Perfect Peace: our 1946 book for singing conventions, singing schools, Sunday schools, etc.

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00"Love ye one another," is the Lord's command["Love ye one another," is the Lord's command]Page Scan
1aJesus, my Savior, came down from glory-land[Jesus, my Savior, came down from glory-land]
1From the warring and strife of nations[From the warring and strife of nations]
2Crowns of gold are waiting on the other shore[Crowns of gold are waiting on the other shore]
3We are traveling to our home above[We are traveling to our home above]
4When the sun of life is sinking[When the sun of life is sinking]
5I am on my way to glory and that city of delight[I am on my way to glory and that city of delight]
6In a little while this fleeting life will all be o'er[In a little while this fleeting life will all be o'er]
7The angels came down and took mother away[The angels came down and took mother away]
8Take time, Christian friend, for devotion[Take time, Christian friend, for devotion]
9You cannot detour to heaven[You cannot detour to heaven]
10I've many dear friends with silvery hair[I've many dear friends with silvery hair]
11Each day you live, pray to the Lord[Each day you live, pray to the Lord]
12The time will come when we'll part forever[The time will come when we'll part forever]
13O my brother, dear, be ye of good cheer[O my brother, dear, be ye of good cheer]
14I was alone, far out on life's sea[I was alone, far out on life's sea]
15When life is a burden and all things seem wrong[When life is a burden and all things seem wrong]
16The old ship of Zion is sailing for home[The old ship of Zion is sailing for home]
17Dear are the mem'ries of childhood[Dear are the mem'ries of childhood]
18"Man of Sorrows," what a name["Man of Sorrows," what a name]
19When we shall leave this world of woe[When we shall leave this world of woe]
20Once I was wandering out in the cold[Once I was wandering out in the cold]
21In Thy vineyard, let me labor I pray[In Thy vineyard, let me labor I pray]
22On the sea of life we're rowing[On the sea of life we're rowing]
23I've a precious friend in whom I'm daily trusting[I've a precious friend in whom I'm daily trusting]
24Jesus, I my cross am taking[Jesus, I my cross am taking]
25Here in this lowland of struggle and strife[Here in this lowland of struggle and strife]
26This earth life is filled with trials and cares[This earth life is filled with trials and cares]
27I'm pressing on the homeward way[I'm pressing on the homeward way]
28Mother's gone from earth to heaven[Mother's gone from earth to heaven]
29I'm counting on Jesus to keep me each day[I'm counting on Jesus to keep me each day]
30Somehow tonight, I've a lonesome feeling[Somehow tonight, I've a lonesome feeling]
31Tho' I travel this wide world o'er[Tho' I travel this wide world o'er]
32If you sow flowers they surely will bloom[If you sow flowers they surely will bloom]
33There's an old lonely road by an old rugged cross[There's an old lonely road by an old rugged cross]
34I'm on my journey to heaven my home[I'm on my journey to heaven my home]
35Jesus has promised me[Jesus has promised me]
36If you see a brother troubled and sad[If you see a brother troubled and sad]
37Christ is King and Lord of all, O praise His name[Christ is King and Lord of all, O praise His name]
38There's a beautiful home in the garden above[There's a beautiful home in the garden above]
39Only the grace of Jesus could save me[Only the grace of Jesus could save me]
40As along life's way you go[As along life's way you go]
41Here our earthly tie is broken[Here our earthly tie is broken]
42How I love the stately beauty of the tall and whisp'ring pines[How I love the stately beauty of the tall and whisp'ring pines]
43Jesus the Lord came to earth[Jesus the Lord came to earth]
44Away over yonder in that home on high[Away over yonder in that home on high]
45I've wandered so long in sin's dark way[I've wandered so long in sin's dark way]
46There is a land, a happy land[There is a land, a happy land]
47I remember well in the long ago[I remember well in the long ago]
48Here my burdens are heavy in this old world below[Here my burdens are heavy in this old world below]
49I am on my way to heaven[I am on my way to heaven]
