The Latter-Day Saint's Psalmody. lst ed.

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d1A holy angel from on high
d2A saint, and is the title mine
d3Adieu, my dear brethren, adieu
d4All praise to our redeeming Lord
d5An angel came down from the mansions of glory
d6And are we yet alive
d7At first, the Babe of Bethlehem
d8Behold the Savior comes, ye saints
d9Come, let us purpose with one heart
d10Come, thou Desire of all thy saints
d11Earth is the place where Christ will reign
d12Farewell, ye servants of the Lord
d13Father, how wide thy glory shines
d14From all that [who] dwell [dwells] below the [in earth and] skies
d15Glory to thee, my [our] God [O Lord], this night [day]
d16God spake the word, and time began
d17Great Spirit, listen to the red man's wail
d18Haste glorious day, when Christ shall come
d19Hosanna to the great Messiah
d20How foolish to the carnal mind
d21How have the nations grown corrupt
d22How swift the months have passed away
d23I'll serve the Lord while I am young
d24Jesus, from whom all blessings flow
d25Jesus, thou all redeeming Lord
d26Let earth and heaven agree [combine]
d27Let every mortal ear attend
d28Let sinners take their course
d29Lord, make thy mercy known
d30Lord, when iniquities abound
d31Mourn not the dead who peaceful lay
d32My soul is full of peace and love
d33Now, is the voice that nature breathes
d34O awake my slumbering minstrel
d35O God, thou great, thou good, thou wise
d36O happy souls, who pray, Where God appoints to hear
d37O Lord, do thou thy gifts bestow
d38O Lord, preserve thy chosen seed
d39O thou who hast promised in love to receive
d40Peace, troubled soul, thou needest [need'st] not fear
d41Salvation, sacred word of love
d42See how the morning [mounting] [rising] sun
d43The day is past and gone, the evening shades appear
d44The glorious day is rolling on
d45The God that others worship is not the God for me
d46The happy day has rolled on
d47There's a feast of fat things for the righteous preparing
d48This God is the God we adore
d49This morning in silence I ponder
d50Thou, earth, wast once a glorious sphere
d51To him who reigns [rules] on high
d52Torn from our friends and captive led
d53Unvail [Unveil] thy bosom, faithful tomb
d54We have met dear friends and brethren
d55What fair one is this from the wilderness
d56What glorious scenes mine eyes behold
d57What wondrous things we now behold
d58When all thy [your] mercies, O my [our] God [gracious Lord]
d59When Joseph his brethren beheld
d60When quiet in my house I sit
d61With all my [our] [the] power [powers] of heart and tongue
d62Ye differing, jarring sects attend
d63Ye saints who dwell on Europe's shore
ad1Blessed are they that have the faith
ad2God be with you till we meet again
ad3God of our fathers, known of old
ad4Have I done any good in the world today
ad5In thy temple, great Jehovah, assembled Give we praise
ad6Not now but in the coming years it may be in the better dand
ad7O awake my slumbering minstrel
ad8There is a green hill far away, Without a city wall
[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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