The Methodist Hymnal (Text only edition)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
601Lo! He comes, with clouds descendingPage Scan
602Christ is coming! let creationPage Scan
603That day of wrath, that dreadful dayPage Scan
604There is a land of pure delightPage Scan
605How happy every child of gracePage Scan
606Give me the wings of faith to risePage Scan
607And let this feeble body failPage Scan
608Jerusalem, my happy home!Page Scan
609There is an hour of peaceful restPage Scan
610O mother dear, Jerusalem!Page Scan
611Come, let us join our friends abovePage Scan
612Jerusalem, the goldenPage Scan
613Hark, the sound of holy voicesPage Scan
614For thee, O dear, dear countryPage Scan
615The homeland! O the homeland!Page Scan
616Christian, dost thou see themPage Scan
617On Jordan's stormy banks I standPage Scan
618Ten thousand times ten thousandPage Scan
619Who are these arrayed in whitePage Scan
620One sweetly solemn thoughtPage Scan
621Hark, hark, my soul! angelic songs are swellingPage Scan
622O Paradise! O Paradise!Page Scan
623Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsPage Scan
624How happy is the pilgrim's lotPage Scan
625Forever with the Lord!Page Scan
626I saw the holy cityPage Scan
627Beyond the smiling and the weepingPage Scan
628My heavenly home is bright and fairPage Scan
629Thou whose almighty wordPage Scan
630Soon may the last glad song arisePage Scan
631Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
632Jesus, immortal King, arise!Page Scan
633From all the dark placesPage Scan
634Tell it out among the people that the Lord is KingPage Scan
635Christ for the world we singPage Scan
636Watchman, tell us of the nightPage Scan
637Hasten, Lord, the glorious timePage Scan
638Light of those whose dreary dwellingPage Scan
639Fling out the banner! let it floatPage Scan
640Go, ye messengers of God!Page Scan
641Flung to the heedless windsPage Scan
642The Lord will come and not be slowPage Scan
643See how great a flame aspiresPage Scan
644Look from thy sphere of endless dayPage Scan
645Great God, the nations of the earthPage Scan
646Hark, the song of jubileePage Scan
647On the mountain's top appearingPage Scan
648Lord, if at thy commandPage Scan
649Praise the Saviour, all ye nationsPage Scan
650Hail to the Lord's anointedPage Scan
651Kingdom of light, whose morning starPage Scan
652Tell the blessed tidingsPage Scan
653The morning light is breakingPage Scan
654O Zion, haste, thy mission high fulfillingPage Scan
655From Greenland's icy mountainsPage Scan
656Great King of glory, comePage Scan
657On this stone, now laid with prayerPage Scan
658O Lord of hosts, whose glory fillsPage Scan
659Thou, whose unmeasured temple standsPage Scan
660The perfect world by Adam trodPage Scan
661Come, O thou God of gracePage Scan
662Christ is made the sure foundationPage Scan
663And will the great eternal GodPage Scan
664O Lord, our God, almighty KingPage Scan
665Jehovah, God, who dwelt of oldPage Scan
666We rear not a temple, like Judah's of oldPage Scan
667Since Jesus freely did appearPage Scan
668O perfect love, all human thought transcendingPage Scan
669Thou gracious God whose mercy lendsPage Scan
670Father of all, thy care we blessPage Scan
671O happy home where thou art loved the dearestPage Scan
672Shepherd of tender youthPage Scan
673Beauteous are the flowers of earthPage Scan
674Hushed was the evening hymnPage Scan
675Wilt thou hear the voice of praisePage Scan
676Saviour, teach me, day by dayPage Scan
677Saviour, like a shepherd lead usPage Scan
678By cool Siloam's shady rillPage Scan
679Hosanna! be the children's songPage Scan
680There's a Friend for little childrenPage Scan
681Brightly gleams our bannerPage Scan
682I think, when I read that sweet story of oldPage Scan
683Christ, who once amongst usPage Scan
684There was a time when children sangPage Scan
685Jesus, meek and gentlePage Scan
686The Lord, our God, alone is strongPage Scan
687Almighty Lord, with one accordPage Scan
688We give thee but thine ownPage Scan
689Dear ties of mutual succor bindPage Scan
690Who is thy neighbor?Page Scan
691Help us, O Lord, thy yoke to wearPage Scan
692O Lord of heaven and earth and seaPage Scan
693Pour thy blessings, Lord, like showersPage Scan
694She loved her SaviourPage Scan
695When Jesus dwelt in mortal clayPage Scan
696O how can they look up to heavenPage Scan
697Rescue the perishingPage Scan
698Mourn for the thousands slainPage Scan
699Think gently of the erring onePage Scan
700O Lord, our fathers oft have toldPage Scan

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