50There's a home in glory[There's a home in glory]
51Christ our Lord is leading us by love[Christ our Lord is leading us by love]
52I am so happy, glad and free[I am so happy, glad and free]
53I'm on my way to heav'n above[I'm on my way to heav'n above]
54March along with a song, as you walk in the pilgrim way[March along with a song, as you walk in the pilgrim way]
55Brother, if you'd be spreading good cheer[Brother, if you'd be spreading good cheer]
56Once I wandered far from God, away from hope and light[Once I wandered far from God, away from hope and light]
57I tried to be but couldn't be a Christian, in my heart[I tried to be but couldn't be a Christian, in my heart]
58When the evening shadows gather[When the evening shadows gather]
59Once I was lonely and filled with dismay[Once I was lonely and filled with dismay]
60I will serve the blessed Lord each passing day[I will serve the blessed Lord each passing day]
61Sinners walking in the paths of sin[Sinners walking in the paths of sin]
62In the Bible we are told of a city paved with gold[In the Bible we are told of a city paved with gold]
63I know not the hour when my Lord will come[I know not the hour when my Lord will come]
64Plodding along this heavenly way, leading to eternal day[Plodding along this heavenly way, leading to eternal day]
65I often in sweet slumber land retrace my steps alone[I often in sweet slumber land retrace my steps alone]
66Some of these days I'm going up high[Some of these days I'm going up high]
67Live the life, live the life, live the life[Live the life, live the life, live the life]
68When this weary life is o'er and we meet on heaven's shore[When this weary life is o'er and we meet on heaven's shore]
69I'm coming now, dear Lord, to Thee[I'm coming now, dear Lord, to Thee]
70Often times you feel discouraged[Often times you feel discouraged]
71There'll be no shadows in heaven[There'll be no shadows in heaven]
72Living daily here for Jesus[Living daily here for Jesus]
73When the storms of life assail me[When the storms of life assail me]
74I will take Jesus wherever I go[I will take Jesus wherever I go]
75God be with you till we meet again[God be with you till we meet again]
76I have a great Redeemer, sent down from heav'n above[I have a great Redeemer, sent down from heav'n above]
77Rock of Ages, cleft for me[Rock of Ages, cleft for me]
78I've turned from sin and started on the journey leading up to the home above[I've turned from sin and started on the journey leading up to the home above]
79Changeful may be my lot[Changeful may be my lot]
80When my labor here is done[When my labor here is done]
81Blessed Jesus, Thou art kind[Blessed Jesus, Thou art kind]
82Onward, comrades, all rejoicing in the love of heaven's mighty Lord[Onward, comrades, all rejoicing in the love of heaven's mighty Lord]
83Blest be the tie that binds[Blest be the tie that binds]
84Many years I wandered in the dreary paths of sin[Many years I wandered in the dreary paths of sin]
85We praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy love[We praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy love]
86I heard a sweet song on the radio[I heard a sweet song on the radio]
87My country, 'tis of thee[My country, 'tis of thee]
88Just a little while then I'll be leaving all my trouble here below[Just a little while then I'll be leaving all my trouble here below]
89On Jordan's stormy banks I stand[On Jordan's stormy banks I stand]
90On the cross of Calvary, Jesus died to set me free[On the cross of Calvary, Jesus died to set me free]
91Well, I'm saved and sanctified[Well, I'm saved and sanctified]
92I'm glad that I can tell to one and all that I am in the glory way[I'm glad that I can tell to one and all that I am in the glory way]
93When I reach that happy home[When I reach that happy home]
94Since I gave Jesus full control[Since I gave Jesus full control]
95I'm glad to know that peace has now come[I'm glad to know that peace has now come]
96Back from the days of my childhood[Back from the days of my childhood]
97Amazing grace, how sweet the sound[Amazing grace, how sweet the sound]
98There's a picture that I often see[There's a picture that I often see]

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