Living Way: our first 1952 book for singing conventions, singing schools, Sunday schools, etc.

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
00In this world we meet with disappointments[In this world we meet with disappointments]
1aThe love of the Savior is precious indeed[The love of the Savior is precious indeed]
1Walking with Jesus hand in hand[Walking with Jesus hand in hand]
2There's a happy land on the golden strand[There's a happy land on the golden strand]
3When you are lonely in this land[When you are lonely in this land]
4While in the valley of sin and shame[While in the valley of sin and shame]
5O was it with pleasure or do you seek treasure[O was it with pleasure or do you seek treasure]
6When the saints of God are gathered round the throne[When the saints of God are gathered round the throne]
7Walking by faith in Christ, our Redeemer[Walking by faith in Christ, our Redeemer]
8There's a city somewhere in God's great unknown[There's a city somewhere in God's great unknown]
9I am thankful for the blessings I enjoy each day[I am thankful for the blessings I enjoy each day]
10As you walk each day in the upward way[As you walk each day in the upward way]
11Christ, the Lord is coming, coming by and by[Christ, the Lord is coming, coming by and by]
12Sailing on life's restless ocean[Sailing on life's restless ocean]
13The myst'ries of this life you ponder[The myst'ries of this life you ponder]
14Since I the Lord have found and He has turned me round[Since I the Lord have found and He has turned me round]
15Sunrise in Heaven, happy we'll be[Sunrise in Heaven, happy we'll be]
16There will be a great convention over in bright glory land[There will be a great convention over in bright glory land]
17Loved ones dear are waiting yonder[Loved ones dear are waiting yonder]
18Over death's tide my soul soon must sail[Over death's tide my soul soon must sail]
19Happy in Jesus as we travel along[Happy in Jesus as we travel along]
20When the Lord comes in a cloud that morning, I know[When the Lord comes in a cloud that morning, I know]
21Just as I am! without one plea[Just as I am! without one plea]
22Shadows are gath'ring, the night is approaching[Shadows are gath'ring, the night is approaching]
23Hear now my prayer, O Lord[Hear now my prayer, O Lord]
24Jesus left His home on high, came to earth to bleed and die[Jesus left His home on high, came to earth to bleed and die]
25There is a fountain filled with blood[There is a fountain filled with blood]
26If you would reach the Master's great reward[If you would reach the Master's great reward]
27Once my soul was bound in darkness[Once my soul was bound in darkness]
28There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus[There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus]
29I once was lost down deep in sin[I once was lost down deep in sin]
30There is a Book I love to read[There is a Book I love to read]
31When cares of life upon you roll[When cares of life upon you roll]
32Won't you come and go with me down the trail of memory[Won't you come and go with me down the trail of memory]
33My Lord, what could I do without You?[My Lord, what could I do without You?]
34Some day I shall reach my home on high[Some day I shall reach my home on high]
35Drifting along, without a song[Drifting along, without a song]
36I have a Savior dear, I seek His favor here[I have a Savior dear, I seek His favor here]
37Is it true what they say about heaven?[Is it true what they say about heaven?]
