A Pastor's Selection of Hymns and Tunes: for Worship in the Church and Family

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
401Prostrate, dear Jesus, at thy feetPage Scan
402Lord, at thy feet we sinners lie Page Scan
403Out of the depths of woePage Scan
404I lift my soul to GodPage Scan
405Ah! what avails my strifePage Scan
406O my soul, what means this sadness?Page Scan
407"Ask, and ye shall receive"Page Scan
408The Spirit, in our heartsPage Scan
409Take my heart, O Father, take it!Page Scan
410Come, let us join our souls to GodPage Scan
411All that I was, my sin, my guiltPage Scan
412Ye saints, proclaim abroadPage Scan
413I'll speak the honors of my KingPage Scan
414Jesus, with all thy saints abovePage Scan
415Hail to the Lord's AnointedPage Scan
416Come, all ye saints of GodPage Scan
417Majestic sweetness sits enthronedPage Scan
418In thy cross, O Christ, we gloryPage Scan
419O Christ, what gracious wordsPage Scan
420What grace, O Lord, and beauty shonePage Scan
421Thy works, not mine, O Christ!Page Scan
422And can mine eyes, without a tearPage Scan
423O Sacred Head, now woundedPage Scan
424Jesus, who on Calvary's mountainPage Scan
425Thou only Sovereign of my heartPage Scan
426Now to the haven of thy breastPage Scan
427Just as I am, without one pleaPage Scan
428Lamb of God, we fall before theePage Scan
429I lay my sins on JesusPage Scan
430My faith looks up to theePage Scan
431Saviour, I look to theePage Scan
432Jesus, I come to theePage Scan
433My spirit on thy carePage Scan
434Awake, sweet gratitude, and singPage Scan
435With joy we meditate the gracePage Scan
436Where is my God? does He retirePage Scan
437Our Lord is risen from the deadPage Scan
438The head that once was crown'd with thornsPage Scan
439Enthroned is Jesus nowPage Scan
440Thou dear Redeemer, dying LambPage Scan
441Lord, lead the way the Saviour wentPage Scan
442Holy Ghost! with light divinePage Scan
443At anchor laid, remote from homePage Scan
444Forgiveness! 'tis a joyful soundPage Scan
445O happy day, that fix'd my choicePage Scan
446O could I find, from day to dayPage Scan
447Do not I love thee, O my Lord?Page Scan
448O my God, by thee forsakenPage Scan
449As pants the hart for cooling streamsPage Scan
450My Father, to thy mercy-seatPage Scan
451Courage, my soul! while God is nearPage Scan
452Return, my roving heart, returnPage Scan
453Thou Shepherd of Israel divinePage Scan
454How tender is thy handPage Scan
455O render thanks to God abovePage Scan
456My soul doth magnify the LordPage Scan
457Know, my soul! thy full salvationPage Scan
458Awake my soul, stretch every nervePage Scan
459Father of love and powerPage Scan
460Inspirer and Hearer of prayerPage Scan
461Peace to this our habitationPage Scan
462Almighty God, to-nightPage Scan
463Softly, now, the light of dayPage Scan
464Day's declining, stars are shiningPage Scan
465Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear usPage Scan
466Lord, a little band and lowlyPage Scan
467What a strange and wondrous storyPage Scan
468Saviour, who thy flock art feedingPage Scan
469Jesus Christ, my Lord and SaviourPage Scan
470Lord, assist us by thy gracePage Scan
471God of mercy, hear our prayerPage Scan
472Lord, thou hast scourged our guilty landPage Scan
473Praise to God, immortal praisePage Scan
474Oh that the Lord's salvationPage Scan
475When God restored our captive statePage Scan
476Triumphant Zion, lift thy headPage Scan
477O Spirit of the living GodPage Scan
478Come, Lord, and tarry notPage Scan
479Hark! the song of jubileePage Scan
480Thee we adore, eternal NamePage Scan
481And is this life prolong'd to me?Page Scan
482Jesus, while our hearts are bleedingPage Scan
483Alas! how changed that lovely flowerPage Scan
484O for an overcoming faithPage Scan
485Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!Page Scan
486Tarry with me, O my Saviour!Page Scan
487To Jesus, the crown of my hopePage Scan
D1Praise God from whom all blessings flowPage Scan
D2To God the Father, God the SonPage Scan
D3Let God the Father, and the SonPage Scan
D4To Father, Son, and Holy GhostPage Scan
D5Ye angels round the thronePage Scan
D6Give to the Father praisePage Scan
D7Now to the great and sacred ThreePage Scan
D8To Father, Son, and Holy GhostPage Scan
D9To God the Father's thronePage Scan
D10Sing we to our God abovePage Scan
D11Praise the Father, earth and heavenPage Scan
D12May the grace of Christ our SaviourPage Scan
D13Glory be to God the FatherPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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