Pilgrim Songster

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d101There is a place where my hope is [hopes are] stayed [staid]
d102This day my soul has [hath] caught on [new] fire
d103Those beasts shall trace the world around
d104To leave my dear friends, and with [from] my neighbors [kindred] to depart
d105What does the beast to us declare
d106What sound is this salutes mine [my] ear
d107What voice is this, is this sounds from the skies
d108When Christ, the Lord, was here below About the work
d109When for [the] eternal [heavenly] world [worlds] I [we] steer
d110When I first parted away from you
d111When shall I be delivered from sorrow and from sin
d112When shall we meet again, Meet ne'er [more] to sever
d113While angels strike their tuneful strings
d114While nature was sinking in stillness to rest
d115While sorrows encompass me round
d116Whither goest thou, pilgrim stranger
d117Ye children of Jesus, that's [that're] [who're] bound for the Kingdom
d118Ye happy souls, whose peaceful minds
d119Ye little flock, despised few
d120Ye people who [that] wonder at me and my ways
d121Ye saints of God come hear me tell
d122Ye soldiers of Jesus pray stand to your arms
d123Ye weary heavy laden souls
d124Yonder I see the Lord descending

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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