Prayer and Praise: or Hymns and Tunes for Prayer Meetings, Praise Meetings, Experience Meetings, Revivals, Missionary Meetings and all special occasions of Christian work and worship

Editor: Rev. Atticus G. Haygood, D.D., R. M. McIntosh
Publisher: J. W. Burke & Co. , Nashville, 1883
Denomination: Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845- . Souther
Language: English
Notes: This hymnal does not contain hymn numbers 88 or 89. Pretty tricky, I know.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
302Praise the Saviour, all ye nationsHARWELLPage Scan
303Come, thou long-expected JesusPage Scan
304Hail, sweetest, dearest tie that bindsREMEMBRANCEPage Scan
305Joyful sound that I love to hear[Joyful sound that I love to hear]Page Scan
306There's a wail from the islands of the sea[There's a wail from the islands of the sea]Page Scan
307Tell it out among the nations that the Lord is King![Tell it out among the nations that the Lord is King!]Page Scan
308There's a cry from Macedonia[There's a cry from Macedonia]Page Scan
309Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
310From all that dwell below the skiesPage Scan
311Assembled at thy great commandPage Scan
312From all the dark places[From all the dark places]Page Scan
313Come, Lord, and tarry notPage Scan
314Jesus, immortal King, arise!Page Scan
315Though now the nations sit beneathPage Scan
316From Greenland's icy mountainsPage Scan
317The harvest dawn is nearPage Scan
318Into the tent where a gipsy boy lay[Into the tent where a gipsy boy lay]Page Scan
319Ye Christian heralds, go, proclaimPage Scan
320Far down the ages nowPage Scan
321On the mountain's top appearingPage Scan
322Thy name, almighty LordPage Scan
323In the desert, days of old[In the desert, days of old]Page Scan
324He that goeth forth with weepingBURKEPage Scan
325Say not "For the harvest wait"SLATERPage Scan
326The morning light is breakingPage Scan
327In the wondrous times of oldPage Scan
328Hark! the herald angels sing[Hark! the herald angels sing]Page Scan
329Holy night! peaceful night![Holy night! peaceful night!]Page Scan
330Tidings of joy, oh, wonderful story![Tidings of joy, oh, wonderful story!]Page Scan
331How calm and beautiful the morn[How calm and beautiful the morn]Page Scan
332We three kings of Orient are[We three kings of Orient are]Page Scan
333Hark! hark! my soul, Angelic songs are swelling[Hark! hark! my soul, Angelic songs are swelling]Page Scan
334Go ye to the woodlands[Go ye to the woodlands]Page Scan
335Once o'er Judea's hills by night[Once o'er Judea's hills by night]Page Scan
336Jesus, the Conqu'eror, reignsPAULPage Scan
337List! list to the chime of the Christmas bells[List! list to the chime of the Christmas bells]Page Scan
338Christ, the Lord, is risen today!LEBANONPage Scan
339Welcome, Christmas, welcome here[Welcome, Christmas, welcome here]Page Scan
340"The Lord is risen indeed"Page Scan
341There's a song in the air![There's a song in the air!]Page Scan
342Joy to the world, the Lord is come!ANTIOCHPage Scan
343O'er the hills and adown the snowy dells[O'er the hills and adown the snowy dells]Page Scan
344Sing we now the praises[Sing we now the praises]Page Scan
345When marshall'd on the nightly plain[When marshall'd on the nightly plain]Page Scan
346He has finished his work, and his journey is over[He has finished his work, and his journey is over]Page Scan
347They're gathering homeward from ev'ry land[They're gathering homeward from ev'ry land]Page Scan
348Beloved, "It is well"[Beloved, "It is well"]Page Scan
349Why lament the Christian dying?[Why lament the Christian dying?]Page Scan
350Up to the bountiful Giver of life[Up to the bountiful Giver of life]Page Scan
351God's word is full of promises[God's word is full of promises]Page Scan
352Like shadows that fly[Like shadows that fly]Page Scan
353Why do we mourn departing friendsPage Scan
354How blest the righteous when he dies!Page Scan
355We would praise thee and bless thee, our Father[We would praise thee and bless thee, our Father]Page Scan
356Come, let us join with one accordPage Scan
357Safely through another weekPage Scan
358Thine earthly sabbaths, Lord, we lovePage Scan
359Another six days' work is donePage Scan
360Beautiful day! Radiant thy light![Beautiful day! Radiant thy light!]Page Scan
361He dies! the Friend of sinners dies!BOTTOMLEYPage Scan
362That doleful night before his deathPage Scan
363The King of heaven his table spreadsPage Scan
364This is the feast of heavenly winePage Scan
365Another year's rich mercies prove[Another year's rich mercies prove]Page Scan
366Come, let us anew Our journey pursuePage Scan
367Thou Judge of quick and deadPage Scan
368We thank thee, Lord of heav'n and earthPage Scan
369Look abroad o'er the fields of the nation[Look abroad o'er the fields of the nation]Page Scan
370The heavens declare thy glory, LordPage Scan
371How shall the young secure their heartsPage Scan
372Let everlasting glories crownPage Scan
373Once more, my soul, the rising dayPage Scan
374See how the morning sunPage Scan
375Blest are the sons of peacePage Scan
376Now from the altar of my our heartsPage Scan
377Saviour, breathe an evening blessingPage Scan
378Thus far the Lord hath led me onPage Scan
379Glory be to the Father, Glory be to the Son, Glory be to the Holy Ghost[Glory be to the Father, Glory be to the Son, Glory be to the Holy Ghost]Page Scan
380Now let the Father, and the SonST. ANN'SPage Scan
381Praise God, from whom all blessings flowOLD HUNDREDPage Scan
382Praise to the Father, and the SonSUMMERSPage Scan
383Where the faded flow'rs shall freshen[Where the faded flow'rs shall freshen]Page Scan
384When the mists have rolled in splendor[When the mists have rolled in splendor]Page Scan
385I will rejoice with gladness deep[I will rejoice with gladness deep]Page Scan
386The Lord is my Shepherd, away then with care[The Lord is my Shepherd, away then with care]Page Scan
387There is a beautiful story[There is a beautiful story]Page Scan
388Come unto me, all ye weary and worn[Come unto me, all ye weary and worn]Page Scan
389To the heavenly Jerusalem[To the heavenly Jerusalem]Page Scan
390I have read of a beautiful city[I have read of a beautiful city]Page Scan
391Heav'nly Father, keep me near thee![Heav'nly Father, keep me near thee!]Page Scan
392Only when vict'ry ends the fray[Only when vict'ry ends the fray]Page Scan
393Sleeper, awake! the sun is high[Sleeper, awake! the sun is high]Page Scan
394Nothing but leaves! the Spirit grieves[Nothing but leaves! the Spirit grieves]Page Scan
395Bear ye one another's burdens[Bear ye one another's burdens]Page Scan
396Saviour, lead me, lest I stray[Saviour, lead me, lest I stray]Page Scan
397I have heard of a country where pilgrim's forever[I have heard of a country where pilgrim's forever]Page Scan
398Each cooing dove and sighing bough[Each cooing dove and sighing bough]Page Scan
399As down in the sunless retreats of the ocean[As down in the sunless retreats of the ocean]Page Scan
400I know not if the dark or bright[I know not if the dark or bright]Page Scan
401O who is this that cometh From Edom's crimson plain[O who is this that cometh From Edom's crimson plain]Page Scan

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