38When storm clouds rise and fill the skies with shadows overhead[When storm clouds rise and fill the skies with shadows overhead]
39The Savior came down from His glory above[The Savior came down from His glory above]
40Here on earth I'm always moving[Here on earth I'm always moving]
41When the cares of life have ended[When the cares of life have ended]
42Move up the gospel highway that leads us on[Move up the gospel highway that leads us on]
43Some glad day there'll be no sorrow[Some glad day there'll be no sorrow]
44When I was far from my blessed Savior, out on the hills of sin[When I was far from my blessed Savior, out on the hills of sin]
45What infinite grace for Adam's lost race[What infinite grace for Adam's lost race]
46When we have crossed the crystal river into that land on yonder shore[When we have crossed the crystal river into that land on yonder shore]
47There's a city above, made thru wonderful love[There's a city above, made thru wonderful love]
48I was in darkness and could not see[I was in darkness and could not see]
49I love the good old Bible[I love the good old Bible]
50On the hills of glory there moves a mighty throng[On the hills of glory there moves a mighty throng]
51Father in heav'n above, be Thou my guide[Father in heav'n above, be Thou my guide]
52When you're all alone, without the Lord[When you're all alone, without the Lord]
53Blessed Savior, stay close beside me[Blessed Savior, stay close beside me]
54Won't it be grand to be in glory, with the Redeemer there to dwell[Won't it be grand to be in glory, with the Redeemer there to dwell]
55Far over the mountain and hilltop[Far over the mountain and hilltop]
56I've had a little talk with Jesus[I've had a little talk with Jesus]
57Brightly beams our Father's mercy[Brightly beams our Father's mercy]
58O dear Lord, don't call me now, for I'm not ready[O dear Lord, don't call me now, for I'm not ready]
59Be good! Be good! We must be very good[Be good! Be good! We must be very good]
60Sadness and sorrow surround us as we go[Sadness and sorrow surround us as we go]
61Dear Lord, I am Thine[Dear Lord, I am Thine]
62O what great rejoicing in our home so fair[O what great rejoicing in our home so fair]
63Dear Father, I pray Thee each morning[Dear Father, I pray Thee each morning]
64I am on my way to the holy city[I am on my way to the holy city]
65Praise God, from whom all blessings flowOLD HUNDRED
66We cannot know the moment the Son of God may come[We cannot know the moment the Son of God may come]
67Love looked on me, from Calvary[Love looked on me, from Calvary]
68Life can be beautiful down here below[Life can be beautiful down here below]
69From bonds of sin and a life of despair[From bonds of sin and a life of despair]
70Once I was lost in deep despair[Once I was lost in deep despair]
71On Jordan's stormy banks I stand[On Jordan's stormy banks I stand]
72Ev'rybody ought to know[Ev'rybody ought to know]
73There'll be no shadows in heaven[There'll be no shadows in heaven]
74Evening shadows are falling[Evening shadows are falling]
75Rock of Ages, cleft for me[Rock of Ages, cleft for me]
76I walked life's pathway sad and lonely[I walked life's pathway sad and lonely]
77God's love flows on across the ages[God's love flows on across the ages]
78If I should rise to wealth or fame[If I should rise to wealth or fame]
79My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine[My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine]
80Some morning fair on wings of love[Some morning fair on wings of love]
81It may not be in morning's light[It may not be in morning's light]
82I once was lost down deep in sin, but Jesus came and took me in[I once was lost down deep in sin, but Jesus came and took me in]
83Lead me onward, blessed Savior[Lead me onward, blessed Savior]
84In this world of tribulation, sadness rules on ev'ry hand[In this world of tribulation, sadness rules on ev'ry hand]
85Softly now the light of day[Softly now the light of day]
86Many years ago on bended knees[Many years ago on bended knees]
87"Thy will be done" is the way to pray["Thy will be done" is the way to pray]
88Jesus, the Master, now for your help is pleading[Jesus, the Master, now for your help is pleading]
89Jesus, help me now I pray[Jesus, help me now I pray]
90I like to read the Bible each day, it tells me of the heavenly way[I like to read the Bible each day, it tells me of the heavenly way]
91In Thy love, dear Lord, dismiss us[In Thy love, dear Lord, dismiss us]
92You may hide your sins from this old world[You may hide your sins from this old world]
93O happy day, that fixed my choice[O happy day, that fixed my choice]
94There's a land of beauty[There's a land of beauty]
95Amazing grace, how sweet the sound[Amazing grace, how sweet the sound]
96We enjoy our conventions but they're soon past and gone[We enjoy our conventions but they're soon past and gone]
97From His lofty throne in heaven[From His lofty throne in heaven]
98Oft we meet in sweet communion with friends whom we love so[Oft we meet in sweet communion with friends whom we love so]

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