Precious Abiding Peace

Editor: J. R. Baxter
Publisher: Stamps Baxter Music and Printing Co., Dallas, 1960
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
100There is a land not far away, Where roses bloom
101The love of Christ still reaches
102Jesus patiently stands and knocks
103We'll join our voices in songs of praise
104We're on life's speeding railroad
105One day is now set apart each year
106Are you burdened with a load of sin
107Jesus is calling to you
108You need a great Savior to cheer
109If I believe that Jesus is the Son of God
110When the morning sun is rising all
111When the world was lost in sadness
112In my heart there blooms a flower
113O how wonderful to tell the story
114If the path ahead fills your heart with dread
115Some day the silver cord will break, and I
116Since salvation is free
117Zion's call sweetly rings over
118Beautiful evening, serene
119In waves of confusion my vessel
120Oft I sit in meditation, thinking
121I am dreaming of my childhood
122Out of the east in days of old
123Sweet the assurance that Jesus has given
124Precious indeed is the Bible
125Down at the cross where my [the] Savior died
126As a nation we've been prone to wander
127Into paths of sin my feet were drifting
128On life's ocean wide with a storm
129I'm a stranger in your city
130Across the sea, across the sea
131Sing the praise of Jesus as you go along
132It seems God's chosen people must
133The pathway before me has dangers
134As I turned a leaf in my notebook
135You tell of a wonderful Savior
136Some day I'll see beyond the skies
137Over the mystical river today
138Round your soul are chains that
139I have found the road
140All nature speaks to us of God
141Jesus never will forsake us
142Here I join my friends in song
143I have a home in that city above
144Blessed Redeemer draw near
145In this vale of sorrow, friends
146But for love and mercy
147When Isr'l came to Jordan
148What can wash away my sin [sins] [stain]
149At my feet the chilly Jordan
150As you daily travel on your journey
151Though I see not what's before me
152I looked in vain for solace
153Like gentle showers feedPage Scan
154There is a rift in the clouds above
155My soul was drifting far from the road
156I'll be waiting at the portal
157I can't tell you why salvation cost
158I am trusting in the promise of
159Once I walked in sin's dark pathway
160Oft the ties that we cherish are broken
161O let your heart be glad
162Life has been no bed of roses
163Since I found the blessed Savior
164In a melancholy moment
165There stood the Savior scourged
166Take a look at the cross
167Tempted and tried we're oft made to [we often do] wonder [wander]

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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