The New Golden Shower: containing the Gems of the "Golden Shower," with about one-half additional (new) pieces, designed for sunday schools, social, missionary and temperance meetings

Editor: W. B. Bradbury
Publisher: William B. Bradbury, New York, 1866
Language: English
Notes: These hymns are numbered by the page numbers.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
3Lo the fields are white for harvest readyPage Scan
4O what beauties adorn the bright Sabbath mornPage Scan
5What sound is this, a song [sound] through heaven resoundingPage Scan
6Children can you truly tellPage Scan
7We come, we come, with loud acclaimPage Scan
8There is a land of pleasure, Where streams of joy forever rollPage Scan
9Go bear the joyful tidingsPage Scan
10From every stormy wind [sense] that blowsPage Scan
10bWanderer from God, return, returnPage Scan
11Doth sorrow's shadow hover o'er theePage Scan
11bO Jesus, full of truth and gracePage Scan
12The days for play are pastPage Scan
13The God of love will sure indulgePage Scan
13bJust as thou art, without one tracePage Scan
13cSavior, now receive HimPage Scan
14O be warned of your dangerPage Scan
14bO how sweet when we minglePage Scan
15There's a crown for you and mePage Scan
16I ought to love my SaviorPage Scan
17Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna!Page Scan
18Lo the Sunday school army is outPage Scan
19Father, whate'er of earthly blissPage Scan
19bThe Shepherd of soulsPage Scan
20Traveler, whither art thou goingPage Scan
20bA crown of glory brightPage Scan
21There is a place of sacred [waveless] rest, Far, far beyond the skiesPage Scan
22O when will be ended our warfarePage Scan
23Another year, another year, by God's gracePage Scan
24There's a country, dear childrenPage Scan
25Shall we gather at [by] the river, Where bright angel feet have trodPage Scan
26Hushed be my murmuringsPage Scan
27There's a beautiful landPage Scan
28Friends of temperance, quick to armsPage Scan
29Will you walk with us the narrow wayPage Scan
30We know not what's before usPage Scan
31How many in our favored landPage Scan
32Ah this heart is void and chillPage Scan
32bJesus, thou art the sinner's friendPage Scan
33O God of truth, to thee I cry
33bHow sweet will be the welcome homePage Scan
34Come, ye [you] [we] that [who] love the Lord [Christ], And let your [our] joysPage Scan
34bHear, gracious God [Lord], my humble moan [prayer]Page Scan
35We lift our voices, in a strainPage Scan
36Shout the tidings of salvationPage Scan
37Another week has passed awayPage Scan
37bNow I resolve with all my heartPage Scan
38We are bound for Canaan's happy landPage Scan
38bWe love to sing togetherPage Scan
39Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleepPage Scan
40If I were a sunbeam, I know what I would do IPage Scan
40bForth we go on a bright Sabbath mornPage Scan
41'Tis a blessed thought to knowPage Scan
42We are now in youth's bright morningPage Scan
43Praise the Lord, when blushing morningPage Scan
43bCome, Holy Spirit, calm my [each] mindPage Scan
44We seek the golden cityPage Scan
45Come let us be joyful and minglePage Scan
46Go forth ye glad heraldsPage Scan
47Go forth, young soldier [soldiers] of the crossPage Scan
48Take thy cross and follow mePage Scan
49Glory to the Father give, God, in whomPage Scan
49bLord, I believe; Thy power I ownPage Scan
50My latest sun is sinking fast, My race is nearly runPage Scan
51Sweet carols let us singPage Scan
52Forward shall be our watchwordPage Scan
53All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fallCORONATIONPage Scan
53bWhat glory gilds the sacred pagePage Scan
53cYes, I will bless thee, O my GodPage Scan
54List, the Sabbath bells so merrily ringingPage Scan
55O will you join our happy bandPage Scan
55bLord, when we bend before thy [the] thronePage Scan
56Just as I am, without one pleaPage Scan
56bO I'm a happy bluebird, sober, as you seePage Scan
58Through the new JerusalemPage Scan
59The flowers drink their morning draughtPage Scan
60There's a beautiful landPage Scan
61O we're a band of brethren dear, I belong to this band, HallelujahPage Scan
62Ye soldiers of the cross, rise, and put yourPage Scan
63I'll think of my Savior when daylight is breakingPage Scan
64Through a strange countryPage Scan
65Sing them, my [dear] children, sing them stillPage Scan
65bBe still, repining heartPage Scan
66Speed away, speed away, happy soul of the blestPage Scan
67We come with rejoicingPage Scan
68Jesus loves me, this I know, For the BiblePage Scan
68bWork, for the night is comingPage Scan
69Love sounds in her sighsPage Scan
70A pilgrim and a stranger herePage Scan
71O Jesus, precious, bleeding LambPage Scan
72O give me a harp on the bright hills of gloryPage Scan
73Jesus is our morning StarPage Scan
73bGlorious hope, eternal lifePage Scan
74We have come rejoicing on this happy dayPage Scan
75When clouds hang darkly o'er my wayPage Scan
76He who once to earth came downPage Scan
77Mother, tell me, do not tremblePage Scan
77bEarth may robe her fairest blossomsPage Scan
78Jesus is our Shepherd, wiping every tearPage Scan
78bCome unto me [him], when shadows darkly gatherPage Scan
79In the greenwood sweetly sleepingPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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