Message of Victory

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1My soul is filled with joy and gladnessPage Scan
2O hear the glad message of victoryPage Scan
3My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousnessPage Scan
4I was sinking deep in sinPage Scan
5The blood of Jesus, atonement madePage Scan
6I never tread life's path alonePage Scan
7A message of peace from Christ on His thronePage Scan
8Spread the news of victoryPage Scan
9The Master calls, does he call in vainPage Scan
10What a wonderful change in my life has been wroughtPage Scan
11There's joy in believing the promise of GodPage Scan
12Some day I'll dwell in heavenPage Scan
13I've enlisted for the King to fightPage Scan
14I today am dwelling Where the songsPage Scan
15I love my Savior, yes I doPage Scan
16Marching onward, walking in the lightPage Scan
17I have a friend in JesusPage Scan
18When the toils of life are o'erPage Scan
19O the love of God makes the sunshinePage Scan
20Sailor listen to the storm bells toilingPage Scan
21Look ye saints the sight is gloriousPage Scan
22Only the blood of my SaviorPage Scan
23O Jesus, at thy feet I fallPage Scan
24Hark, the stirring trumpet call I hearPage Scan
25Lord, I hear of [that] [the] showers of blessingPage Scan
26I am thinking today Of a mansion abovePage Scan
27Whisper the name of JesusPage Scan
28Our Lord, the King of gloryPage Scan
29I have a hope so clear and brightPage Scan
30Though life's pathway may lead through the shadowsPage Scan
31We're soldiers now in war's arrayPage Scan
32When all the patriarchs abodePage Scan
33Though trouble assail us, and dangers affrightPage Scan
34Crown him King, crown him KingPage Scan
35There's a crown to win in the fight with sinPage Scan
36Jesus is all the world to mePage Scan
37My soul like a tempest was tossed to and froPage Scan
38When the Christian's life is overPage Scan
39Come unto me, the Savior is callingPage Scan
40When the day of Pentecost was fully comePage Scan
41Why leap ye, O mountains, and why do you skipPage Scan
42Lo Jesus comes in power and glory greatPage Scan
43Kept for the use of the MasterPage Scan
44When I first found JesusPage Scan
45We are marching on with shield and bannerPage Scan
46The service of Jesus true pleasure affordsPage Scan
47Jesus has a [the] table spreadPage Scan
48For Jesus' sake, when the heart groweth wearyPage Scan
49"Almost saved--but lost"Page Scan
50Jerusalem, my home abovePage Scan
51As thy day, thy strength shall bePage Scan
52If a storm should gatherPage Scan
53I wandered far away from GodPage Scan
54O reapers of life's harvest, behold the ripened grain TextPage Scan
55Awake, my soul, in [to] joyful [joyous] laysPage Scan
56On to realms supernal, Christ our Captain leadsPage Scan
57I need thy presence each passing hourPage Scan
58In Canaan I've joys that will ever abidePage Scan
59Jesus, I had heard thee callingPage Scan
60See yonder gallant blood washed hostPage Scan
61The day of God's gracePage Scan
62There is a name of wondrous sweetnessPage Scan
63Blessed Savior, draw me nearer to thy wounded, bleeding sidePage Scan
64To sin I once was in bondagePage Scan
65Once I did not know the Savior, once my lifePage Scan
66We shall meet no more to severPage Scan
67O, Lord, when alone and dreary is the nightPage Scan
68Great peace have they who love thy lawPage Scan
69O blessed is the peoplePage Scan
70Who are these [those] arrayed in whitePage Scan
71Lift your eyes of faith and seePage Scan
72Down at the cross where my [the] Savior diedPage Scan
73O now I see the crimson [cleansing] wavePage Scan
74Hark the dear Savior's knockPage Scan
75My sins were more than I could countPage Scan
76We are children of the Lord; We clap our hands with gleePage Scan
77Why wait in sorrow for the tomorrowPage Scan
78When Christ to Heav'n ascended, the disciples saw Him goPage Scan
79The whole world was lost in the darkness of sinPage Scan
80The spacious firmament on highPage Scan
81I love to tell the story Of unseen things abovePage Scan
82Give me the wings of faith, to risePage Scan
83Brightly beams our Father's mercyPage Scan
84When days of toil have all gone byPage Scan
85There is a gate that stands ajarPage Scan
86Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breakethPage Scan
87O could I speak the matchless worthPage Scan
88How happy, gracious Lord, are wePage Scan
89Let worldly minds the world pursuePage Scan
90O Jesus, at Thy feet we waitPage Scan
91O joyful sound of gospel grace!Page Scan
92Majestic sweetness sits enthroned Upon the Savior's browPage Scan
93In evil long I took delightPage Scan
94O glorious hope of perfect love!Page Scan
95I heard the voice of Jesus say, "Come unto me and rest"Page Scan
96Let ev'ry mortal ear attendPage Scan
97Ten thousand times ten thousand, In sparkling raiment brightPage Scan
98Amazing grace! how sweet the soundPage Scan
99She loved her Savior, and to Him Her costliest present broughtPage Scan
100And can I yet delay My little all to give?Page Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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