The Hymns of "Happy Voices" (without music)

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d201There is beauty all around when there's love at home
d202There is no name so sweet on earth, No name so sweet in heaven
d203There's a beautiful home for thee, brother
d204There's a bright unfading crown
d205There's a land of peerless beauty
d206There's a voice in the air
d207There's beauty in the sunshine
d208Thine earthly Sabbath [Sabbaths], Lord we love
d209This is not my [a] place of resting
d210This life is a battle 'gainst Satan and sin
d211This life is a race, And brief is the space
d212This world is not my home, I know
d213This world's a wilderness, and dangers cluster
d214To thee, my God and [my] Savior, my heart
d215Today the Savior calls, ye wanderers come
d216Watchman, tell us of the night
d217We are homeward bound to the land of light [life] and love
d218We are on our journey home, Where Christ our Lord
d219We soon shall leave this foreign land
d220We speak of the realms of the blest
d221We three kings of [from] Orient are
d222We won't [we'll not] give up the Bible, God's holy book of truth
d223We're marching to the camp above
d224We're passing along to our home in the skies
d225We're traveling home to heaven above
d226What are these [those] soul reviving strains
d227What to me are earth's pleasures
d228When I can read my title clear
d229When I survey the wondrous cross
d230When Jesus, the meek, and the lowly, was here
d231When many to the Savior's feet
d232When marshalled on the nightly [mighty] plain
d233When shall we meet again, Meet ne'er [more] to sever
d234When we are twenty one boys
d235Who can describe the joys that rise
d236Who shall sing if not the children
d237Would you be as angels are
d238Ye angels, who stand round the throne
d239Youthful pilgrims, whither bound

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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