Psalms and Hymns, for Christian Use and Worship

Editor: General Association of Connecticut
Publisher: Durrie and Peck, New Haven, Conn., 1845
Denomination: Congregationalist Churches
Language: English
Notes: Psalms, Hymns, Doxologies and Chants are numbered separately
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
P93.3The Lord of glory reigns; he reigns on highPage Scan
P93.4The Lord Jehovah reignsPage Scan
P93.5The floods, O Lord, lift up their voicePage Scan
P94.1O God, to whom revenge belongsPage Scan
P94.2Who will arise and plead my rightPage Scan
P95.1Sing to the Lord Jehovah's namePage Scan
P95.2Come, sound his praise abroadPage Scan
P95.3O come, let us sing to the LordPage Scan
P95.4Come, let our voices join to raisePage Scan
P96.1Let all the earth their voices raisePage Scan
P96.2Sing to the Lord our GodPage Scan
P96.3Sing to the Lord, ye distant landsPage Scan
P97.1Th'Almighty reigns, exalted highPage Scan
P97.2The Lord is come; the heavens proclaimPage Scan
P97.3He reigns; the Lord, the Saviour reigns!Page Scan
P97.4Ye lands and isles of every seaPage Scan
P98.1To our almighty Maker, GodPage Scan
P98.2Joy to the world! the Lord is comePage Scan
P99.1The Lord, Jehovah, reignsPage Scan
P99.2Exalt the Lord our GodPage Scan
P100.1Ye nations round the earth, rejoicePage Scan
P100.2Before Jehovah's awful thronePage Scan
P100.3With one consent, let all the earthPage Scan
P100.4Sing to the Lord most highPage Scan
P100.5O be joyful in the LordPage Scan
P100.6Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earthPage Scan
P101.1Mercy and judgment are my songPage Scan
P101.2Of justice and of grace I singPage Scan
P102.1Hear me, O God, nor hide thy facePage Scan
P102.2Sense can afford no real joyPage Scan
P102.3Swift as declining shadows passPage Scan
P102.4Let Zion and her sons rejoicePage Scan
P102.5It is the Lord our Saviour's handPage Scan
P102.6Through endless years thou art the samePage Scan
P103.1Bless, O my soul, the living GodPage Scan
P103.2O bless the Lord, my soul!Page Scan
P103.3My soul, repeat his praisePage Scan
P103.4The Lord, how wondrous are his ways!Page Scan
P103.5The mighty God, the wise and justPage Scan
P103.6The Lord, the sovereign KingPage Scan
P104.1My soul, thy great Creator praisePage Scan
P104.2Vast are thy works, almighty Lord!Page Scan
P105Give thanks to God, invoke his namePage Scan
P106.1To God, the great, the ever blestPage Scan
P106.2O render thanks to God abovePage Scan
P106.3God of eternal lovePage Scan
P107.1Give thanks to God; he reigns abovePage Scan
P107.2From age to age exalt his namePage Scan
P107.3Vain man, on foolish pleasures bentPage Scan
P107.4Would you behold the works of GodPage Scan
P107.5Thy works of glory, mighty LordPage Scan
P107.6They that toil upon the deepPage Scan
P107.7Thank and praise Jehovah's namePage Scan
P107.8When God, provoked with daring crimesPage Scan
P108.1Again, my tongue, thy silence breakPage Scan
P108.2Awake, my soul, to shout his praisePage Scan
P109God of my mercy and my praisePage Scan
P110.1Jesus, our Lord, ascend thy thronePage Scan
P110.2Thus the eternal Father spakePage Scan
P111.1Songs of immortal praise belongPage Scan
P111.2Great is the Lord: his works of mightPage Scan
P112.1Thrice happy man, who fears the LordPage Scan
P112.2Happy is he that fears the LordPage Scan
P112.3That man is blest, who stands in awePage Scan
P112.4Beset with threatening dangers roundPage Scan
P113.1Ye that delight to serve the LordPage Scan
P113.2Ye servants of th'almighty KingPage Scan
P113.3All his servants, join to singPage Scan
P114.1When Israel, freed from Pharoah's handPage Scan
P114.2When forth from Egypt's trembling strandPage Scan
P115.1Not to ourselves, who are but dustPage Scan
P115.2Not to our names, thou only just and truePage Scan
P116.1I love the Lord; he heard my criesPage Scan
P116.2I love the Lord;-- his gracious earPage Scan
P116.3What shall I render to my GodPage Scan
P117.1O all ye nations, praise the LordPage Scan
P117.2From all that dwell below the skiesPage Scan
P117.3Thy name, Almighty LordPage Scan
P117.4All ye nations, praise the LordPage Scan
P117.5Jehovah's praise sublimePage Scan
P118.1The Lord appears my helper nowPage Scan
P118.2Lord, thou hast heard thy servant cryPage Scan
P118.3Behold the sure foundation-stonePage Scan
P118.4This is the day the Lord hath madePage Scan
P118.5See what a living stonePage Scan
P118.6Lo! what a glorious corner-stonePage Scan
P119.1Blest are the undefiled in heartPage Scan
P119.2To thee, before the dawning lightPage Scan
P119.3Thou art my portion, O my GodPage Scan
P119.4How shall the young secure their heartsPage Scan
P119.5O how I love thy holy law!Page Scan
P119.6Lord, I esteem thy judgments rightPage Scan
P119.7Let all the heathen writers joinPage Scan
P119.8The starry heavens thy rule obeyPage Scan
P119.9Lord, I have made thy word my choicePage Scan
P119.10Thy mercies fill the earth, O LordPage Scan
P119.11Behold thy waiting servant, LordPage Scan
P119.12O that the Lord would guide my waysPage Scan
P119.13My God, consider my distressPage Scan
P119.14With my whole heart I've sought thy facePage Scan

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