The New York Choralist: a new and copious collection of Psalm and hymn tunes adapted to all the various metres in general use with a large variety of anthems and set pieces

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
195Not to our names, thou only just and truePage Scan
196Again returns the day of holy restPage Scan
196bThe God of glory sends his summons forthPage Scan
197Blessed be thy name foreverPage Scan
198O Jesus, delight of my soul My Savior, my Shepherd divinePage Scan
198bThou Shepherd of Isr'l, and mine [divine]Page Scan
199Alas how poor and little worthPage Scan
200Inspirer and hearer of prayerPage Scan
200bO Jesus, my Lord and my GodPage Scan
201Sweet the moments, rich in blessingPage Scan
201bGreat God, what do I [we] see and hearPage Scan
202Know, my soul, thy full salvationPage Scan
202bO lay not up on this vain earthPage Scan
203Far from mortal cares retreatingPage Scan
203bShepherds, hail the wondrous strangerPage Scan
204Will the Lord in loving kindnessPage Scan
205Love divine, all loves [love] excellingPage Scan
206What is life, 'tis but [all] a vaporPage Scan
206bLook ye saints the sight is gloriousPage Scan
207Angels from the realms of gloryPage Scan
207bCome to Calvary's holy mountain, Sinners ruined by the fallPage Scan
208Lo he comes from heaven descending sent to judgePage Scan
208bO'er the [those] gloomy hills of darknessPage Scan
209When we pass through yonder riverPage Scan
209bOn the mountain [mountain's] top appearingPage Scan
210Hear, O sinner, mercy hails [calls] youPage Scan
210bYes, we trust the day is breakingPage Scan
211Zion, dreary and in anguishPage Scan
211bWatchmen, onward to your stationsPage Scan
212Gently, Lord, O gently lead usPage Scan
212bPraise to God, the great Creator, BounteousPage Scan
212cLovely is the face of naturePage Scan
213Hark, those happy voices saying Yet there's roomPage Scan
213bPeople of the living God! I have sought the worldPage Scan
214Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathedPage Scan
214bSing Hallelujah, praise [ye] the LordPage Scan
215Lord, we come before thee nowPage Scan
215bWhen my cries ascend to theePage Scan
216Sovereign Ruler of the skiesPage Scan
216bBrother, though from yonder skyPage Scan
216cAngel [Angels], roll the rock [stone] awayPage Scan
217Softly fades the twilight rayPage Scan
217bHark, the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn KingPage Scan
218On thy church, O Power divinePage Scan
218bNow before thy throne we bendPage Scan
219Come, my soul, thy suit preparePage Scan
219bWake the song of jubileePage Scan
220Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] flyPage Scan
221Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsPage Scan
221bSing hallelujah, praise the LordPage Scan
222Go to dark [sad] GethsemanePage Scan
223God is my [our] strong salvationPage Scan
224When shall the voice of singing flowPage Scan
224bTime is winging us awayPage Scan
225Christ the [our] Lord is [has] risen today, [Alleluia] [Sons of men]Page Scan
226Roll on, thou mighty ocean, And as thy billowsPage Scan
226bThe rosy light is dawningPage Scan
227Why sinks my soul despondingPage Scan
227bOnward speed thy conquering flightPage Scan
228Child of sorrow, child of carePage Scan
229God of evening and of morning, Great SourcePage Scan
229bForgive my folly, O Lord most holyPage Scan
230There is a calm for those who [that] weepPage Scan
230bGlory to God on high, Let earth to heaven replyPage Scan
231Hark, hark! a shout of joyPage Scan
231bThrough thy protecting carePage Scan
232My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of CalvaryPage Scan
232bChild of sorrow, child of carePage Scan
232cLowly and solemn be they children's cryPage Scan
233Heirs of an immortal crownPage Scan
234Rejoice in the Lord, believe in his wordPage Scan
234bYe [You] servants of God [Christ] your Master proclaimPage Scan
235Why that look of sadnessPage Scan
236Hark! from yonder mount arisePage Scan
236bStar of peace to wanderers weary [dreary]Page Scan
237Soft and holy is the placePage Scan
238There is an hour of peaceful restPage Scan
240To Father, Son, and Holy GhostPage Scan
241Our souls by [in] love together knit [drawn] [joined]Page Scan
242Thou soft [sweet] flowing [gliding] Kedron [Cedron], by thy silver [limpid] streamPage Scan
243Who, O Lord, when life is o'erPage Scan
244Arise, O Lord, into thy resting placePage Scan
246To Father, Son, and Holy GhostPage Scan
248Pilgrim, is thy journey drearPage Scan
249We seek a rest beyond the skiesPage Scan
252He dies, the Friend of sinners diesPage Scan
256Why art thou cast downPage Scan
260When the worn spirit wants reposePage Scan
263Blessed be the name, the name of the LordPage Scan
264Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praisedPage Scan
266Much in sorrow, oft in woePage Scan
268Calm on the listening earPage Scan
272Go to thy rest in peace, And softPage Scan
273Return, O wanderer, to thy homePage Scan
274And ye shall seek mePage Scan
275O, praise the Lord, all ye nationsPage Scan
276Blessed are the peoplePage Scan
278Ho! every one that thirstethPage Scan
280Come, ye disconsolate, where'er you languishPage Scan
282Cast thy burden on the LordPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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