The People's Praise Book or Carmina Sanctorum

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d401Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
d402New every morning is the love
d403No, not despairingly come I to thee
d404No track is on the sunny sky
d405Not all the blood of beast [beasts], On Jewish altars
d406Now God be with us, for the night is closing
d407Now thank we all our God
d408Now the day is over, Night is drawing nigh
d409Now to the Lord, that [who] makes [made] us know
d410Now, when the dusky shades of night retreating
d411O cease, my wandering soul
d412O Christ, our King, Creator, Lord
d413O Christ, uplifted to the sky
d414O come and mourn with me awhile
d415O come, loud anthems let us sing, loud thanks
d416O, come to the merciful Savior
d417O day of rest [peace] and gladness
d418O deem not they are blest alone
d419O, for a [an] heart to praise [love] my God
d420O for a closer walk with God
d421O for a thousand tongues to sing my great [dear] Redeemer's praise
d422O for the death of those
d423O gift of gifts! O grace of faith! My God, how can it be
d424O God, beneath thy [your] guiding hand
d425O God, mine inmost soul convert
d426O God of Bethel, by whose hand
d427O God, our God, thou shinest here
d428O God, who metest in thy [thine] hand
d429[O] God, who [that] madest [made the] earth and heaven [sky]
d430O happy band of pilgrims
d431O happy day that fixed [seals] [stays] my choice
d432O holy, holy, holy Lord creation's sovereign
d433O Jesu [Jesus], thou art standing
d434O Jesu, Lord of heavenly grace
d435O Jesu, thou the beauty art
d436O Jesus Christ, grow thou in me
d437O Jesus, ever present, O Shepherd ever kind
d438O Jesus, King most wonderful
d439O Jesus, sweet the tears I shed
d440O Lord, how good, how great art thou
d441O Lord, how happy is the time
d442O Lord, how happy should [would] we [I] be
d443O Lord of heaven and earth and sea
d444O Lord, turn not thy face from me [them] who lie
d445O Lord, when we the path retrace
d446O love divine, how sweet [good] thou art
d447O Master, it is good to be
d448O mother dear, Jerusalem
d449O [Our] God, our help in ages [seasons] past
d450O Paradise, O Paradise, who doth [does] [would] not win thy rest
d451O praise our God today, His constant mercy bless
d452O Sacred Head now [once] [sore] wounded [surrounded]
d453O safe to the Rock that is higher than I
d454O Savior, who for man hast [has] trod The winepress of the wrath of God
d455O see how Jesus trusts himself
d456O Shepherd of the sheep
d457O Spirit of the living God, In all thy plenitude
d458O tender and sweet was the Master's [Father's, Savior's] voice
d459O that the Lord's salvation
d460O Thou, that hearest the prayer of faith
d461O thou to whose all searching sight
d462O thou who by a star didst guide
d463O thou who in Jordan didst bow
d464O thou whose own vast temple stands
d465O very God of very God
d466O where are the kings and empires now
d467O where is he that trod the sea
d468O where shall rest be found
d469O Word of God incarnate
d470O worship the King, all glorious above
d471O'er the distant mountains breaking comes the reddening dawn of day
d472O'er the [those] gloomy hills of darkness
d473O'erwhelmed in depths of woe
d474Of him who did salvation bring I could for ever think and sing
d475Oft in danger [sorrow], oft [and] in woe
d476On the mountain [mountain's] top appearing
d477On Zion, and on Lebanon
d478One [A] sweetly [sweet] solemn thought comes to me o'er and o'er
d479One there is above all others, well [who] deserves
d480Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the cross
d481Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed
d482Our day of praise is done
d483Our Lord, who knows full well
d484Our Savior bowed beneath the wave
d485Our yet unfinished story
d486Out of the deep I call
d487Out of the depths of woe
d488Palms of glory, raiment bright
d489Pass me not, O gentle Savior
d490Pass me not, O gracious Father
d491Pilgrim, burdened with thy sin, Haste to Zion's
d492Pleasant are Thy courts above In the land of light
d493Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
d494Praise the Lord, his glories [glory] show
d495Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore him
d496Praise the Rock of our salvation, Laud his name
d497Praise to God, immortal praise
d498Praise to God, who reigns above
d499Praise to the Holiest in the height
d500Praise to thee, thou [our] great creator

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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