when I think of TheePage Scan
277"The Lord is risen indeed"Page Scan
278Thou art gone up on highPage Scan
279Jesus, the Conqueror, reignsPage Scan
280Our Lord is risen from the deadPage Scan
281Lord, Thy church hath seen Thee risePage Scan
282"I know that my Redeemer lives"Page Scan
283He dies, the Friend of sinners diesPage Scan
284He lives, the Great Redeemer livesPage Scan
285O Lord most High, Eternal KingPage Scan
286Hail the day that sees Him risePage Scan
287He is gone! and we remainPage Scan
288We did not see Thee lifted highPage Scan
289Now have I found the ground whereinPage Scan
290Rise, glorious Conqueror, risePage Scan
291Let us awake our joysPage Scan
292Glory to God on highPage Scan
293Come, all ye saints of GodPage Scan
294Welcome, Thou victor in the strifePage Scan
295Beyond the glittering starry skiesPage Scan
296Crown Him with many crownsPage Scan
297Throned high is Jesus nowPage Scan
298The Lord on high ascendsPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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